Overview of At Large District, North Dakota (Congressional District)


Abercrombie, Adams, Alamo, Alexander, Alice, Almont, Alsen, Ambrose, Amenia, Amidon, Anamoose, Aneta, Antler, Ardoch, Argusville, Arnegard, Arthur, Ashley, Ayr, Balfour, Balta, Bantry, Barney, Bathgate, Beach, Belfield, Benedict, Bergen, Berlin, Berthold, Beulah, Binford, Bisbee, Bismarck, Bottineau, Bowbells, Bowdon, Bowman, Braddock, Briarwood, Brinsmade, Brocket, Buchanan, Bucyrus, Buffalo, Burlington, Butte, Buxton, Calio, Calvin, Cando, Canton City, Carpio, Carrington, Carson, Casselton, Cathay, Cavalier, Cayuga, Center, Christine, Churchs Ferry, Cleveland, Clifford, Cogswell, Coleharbor, Colfax, Columbus, Conway, Cooperstown, Courtenay, Crary, Crosby, Crystal, Davenport, Dawson, Dazey, Deering, Des Lacs, Devils Lake, Dickey, Dickinson, Dodge, Donnybrook, Douglas, Drake, Drayton, Dunn Center, Dunseith, Dwight, Edgeley, Edinburg, Edmore, Egeland, Elgin, Ellendale, Elliott, Emerado, Enderlin, Epping, Esmond, Fairdale, Fairmount, Fargo, Fessenden, Fingal, Finley, Flasher, Flaxton, Forbes, Fordville, Forest River, Forman, Fort Ransom, Fort Yates, Fortuna, Fredonia, Frontier, Fullerton, Gackle, Galesburg, Gardena, Gardner, Garrison, Gascoyne, Gilby, Gladstone, Glen Ullin, Glenburn, Glenfield, Golden Valley, Golva, Goodrich, Grace City, Grafton, Grand Forks, Grandin, Grano, Granville, Great Bend, Grenora, Gwinner, Hague, Halliday, Hamberg, Hamilton, Hampden, Hankinson, Hannaford, Hannah, Hansboro, Harvey, Harwood, Hatton, Havana, Haynes, Hazelton, Hazen, Hebron, Hettinger, Hillsboro, Hoople, Hope, Horace, Hunter, Hurdsfield, Inkster, Jamestown, Jud, Karlsruhe, Kathryn, Kenmare, Kensal, Kief, Killdeer, Kindred, Knox, Kramer, Kulm, LaMoure, Lakota, Landa, Langdon, Lankin, Lansford, Larimore, Lawton, Leal, Leeds, Lehr, Leith, Leonard, Lidgerwood, Lignite, Lincoln, Linton, Lisbon, Litchville, Loma, Loraine, Ludden, Luverne, Maddock, Makoti, Mandan, Mantador, Manvel, Mapleton, Marion, Marmarth, Martin, Max, Maxbass, Mayville, McClusky, McHenry, McVille, Medina, Medora, Mercer, Michigan City, Milnor, Milton, Minnewaukan, Minot, Minto, Mohall, Monango, Montpelier, Mooreton, Mott, Mountain, Munich, Mylo, Napoleon, Neche, Nekoma, New England, New Leipzig, New Rockford, New Salem, New Town, Newburg, Niagara, Nome, Noonan, North River, Northwood, Oakes, Oberon, Oriska, Osnabrock, Overly, Oxbow, Page, Palermo, Park River, Parshall, Pekin, Pembina, Perth, Petersburg, Pettibone, Pick City, Pillsbury, Pingree, Pisek, Plaza, Portal, Portland, Powers Lake, Prairie Rose, Ray, Reeder, Regan, Regent, Reile's Acres, Reynolds, Rhame, Richardton, Riverdale, Robinson, Rocklake, Rogers, Rolette, Rolla, Ross, Rugby, Ruso, Rutland, Ryder, Sanborn, Sarles, Sawyer, Scranton, Selfridge, Sentinel