Race and Ethnicity in Block Group 960100-3, Gilliam County, Oregon (Block Group)

Race and Ethnicity#1

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of Gilliam County and Block Group 960100-3
Block Group 960100-3
Gilliam County

Relative Race and Ethnicity#2

Race and Hispanic origin in Block Group 960100-3 as a percentage of the total population, expressed as percentage point difference from Gilliam County.
Scope: population of Gilliam County and Block Group 960100-3

Race among Hispanics#3

Percentage of the Hispanic population.
Scope: population of Gilliam County and Block Group 960100-3
Block Group 960100-3
Gilliam County

Map of Race and Ethnicity by Block in Block Group 960100-3

White Race and Ethnicity by Block#4

Whites (non-Hispanic) as a percentage of the population (%):

Hispanic Race and Ethnicity by Block#5

Hispanics (excluding black and Asian Hispanics) as a percentage of the population (%):

Black Race and Ethnicity by Block#6

Blacks as a percentage of the population (%):

Asian Race and Ethnicity by Block#7

Asians as a percentage of the population (%):

Mixed Race and Ethnicity by Block#8

Multiracial people (non-Hispanic) as a percentage of the population (%):

Other Race and Ethnicity by Block#9

Others (non-Hispanic) as a percentage of the population (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Race and Ethnicity by Block Group in Gilliam County

There are 3 block groups in Gilliam County. This section compares Block Group 960100-3 to all of the block groups in Gilliam County and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with Block Group 960100-3.

Non-White Population by Block Group#10

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of Block Group 960100-3, selected other block groups in Gilliam County, and entities that contain Block Group 960100-3
0%10%20%30%40%50%Count#PacificWestUnited States of AmericaUnited States960100-2B.G. 960100-2Oregon960100-1B.G. 960100-1960100Tract 960100Gilliam CountyGilliam960100-3B.G. 960100-331.291892%12.819817%5.178649%5.096690%54.387048%54.4%28,205,20328.2M29.073498%9.810051%5.221993%4.647949%48.753491%48.8%36,594,46336.6M16.909408%12.632487%5.215570%3.287546%38.045012%38.0%121,195,490121M21.063830%3.829787%0.000000%0.000000%24.893617%24.9%117112.284636%4.832072%4.021704%1.858539%22.996951%23.0%915,800916k8.705357%5.133929%0.669643%0.000000%14.508929%14.5%13029.722948%3.345531%0.313643%0.000000%13.382122%13.4%2569.722948%3.345531%0.313643%0.000000%13.382122%13.4%2561.645338%0.000000%0.000000%0.000000%1.645338%1.6%93

Relative Race and Ethnicity by Block Group#11

Percentage point difference from Block Group 960100-3.
Scope: population of Block Group 960100-3, selected other block groups in Gilliam County, and entities that contain Block Group 960100-3
-40%-20%-0%+20%+40%%#PacificWestUnited States of AmericaUnited States960100-2B.G. 960100-2Oregon960100-1B.G. 960100-1960100Tract 960100Gilliam CountyGilliam960100-3B.G. 960100-3-52.741710%-52.741710%-52.7%29.646553%5.096690%12.819817%3.638175%1.540474%52.741710%+52.7%105.483%105%-47.108153%-47.108153%-47.1%27.428160%4.647949%9.810051%3.201784%2.020209%47.108153%+47.1%94.216%94.2%-36.399673%-36.399673%-36.4%15.264070%12.632487%5.215570%2.261281%1.026266%36.399673%+36.4%72.799%72.8%-23.248279%-23.248279%-23.2%19.418492%0.000000%0.000000%0.000000%3.829787%23.248279%+23.2%46.497%46.5%1-21.351613%-21.351613%-21.4%10.639298%1.858539%4.021704%3.470435%1.361636%21.351613%+21.4%42.703%42.7%-12.863590%-12.863590%-12.9%7.060019%0.669643%0.000000%0.000000%5.133929%12.863590%+12.9%25.727%25.7%2-11.736784%-11.736784%-11.7%8.077610%0.313643%0.000000%0.000000%3.345531%11.736784%+11.7%23.474%23.5%-11.736784%-11.736784%-11.7%8.077610%0.313643%0.000000%0.000000%3.345531%11.736784%+11.7%23.474%23.5%0.000000%0.000000%0.000000%0.000000%0.000000%0.000000%0.000000%0.0%0.000%0%3

White1 Population by Block Group#12

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of Block Group 960100-3, selected other block groups in Gilliam County, and entities that contain Block Group 960100-3
0%20%40%60%80%Count#960100-3B.G. 960100-3960100Tract 960100Gilliam CountyGilliam960100-1B.G. 960100-1Oregon960100-2B.G. 960100-2United States of AmericaUnited StatesWestPacific98.354662%98.354662%98.4%538186.617878%86.617878%86.6%1,65786.617878%86.617878%86.6%1,65785.491071%85.491071%85.5%766277.003049%77.003049%77.0%3,066,4673.07M75.106383%75.106383%75.1%353361.954988%61.954988%62.0%197,362,672197M51.246509%51.246509%51.2%38,465,72738.5M45.612952%45.612952%45.6%23,654,94423.7M


Throughout these reports we will refer to several racial and ethnic groups, the definitions of which derive from those used by the US Census Bureau. In the interests of brevity and clarity we have combined several of the Census categories yielding the following mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive categories:

  • White: non-Hispanic whites
  • Hispanic: Hispanics, excluding black and Asian Hispanics
  • Black: blacks, including Hispanic blacks
  • Asian: Asians, including Hispanic Asians
  • Mixed: non-Hispanic mixed race people
  • Other: American Indians and other groups not otherwise categorized

In all cases, racial and ethnic classification is based on self-identification. While the term 'Hispanic' is an ethnic, not a racial, designation (and so there exist Hispanic and non-Hispanic people of all races), we conform with the common practice of comparing Hispanics with other racial groups. This is reflected in our categorization (listed above), and in our preference for the term 'ethno-racial group' in place of just 'race'. Finally, while these categories are used wherever possible, the data does not always allow this grouping, so it is important to read the footnotes of each chart to understand the definitions used therein.

For additional information about the data presented on this site, including our sources, please see the About Page.

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