Educational Attainment in Pine Ridge, Pine Ridge, Florida (Neighborhood)

Educational Attainment#1

Highest level of education among people aged 25 years and older.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge and Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
0%10%20%30%40%50%60%CountHigher Degree1H.S. Diploma2No H.S. Diploma263.196481%56.533892%63.196481%63.2%98498535.288368%43.186583%35.288368%35.3%5495501.515152%0.279525%1.515152%1.5%2324

Relative Educational Attainment#2

Highest level of education among people aged 25 years and older, as percentage more or less than Pine Ridge at large.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge and Pine Ridge
0%%ref.Higher Degree1H.S. Diploma2No H.S. Diploma211.785123%11.785123%+11.8%63.196%63.2%56.534%56.5%-18.288586%-18.288586%-18.3%35.288%35.3%43.187%43.2%442.045455%442.045455%+442.0%1.515%1.52%0.280%0.28%

Detailed Educational Attainment#3

Highest level of education among people aged 25 years and older.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge and Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
0%5%10%15%20%25%30%CountDoctorate1Professional1Master's1Bachelor's1Associate's1Some CollegeHigh School2Some H.S.3Less than H.S.3None0.342131%0.489168%0.342131%0.3%57.575758%5.241090%7.575758%7.6%11816.177908%17.260657%16.177908%16.2%25232.111437%27.393431%32.111437%32.1%5006.989247%6.149546%6.989247%7.0%10810917.057674%19.776380%17.057674%17.1%26526618.230694%23.410203%18.230694%18.2%2840.977517%0.279525%0.977517%1.0%150.000000%0.000000%0.000000%0.0%00.000000%0.537634%0.537634%0.5%8

Educational Attainment Sex Ratio#4

Percentage more likely men or women are to have various highest levels of education among people aged 25 years and older.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge and Pine Ridge
More Females More Males
Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
500%0%500%1,000%FMHigher Degree1H.S. Diploma2No H.S. Diploma2-9.307715%-20.301894%-9.307715%9%65.935%65.9%60.321%60.3%24.739175%26.043058%24.739175%25%31.489%31.5%39.279%39.3%-542.795802%-542.795802%543%1,000.000000%2.576%2.58%0.401%0.40%

Detailed Educational Attainment Sex Ratio#5

Percentage more likely men or women are to have various highest levels of education among people aged 25 years and older.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge and Pine Ridge
More Females More Males
Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
1k%0k%1k%FMDoctorate1Professional1Master's1Bachelor's1Associate's1Some CollegeHigh School2Some H.S.3None1,000.000000%1,000.000000%1,000.000000%> 1000%0.000%0%0.701%0.70%49.311122%18.845209%49.311122%0k%6.107%6.11%9.118%9.12%-20.666893%-18.990191%-20.666893%0k%17.653%17.7%14.629%14.6%-25.071901%-38.404380%-25.071901%0k%35.592%35.6%28.457%28.5%-7.091172%12.619442%12.619442%0k%6.584%6.58%7.415%7.41%36.098513%46.858722%36.098513%0k%14.504%14.5%19.739%19.7%15.039067%11.077548%15.039067%0k%16.985%17.0%19.539%19.5%-280.916031%-280.916031%0k%1,000.000000%1.527%1.53%0.401%0.40%-1,000.000000%NaN%-1,000.000000%> 1000%1.050%1.05%0.000%0%

Bachelor's Degrees By Age#6

Percentage of age cohort whose highest degree is a Bachelor's.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge and Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge

Relative Bachelor's Degrees By Age#7

Percentage of population whose highest degree is a Bachelor's, as a percentage more or less than Pine Ridge at large.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge and Pine Ridge

Bachelor's Degrees Sex Ratio By Age#8

Percentage more likely men or women are to have their highest degree be a Bachelor's.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge and Pine Ridge
More Females More Males
Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge

Median Earnings by Educational Attainment#9

Among population 25 years old and over with earnings.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge and Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
$0k$20k$40kCount%Bachelor's DegreeSome CollegeTotal$47,443.000000$41,071.000000$47,443.000000$47.4k50032.111%32.1%$52,750.000000$52,000.000000$52,750.000000$52.8k37437524.047%24.0%$50,456.000000$45,366.000000$50,456.000000$50.5k1,558100.000%100%

Median Earnings by Educational Attainment#10

By sex among population 25 years old and over with earnings.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge and Pine Ridge
Female Male
Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.
$0k$100k$200kFMGraduate Degree1Some CollegeTotal$-46,316.000000$-46,250.000000$-46,316.000000$46.3k$46,316.000000$203,685.000000$46,250.000000$203,751.000000$250,001.000000$250.0k189190185186$-34,583.000000$-30,000.000000$-34,583.000000$34.6k$34,583.000000$30,536.000000$30,000.000000$35,476.000000$65,119.000000$65.1k168206$-29,875.000000$-28,500.000000$-29,875.000000$29.9k$29,875.000000$37,208.000000$28,500.000000$36,619.000000$67,083.000000$67.1k798760