Butte, Sharon, Sheldon, Sherwood, Sheyenne, Sibley, Solen, Souris, South Heart, Spiritwood Lake, Springbrook, St. John, St. Thomas, Stanley, Stanton, Starkweather, Steele, Strasburg, Streeter, Surrey, Sykeston, Tappen, Taylor, Thompson, Tioga, Tolley, Tolna, Tower City, Towner, Turtle Lake, Tuttle, Underwood, Upham, Valley City, Velva, Venturia, Verona, Voltaire, Wahpeton, Walcott, Wales, Walhalla, Warwick, Washburn, Watford City, West Fargo, Westhope, White Earth, Wildrose, Williston, Willow City, Wilton, Wimbledon, Wing, Wishek, Wolford, Woodworth, Wyndmere, York, Zap, Zeeland

Abercrombie, Acme, Acton, Ada, Adams, Addie, Addison, Adelaide, Adler, Adrian, Advance, Afton, Agnes, Akra, Albert, Albertha, Albion, Alex, Alexander, Alexandria, Alexanter, Alger, Aliceton, Alleghany, Allen, Allendale, Alma, Alta, Ambrose, Amenia, Americus, Amity, Amor, Amundsville, Anamoose, Anderson, Andrews, Anna, Antelope, Antelope Creek, Antelope Lake, Antler, Apple Creek, Ardoch, Armourdale, Arne, Arnegard, Arthur, Arvilla, Ashby, Ashland, Ashtabula, Athens, Atkins, Atwood, Aurena, Aurora, Austin, Avon, Ayr, Baden, Badger, Baer, Baker, Baldwin, Bale, Balfour, Ball Hill, Balta, Banner, Banner, Bantry, Barnes, Barney, Barr Butte, Barrie, Bartlett, Bartley, Bathgate, Battleview, Beach, Bear Creek, Beaulieu, Beaver, Beaver Creek, Beery, Beisigl, Belford, Bell, Belmont, Bentinck, Bentru, Bergen, Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Berthold, Berwick, Bethel, Bicker, Big Bend, Big Bend, Big Meadow, Big Stone, Billings, Bilodeau, Bingham, Binghampton, Birtsell, Bjornson, Black Butte, Black Loam, Blacktail, Blackwater, Blaine, Blanchard, Bloom, Bloomenfield, Bloomfield, Blooming, Blooming Prairie, Blooming Valley, Blue Butte, Blue Hill, Blue Ridge, Bluebird, Bohnsack, Bonetraill, Boone, Border, Bordulac, Bowbells, Bowen, Bowman, Boyd, Boyesen, Brampton, Brandenburg, Brander, Brandon, Bremen, Brenna, Brightwood, Brillian, Brimer, Brittian, Broadlawn, Broadview, Broe, Brookbank, Brooklyn, Brown, Bruce, Bryan, Bucephalia, Buchanan, Buckeye, Bucklin, Bucyrus, Buena Vista, Buffalo, Buford, Bull Butte, Bull Moose, Bullion, Bunker, Burg, Burke, Burlington, Burt, Bush, Butte, Butte Valley, Buxton, Byersville, Byron, Caledonia, Callahan, Cameron, Campbell, Campbell, Cando, Canfield, Cannon Ball, Captain's Landing, Carbondale, Carlisle, Carpenter, Carpio, Carrington, Carroll, Carter, Casey, Cash, Casselton, Castle Rock, Cathay, Cato, Cavalier, Cecil, Cedar, Cedar Creek, Center, Central, Chain Lakes, Champion, Chandler, Charbon, Chaseley, Chatfield, Cherry Lake, Chester, Chestina, Chicago, Chilton, Christiania, Clara, Clark, Clay, Clayton, Clear Lake, Clear Lake, Clearfield, Clearwater, Cleary, Clement, Clermont, Cleveland, Clifton, Climax, Clinton, Coalfield, Coburn, Colfax, Colgate, Colquhoun, Columbia, Colville, Colvin, Conklin, Connor, Coolin, Cooperstown, Cordelia, Corinne, Cornell, Corwin, Cottonwood, Cottonwood