Household Types in Tract 061100, Ellis County, Texas (Tract)

Household Types#1

Percentage of households.
Scope: households in Ellis County and Tract 061100
Tract 061100
Ellis County
0%20%40%60%CountMarried1Single Female1Single Male1One-Person2Other Non-Family269.877301%61.990967%69.877301%69.9%1,1397.975460%12.404513%7.975460%8.0%1304.478528%3.804621%4.478528%4.5%7315.644172%18.017583%15.644172%15.6%2552.024540%3.782317%2.024540%2.0%33

Family Household Types#2

Percentage of family households with children under the age of 18.
Scope: households in Ellis County and Tract 061100
Tract 061100
Ellis County
0%20%40%60%80%CountMarriedSingle MomsSingle Dads82.527301%74.229778%82.527301%82.5%5298.112324%20.381247%8.112324%8.1%529.360374%5.388975%9.360374%9.4%60

Families with Children#3

Percentage of households.
Scope: households in Ellis County and Tract 061100
Tract 061100
Ellis County
0%10%20%30%40%50%60%CountWith Children1Without Children239.325153%36.076055%39.325153%39.3%64160.674847%63.765961%60.674847%60.7%989

Household Types by Race#4

Percentage of households.
Scope: households in Ellis County and Tract 061100
Tract 061100
Ellis County
Other Non-Family1
Single Male2
Single Female2

Map of Household Types by Block Group in Tract 061100

Married Household Types by Block Group#5

Married as a percentage of households (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Household Types by Block in Tract 061100

Married Household Types by Block#11

Married as a percentage of households (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Household Types by Tract in Ellis County

There are 31 tracts in Ellis County. This section compares Tract 061100 to all of the tracts in Ellis County and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with Tract 061100.

Married by Tract#16

Percentage of households.
Scope: households in Tract 061100, selected other tracts in Ellis County, and entities that contain Tract 061100
0%20%40%60%80%Count#Tract 060801Tract 060209Tract 060210Tract 060207Tract 060213Tract 060214Tract 060211Tract 060701Tract 060102Tract 060802Tract 061100Tract 060900Tract 060204Tract 061400Tract 061700Tract 061200Tract 060208EllisTract 060212Tract 060101Tract 060702Tract 060500Tract 061300Tract 060300Tract 060703Dallas AreaTexasWest South CentralTract 061000United StatesSouthTract 060600Tract 060803Tract 061500Tract 061600Tract 060206Tract 06040083.014673%83.014673%83%1,867178.762307%78.762307%79%1,120275.406872%75.406872%75%417374.342409%74.342409%74%1,611473.841618%73.841618%74%1,753573.559928%73.559928%74%2,056671.957157%71.957157%72%739771.406003%71.406003%71%452871.081999%71.081999%71%1,465970.399667%70.399667%70%1,6911069.877301%69.877301%70%1,1391168.020542%68.020542%68%1,4571266.222367%66.222367%66%2,0371363.954802%63.954802%64%1,6981463.921569%63.921569%64%1,1411563.790447%63.790447%64%4141663.665595%63.665595%64%9901761.990967%61.990967%62%33,35333.4k60.514286%60.514286%61%1,0591859.232026%59.232026%59%1,4501957.485876%57.485876%57%8142056.176736%56.176736%56%6232156.004902%56.004902%56%4572255.620438%55.620438%56%7622351.187335%51.187335%51%3882450.691692%50.691692%51%1,242,5361.24M50.139834%50.139834%50%4,657,7674.66M49.014411%49.014411%49%6,677,6906.68M48.679974%48.679974%49%7562548.235831%48.235831%48%56,781,40556.8M47.955775%47.955775%48%21,151,03021.2M47.401306%47.401306%47%1,6692644.885177%44.885177%45%2152744.794050%44.794050%45%7832841.650485%41.650485%42%8582941.466790%41.466790%41%8993040.013966%40.013966%40%57331


According to the US Census definition, a household consists of all the people who occupy a housing unit. This page reports on the types of households in Tract 061100. The following definitions are used in this page:

  • Family: a group of two or more people related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together
  • Married: a husband and wife that are part of the same household1
  • Single Female: female householder, no husband present, with other family members in the household
  • Single Male: male householder, no wife present, with other family members in the household
  • One Person: householder living alone
  • Other Non-Family: householder living with other people that are not family members

1as defined by the US Census Bureau (please direct comments and complaints to them)

For additional information about the data presented on this site, including our sources, please see the About Page.

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