Employment by Educational Attainment#11

Percentage of population that is employed by highest level of educational attainment among the population aged 25 to 64 years old.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge and Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
0%20%40%60%80%CountBachelor's Degree1Some College2H.S. Diploma3No H.S. Diploma369.352518%75.623800%69.352518%69.4%36790.332326%88.888889%90.332326%90.3%22722884.507042%88.281250%84.507042%84.5%910.000000%0.000000%0.000000%0.0%0

Lacking High School Diploma By Race#12

Percent of racial or ethnic group lacking a high school diploma (or equivalent).
Scope: population of Pine Ridge and Pine Ridge
Female Male
Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.

College Graduates By Race#13

Percent of racial or ethnic group with a bachelor's degree or higher.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge and Pine Ridge
Female Male
Pine Ridge
Pine Ridge
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.

Educational Attainment by Neighborhood in Pine Ridge

There is 1 neighborhood in Pine Ridge. This section compares Pine Ridge to all of the neighborhoods in Pine Ridge and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with Pine Ridge.

No H.S. Diploma by Neighborhood#14

Percent of population 25 years of age and older without a high school diploma (or equivalent).
Scope: population of Pine Ridge, selected other neighborhoods in Pine Ridge, and entities that contain Pine Ridge
0%5%10%Count#SouthNaples, Immokalee, and Marco Island Metro AreaNaples AreaCollier CountyCollierCollier County School DistrictCollier CoUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesSouth AtlanticFloridaZIP Code 34108ZIP 34108010205Tract 010205Pine Ridge NeighborhoodPine RidgePine Ridge14.392758%14.392758%14.4%11,511,24211.5M14.321540%14.321540%14.3%37,34937.3k14.321540%14.321540%14.3%37,34937.3k14.321540%14.321540%14.3%37,34937.3k13.020590%13.020590%13.0%27,818,38027.8M12.827640%12.827640%12.8%5,478,9325.48M12.824082%12.824082%12.8%1,807,3861.81M5.142857%5.142857%5.1%7291.515152%1.515152%1.5%311.515152%1.515152%1.5%232410.279525%0.279525%0.3%4

Bachelor's Degrees by Neighborhood#15

Percent of population 25 years of age and older with a bachelor's degree or higher..
Scope: population of Pine Ridge, selected other neighborhoods in Pine Ridge, and entities that contain Pine Ridge
0%10%20%30%40%50%Count#Pine Ridge NeighborhoodPine Ridge010205Tract 010205ZIP Code 34108ZIP 34108Pine RidgeNaples, Immokalee, and Marco Island Metro AreaNaples AreaCollier CountyCollierCollier County School DistrictCollier CoSouth AtlanticUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesSouthFlorida56.207234%56.207234%56.2%875876156.207234%56.207234%56.2%1,15050.560847%50.560847%50.6%7,16750.384347%50.384347%50.4%72133.881030%33.881030%33.9%88,35888.4k33.881030%33.881030%33.9%88,35888.4k33.881030%33.881030%33.9%88,35888.4k30.457708%30.457708%30.5%13,009,07313.0M30.315023%30.315023%30.3%64,767,78764.8M28.191926%28.191926%28.2%22,547,73422.5M27.883378%27.883378%27.9%3,929,7963.93M

Very Advanced Degrees by Neighborhood#16

Percent of population 25 years of age and older with a professional or doctorate degree (e.g., MBA, PhD, or MD).
Scope: population of Pine Ridge, selected other neighborhoods in Pine Ridge, and entities that contain Pine Ridge
0%2%4%6%8%Count#ZIP Code 34108ZIP 34108Pine Ridge NeighborhoodPine Ridge010205Tract 010205Pine RidgeNaples, Immokalee, and Marco Island Metro AreaNaples AreaCollier CountyCollierCollier County School DistrictCollier CoSouth AtlanticUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesFloridaSouth8.832451%8.832451%8.8%1,2527.917889%7.917889%7.9%12317.917889%7.917889%7.9%1625.730259%5.730259%5.7%824.952279%4.952279%5.0%12,91512.9k4.952279%4.952279%5.0%12,91512.9k4.952279%4.952279%5.0%12,91512.9k3.501306%3.501306%3.5%1,495,4751.50M3.336158%3.336158%3.3%7,127,6737.13M3.143038%3.143038%3.1%442,970443k3.064699%3.064699%3.1%2,451,1282.45M