Lake, Coulee, Courtenay, Crane Creek, Crawford, Creel, Cremerville, Crocus, Crofte, Cromwell, Crowfoot, Crown Hill, Crystal, Crystal Lake, Crystal Springs, Cuba, Cusator, Cut Bank, Cypress, Dahlen, Dale, Dalen, Daneville, Danton, Darling Springs, Dash, Davenport, Dayton, Dazey, De Groat, De Witt, Dean, Debing, Deep River, Deepwater, Deer Lake, Deering, Delger, Delhi, Denbigh, Denhoff, Denmark, Denver, Des Lacs, Devillo, Dewey, Dexter, Dimond, Divide, Dodds, Dogden, Douglas, Dover, Dows, Drayton, Dresden, Driscoll, Dry Fork, Dry Lake, Dublin, Duck Creek, Duerr, Dunbar, Dundee, Durbin, Durham, Dwight, Eagle, Easby, East Alma, East Fork, East Fork, Eastman, Easton, Eckelson, Ecklund, Eddy, Eden, Eden Valley, Edendale, Edgemont, Edmunds, Edna, Egan, Egg Creek, Eidsvold, Elden, Eldon, Eldorado, Eldred, Eldridge, Elgin, Elk Creek, Elkhorn, Elkmount, Ellendale, Elling, Elliott, Ellisville, Ellsbury, Elm, Elm, Elm Grove, Elm River, Elm Tree, Elma, Elmdale, Elms, Elora, Elverum, Elysian, Empire, Enger, Ensign, Enterprise, Equality, Erie, Ervin, Esmond, Estabrook, Estherville, Eureka, Everest, Evergreen, Excelsior, Fairbanks, Fairfield, Fairmount, Fairview, Fairville, Falconer, Falsen, Fancher, Fargo, Farina, Farmington, Farmvale, Fay, Felson, Ferry, Fertile, Fertile, Fertile Valley, Field, Fillmore, Finley, Finn, Fischbein, Fisher, Flint, Florance, Florence Lake, Foothills, Forde, Forest River, Forman, Fort Ransom, Forthun, Forward, Foxholm, Fram, Francis, Franklin, Frazier, Freda, Frederick, Freeborn, Freedom, Freeman, Fremont, Freshwater, Frettim, Fried, Galesburg, Garborg, Gardar, Gardner, Garfield, Garner, Garness, Garnet, Gascoyne, Gasman, Gate, Gates, Gem, Gerber, German, Germania, Germantown, Gerrard, Getchell, Ghylin, Gibbs, Gilby, Gill, Gilmore, Gilstrap, Glacier, Gladstone, Glen, Glendale, Glenfield, Glenila, Glenmore, Glenview, Glenwood, Golden, Golden Glen, Golden Lake, Golden Valley, Goldfield, Good Luck, Gooseneck, Gordon, Grace, Graf, Grafton, Grail, Grainbelt, Grainfield, Grand Forks, Grand Harbor, Grand Prairie, Grand Rapids, Grand River, Grand Valley, Grandfield, Grandview, Grant, Granville, Grass Lake, Grassland, Gray, Greatstone, Greely, Green, Greenbush, Greendale, Greene, Greenfield, Greenfield, Greenland, Greenview, Greenville, Grenora, Grey, Griffin, Grilley, Grover, Gunkel, Gutschmidt, Haag, Haaland, Hagel, Haley, Hall, Hamburg, Hamburg, Hamerly, Hamilton, Hamlet, Hamlin, Hammer, Hanson, Haram, Harding, Hardscrabble, Harlem, Harmonious, Harmony, Harper, Harriet-Lein, Harrison, Harriston, Harvey, Harwood, Hastings, Havelock, Haven, Hawkeye, Hawkeye, Hawksnest, Hay, Hay Creek, Hayland, Haynes, Hazel, Hazel Grove, Hebron, Hegton, Heimdal, Helena, Helendale, Hemen, Henderson, Hendrickson, Henrietta, Henry, Herberg, Herman, Hesper, Hettinger, Hidden, Hiddenwood, Highland, Highland, Highland, Highland Center, Hill, Hillsboro, Hillsdale, Hillsdale, Hilton, Hobart, Hoffman, Homen, Homer, Homestead, Hope, Hope, Horseshoe Valley, Howe, Howell, Howes, Howie, Hudson, Hughes, Hugo, Hume, Hunter, Hurley, Huron, Ibsen, Idaho, Illinois, Impark, Inkster, Iosco, Iota Flat, Iowa, Irvine, Isabel, Island Park, Isley, Ivanhoe, Jackson, James Hill, James River Valley, Janke, Jefferson, Jim River Valley, Johnson, Johnstown, Joliette, Judson, Kandiyohi, Kane, Karlsruhe, Keene, Keller, Kelso, Kenmare, Kennedy, Kennison, Kensal, Kensington, Kent, Kentner, Kern, Keystone, Kickapoo, Kingsley, Kingston, Kinloss, Kinyon, Kirkelie, Klingstrup, Knife River, Knox, Kohlmeier, Kottke Valley, Kunze, La Moure, LaMars, Ladd, Lake, Lake George, Lake Hester, Lake Ibsen, Lake Town, Lake Washington, Lake Williams, Lake Williams, Lakeview, Lakeville, Lakota, Lallie, Lampton, Land, Langberg, Langdon, Lansford, Lansing, Larimore, Lark, Larrabee, Latona, Lawton, Layton, Leaf Mountain, Lebanon, Lee, Leeds, Leipzig, Lenora, Lenton, Leonard, Leval, Levant, Lewis, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty Grove, Lightning Creek, Lillehoff, Lincoln, Lincoln Dale, Lincoln Valley, Lind, Lindaas, Lindahl, Linden, Linton, Lippert, Litchville, Little Deep, Loam, Lockwood, Lodema, Logan, Logan Center, Lohnes, Lone Tree, Long Creek, Long Lake, Longfellow, Longview, Loquemont, Lordsburg, Loretta, Lorraine, Lostwood, Lovell, Lowery, Lowland, Lucy, Lund, Lynn, Lyon, Mabel, Madison, Maine, Malcolm, Mandan, Manfred, Manilla, Manitou, Manning, Manns, Mansfield, Maple, Maple River, Mapleton, Marboe, Margaret, Marion, Marsh, Marshall, Marstonmoor, Martin, Martin, Maryland, Mauch, Mayland, Mayville, Maza, McAlmond, McClellan, McClusky, McGahan, McGinnis, McHenry, McKenzie, McKinley, McKinney, McKinnon, Meadow, Meadow Lake, Medford, Medicine Hill, Mekinock, Melrose, Melville, Melvin, Menoken, Mentor, Menz, Mercer, Merkel, Merrill, Meyer, Michigan, Michigan, Midland, Midway, Mikkelson, Milnor, Minco, Mineral Springs, Minnehaha, Minnesota, Minnewaukan, Minnie, Minnie Lake, Minto, Mission, Missouri, Missouri Ridge, Model, Monroe, Mont, Montpelier, Montrose, Moon Lake, Moord, Moore, Mooreton, Moraine, Moran, Morgan, Morris, Morton, Moscow, Mott, Mound, Mount Carmel, Mount Rose, Mount View, Mountrail, Mouse River, Munster, Muskego, Myrtle, Nansen, Nash, Naughton, Nebo, Neche, Nedrose, Nekoma, Nelson, Nesheim, Ness, New City, New England, New Home, New Prairie, New Rockford, Newborg, Newbre, Newburgh, Newbury, Newland, Newman, Newport, Niagara, Noble, Nogosek, Noltimier, Noonan, Nora, Norden, Nordmore, Norma, Normal, Norman, Normania, Normanna, North