Under-Education Sex Ratio by Neighborhood#17

Percentage more likely men are than women to not have a high school diploma (or equivalent) among people aged 25 years and older.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge, selected other neighborhoods in Pine Ridge, and entities that contain Pine Ridge
5x0x5x10xFM#Pine RidgeNaples AreaCollierCollier CoSouth AtlanticSouthFloridaUnited StatesZIP 34108Pine RidgeTract 010205-1.000000x-1.000000x10.000000x10.000000x> 10.0x0.000%0%0.541%0.54%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.202404x1.202404x1.20x13.048%13.0%15.689%15.7%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.202404x1.202404x1.20x13.048%13.0%15.689%15.7%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.202404x1.202404x1.20x13.048%13.0%15.689%15.7%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.178860x1.178860x1.18x11.819%11.8%13.933%13.9%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.149925x1.149925x1.15x13.427%13.4%15.440%15.4%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.133869x1.133869x1.13x12.051%12.1%13.664%13.7%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.109070x1.109070x1.11x12.369%12.4%13.719%13.7%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.046555x1.046555x1.05x5.031%5.03%5.265%5.26%-6.427958x-6.427958x6.43x1.000000x1.000000x2.576%2.58%0.401%0.40%1-6.427958x-6.427958x6.43x1.000000x1.000000x2.576%2.58%0.401%0.40%

Over-Education Sex Ratio by Neighborhood#18

Percentage more likely men are than women to have a professional or doctorate degree (e.g., MBA, PhD, or MD) among people aged 25 years and older.
Scope: population of Pine Ridge, selected other neighborhoods in Pine Ridge, and entities that contain Pine Ridge
1x0x1x2x3xFM#ZIP 34108Naples AreaCollierCollier CoFloridaTract 010205Pine RidgeSouthUnited StatesSouth AtlanticPine Ridge-1.000000x-1.000000x3.472044x3.472044x3.47x4.041%4.04%14.029%14.0%-1.000000x-1.000000x2.526059x2.526059x2.53x2.853%2.85%7.206%7.21%-1.000000x-1.000000x2.526059x2.526059x2.53x2.853%2.85%7.206%7.21%-1.000000x-1.000000x2.526059x2.526059x2.53x2.853%2.85%7.206%7.21%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.673660x1.673660x1.67x2.376%2.38%3.977%3.98%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.607966x1.607966x1.61x6.107%6.11%9.820%9.82%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.607966x1.607966x1.61x6.107%6.11%9.820%9.82%1-1.000000x-1.000000x1.555780x1.555780x1.56x2.420%2.42%3.764%3.76%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.526215x1.526215x1.53x2.660%2.66%4.060%4.06%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.520688x1.520688x1.52x2.804%2.80%4.265%4.26%-1.000000x-1.000000x1.386527x1.386527x1.39x4.776%4.78%6.622%6.62%


Educational attainment is reported in terms of the highest level of education obtained by persons aged 25 years and older. On this page, we report on both detailed and coarse categorizations of the levels of education in the population. The detailed levels of educational attainment are as follows:

  • None: no formal education at all
  • Less than High School: some education, but stopped short of high school
  • Some High School: some high school education, but no high school diploma (or equivalent)
  • Some College: high school diploma (or equivalent), and some college, but no post-secondary degree
  • Associate's Degree: highest post-secondary degree is an associate's degree (including occupational or academic degrees)
  • Bachelor's Degree: highest post-secondary degree is a bachelor's degree (e.g., BA, BS, AB)
  • Master's Degree: highest post-secondary degree is a master's degree (e.g., MA, MS, MENG, MSW)
  • Professional Degree: highest post-secondary degree is a professional degree (e.g., MD, DDC, JD)
  • Doctorate Degree: highest post-secondary degree is a doctorate degree (e.g., PhD, EdD)

The coarse levels of educational attainment are as follows:

  • No High School Diploma: does not have a high school diploma or equivalent
  • High School Diploma: has a high school diploma or equivalent and possibly some college, but no post-secondary degrees
  • Higher Degree: has some post-secondary degree (associate's, bachelor's, master's, professional, doctorate)

Unlike the other geographical entities detailed on this site, neighborhoods are not recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau. To overcome this we have computed reasonable estimates of the same statistics that are presented for other the entity types. Each statistic is computed as the weighted sum or average of the census tracts or block groups that overlap the neighborhood. A weighted sum is used for counts of people or households, and a weighted average is used for statistics that are themselves some form of average, such as median household income. Census block groups are preferred when the statistic in question is available on the block group level. The weight for a given tract (or block group) is computed as the population of the census tabulation blocks that occupy the intersection between the tract and the neighborhood as a fraction of the total population of the neighborhood.

For additional information about the data presented on this site, including our sources, please see the About Page.

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