Creel, North Loma, North Olga, North Prairie, North Star, North Viking, Northfield, Northland, Northwest, Northwest, Northwood, Norton, Norway, Norway Lake, Norwich, Oak Creek, Oak Valley, Oakhill, Oakland, Oakville, Oakwood, Oberon, Odessa, Odessa, Odin, Oliver, Olivia, Olson, Ontario, Ops, Ora, Orange, Oriska, Orlien, Orthell, Osago, Osborn, Osford, Oshkosh, Osloe, Osnabrock, Ostby, Otis, Overland, Ovid, Owego, Page, Painted Woods, Palermo, Palmer, Paradise, Paris, Park, Parshall, Passport, Paulson, Peabody, Peace, Peaceful Valley, Pearl, Pearl Lake, Pelican, Pembina, Perry, Perth, Petersburg, Peterson, Petersville, Pettibone, Pherrin, Pickard, Pickering, Picton, Pierce, Pilot Mound, Pingree, Pipestem Valley, Plain, Plainview, Plaza, Pleasant, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant Lake, Pleasant Prairie, Pleasant Valley, Pleasant View, Plumer, Plymouth, Pomona View, Pontiac, Pony Gulch, Poplar Grove, Port Emma, Portal, Porter, Potsdam, Potter, Powers, Powers Lake, Prairie, Prairie Centre, Pratt, Prescott, Preston, Pretty Rock, Primrose, Progress, Prophets, Prospect, Prosperity, Pulaski, Purcell, Quinby, Rainbow, Rainy Butte, Raleigh, Randolph, Raney, Ransom, Raritan, Rat Lake, Ray, Raymond, Red Lake, Redmond, Ree, Reed, Reeder, Reno Valley, Renville, Rexine, Rhame, Rice Lake, Rich, Rich Valley, Richburg, Richland, Richland Center, Richmond, Rifle, Riga, Riggin, Riverdale, Riverside, Riverview, Robinson, Rochester, Rock, Rock, Rock Hill, Rock Island, Rock Lake, Rockford, Rogers, Roland, Rolling Green, Rolling Prairie, Roloff, Romness, Roosevelt, Roscoe, Rose, Rose Hill, Rose Hill, Rosebud, Rosefield, Roseglen, Roseland, Rosemeade, Rosemont, Rosendal, Rosenfield, Roseville, Ross, Round Lake, Round Prairie, Round Top, Royal, Rubin, Rugh, Rush Lake, Rush River, Rushford, Rushville, Rusland, Russell, Rutland, Ryan, Ryder, Rye, Saddle Butte, Saline, Sand Creek, Sandoun, Saratoga, Sargent, Sarnia, Sauk Prairie, Sauk Valley, Sauter, Sawyer, Scandia, Schiller, Schrunk, Scorio, Scotia, Scott, Scoville, Scranton, Sealy, Seivert, Sentinel, Sergius, Severn, Sharlow, Sharon, Shealy, Sheets, Sheldon, Shell, Shell Valley, Shenford, Shepherd, Sherbrooke, Sheridan, Sherman, Sheyenne, Short Creek, Shuman, Sibley, Sibley Butte, Sibley Trail, Sidney, Sidonia, Sikes, Silver Lake, Silvesta, Sinclair, Sioux, Sioux Trail, Skandia, Smith, Smoky Butte, Snow, Solon, Soo, Sorenson, Sorkness, South Cottonwood, South Dresden, South Fork, South Meadow, South Minnewaukan, South Olga, South Valley, South Viking, Southwest, Speedwell, Spencer, Spiritwood, Spring Coulee, Spring Creek, Spring Grove, Spring Lake, Spring Valley, Springbrook, Springer, Springfield, Springvale, St. Andrews, St. Anna, St. Croix, St. Joseph, St. Mary, St. Marys, St. Paul, St. Thomas, Stafford, Stanley, Star, Starbuck, Stavanger, Stave, Steiber, Steiner, Sterling, Stevens, Stewart, Stewart, Stillwater, Stirton, Stone Creek, Stoneview, Stony Creek, Storlie, Strabane, Strandahl, Strassburg, Streeter, Strege, Strehlow, Strong, Sullivan, Summit, Sundre, Sunny Slope, Superior, Surrey, Svea, Sverdrup, Swede, Sydna, Sydney, Sykeston, Tacoma, Taft, Talbot, Tanner, Tappen, Tatman, Taylor, Taylor Butte, Teddy, Telfer, Tepee Butte, Tewaukon, Thelma, Thingvalla, Thordenskjold, Thorson, Tiber, Tiffany, Tioga, Tolgen, Torgerson, Torning, Tower, Trenton, Tri, Trier, Triumph, Troy, Truax, Truman, Trygg, Tuller, Turtle Lake, Turtle River, Tuscarora, Tuttle, Twelve Mile, Twin Butte, Twin Hill, Twin Lake, Twin Tree, Twin Valley, Tyrol, Tyrone, Union, Upland, Uxbridge, Vale, Valhalla, Valley, Valley, Valley, Valley Spring, Van Buren, Van Hook, Van Meter, Vang, Vanville, Velva, Verner, Vernon, Vernon, Vesta, Victor, Victoria, View, Viking, Viking, Villard, Virginia, Vivian, Voltaire, Wadsworth, Wagar, Wagendorf, Walburg, Walcott, Waldo, Walhalla, Walker, Wallace, Walle, Walsh Centre, Walshville, Walters, Wamduska, Wano, Ward, Warren, Warwick, Washburn, Washington, Waterford, Waterloo, Watson, Wayne, Wayzetta, Weber, Webster, Weimer, Weiser, Weld, Wellington, Wells, West Antelope, West Bank, West Bay, West End, West Hope, West Norway, West Ontario, Westby, Western, Westfield, Westford, Wheatfield, Wheatland, Wheaton, Wheelock, Whitby, White, White Ash, White Earth, White Lake, Whitestone, Whitestone Hill, Whiting, Whitteron, Wild Rose, Willey, Williams, Williams, Willis, Williston, Willow, Willow Creek, Willow Lake, Willow Vale, Willowbank, Wilson, Windsor, Winfield, Wing, Winner, Winona, Wise, Wiser, Wold, Wolf Butte, Wood Lake, Woodberry, Woodbury, Woodlawn, Woodward, Wright, Writing Rock, Wyard, Wyndmere, Yellowstone, York, Yorktown, Young, Ypsilanti, Zion

Unified School Districts:
Alexander 2, Anamoose 14, Ashley 9, Barnes County North 7, Beach 3, Belcourt 7, Belfield 13, Beulah 27, Bismarck 1, Bottineau 1, Bowbells 14, Bowman County 1, Burke Central 36, Carrington 10, Cavalier 6, Center-Stanton 1, Central Cass 17, Central Valley 3, Dakota Prairie 1, Devils Lake 1, Dickinson 1, Divide County 1, Drake 57, Drayton 19, Dunseith 1, Edgeley 3, Edmore 2, Eightmile 6, Elgin-New Leipzig 49, Ellendale 40, Enderlin Area 24, Fairmount 18, Fargo 1, Fessenden-Bowdon 25, Finley-Sharon 19, Flasher 39, Fordville-Lankin 5, Fort Totten 30, Fort Yates 4, Gackle-Streeter 56, Garrison 51, Glen Ullin 48, Glenburn 26, Goodrich 16, Grafton 3, Grand Forks AFB 140, Grand Forks 1, Grenora 99, Griggs County 18, Halliday 19, Hankinson 8, Harvey 38, Hatton 7, Hazelton-Moffit-Braddock 6, Hazen 3, Hebron 13, Hettinger 13, Hillsboro 9, Hope 10, Jamestown 1, Kenmare 28, Kensal 19, Kidder County, Killdeer 16, Kindred 2, Kulm 7, LaMoure 8, Lakota 66, Langdon-Milton-Osnabrock 23, Larimore 44, Leeds 6, Lewis and Clark 161, Lidgerwood 28, Linton 36, Lisbon 19, Litchville-Marion 46, Maddock 9, Mandan 1, Mandaree 36, Maple Valley 4, Max 50, May-Port CG 14, McClusky 19, McKenzie County 1, Medina 3, Midkota 7, Midway 128, Milnor 2, Minnewaukan 5, Minot 1, Minto 20, Mohall-Lansford-Sherwood 1, Montpelier 14, Mott-Regent 1, Mount Pleasant 4, Munich 19, Napoleon 2, Nesson 2, New England 9, New Rockford-Sheyenne 2, New Salem-Almont, New Town 1, Newburg United 54, North Border 100, North Sargent 3, North Star, Northern Cass 97, Northwood 129, Oakes 41, Page 80, Park River 78, Parshall 3, Pingree-Buchanan 10, Powers Lake 27, Richardton-Taylor 34, Richland 44, Rolette 29, Roosevelt 18, Rugby 5, Sargent Central 6, Sawyer 16, Scranton 33, Selfridge 8, Solen 3, South Heart 9, St. John 3, St. Thomas 43, Stanley 2, Starkweather 44, Strasburg 15, Surrey 41, Thompson 61, Tioga 15, Towner-Granville-Upham 60, Turtle Lake-Mercer 72, Underwood 8, United 7, Valley City 2, Valley-Edinburg 118, Velva 1, Wahpeton 37, Warwick 29, Washburn 4, West Fargo 6, West Hope 17, White Shield 85, Williston 1, Wilton 1, Wing 28, Wishek 19, Wolford 1, Wyndmere 42, Zeeland 4

ZIP Codes:
56744, 57638, 57641, 57642, 57645, 57648, 57660, 58001, 58002, 58004, 58005, 58006, 58007, 58008, 58009, 58011, 58012, 58013, 58015, 58016, 58017, 58018, 58021, 58027, 58029, 58030, 58031, 58032, 58033, 58035, 58036, 58038, 58040, 58041, 58042, 58043, 58045, 58046, 58047, 58048, 58049, 58051, 58052, 58053, 58054, 58056, 58057, 58058, 58059, 58060, 58061, 58062, 58063, 58064, 58065, 58067, 58068, 58069, 58071, 58072, 58075, 58076, 58077, 58078, 58079, 58081, 58102, 58103, 58104, 58105, 58201, 58202, 58203, 58204, 58205, 58210, 58212, 58214, 58216, 58218, 58219, 58220, 58222, 58223, 58224, 58225, 58227, 58228, 58229, 58230, 58231, 58233, 58235, 58237, 58238, 58239, 58240, 58241, 58243, 58244, 58249, 58250, 58251, 58254, 58256, 58257, 58258, 58259, 58260, 58261, 58262, 58265, 58266, 58267, 58269, 58270, 58271, 58272, 58273, 58274, 58275, 58276, 58277, 58278, 58281, 58282, 58301, 58311, 58316, 58317, 58318, 58321, 58323, 58324, 58325, 58327, 58329, 58330, 58331, 58332, 58335, 58338, 58339, 58341, 58343, 58344, 58345, 58346, 58348, 58351, 58352, 58353, 58355, 58356, 58357, 58361, 58362, 58363, 58365, 58366, 58367, 58368, 58369, 58370, 58372, 58374, 58377, 58379, 58380, 58381, 58382, 58384, 58385, 58386, 58401, 58402, 58405, 58413, 58415, 58416, 58418, 58420, 58421, 58422, 58423, 58424, 58425, 58426, 58428, 58429, 58430, 58431, 58433, 58436, 58438, 58439, 58440, 58441, 58442, 58443, 58444, 58445, 58448, 58451, 58452, 58454, 58455, 58456, 58458, 58460, 58461, 58463, 58464, 58466, 58467, 58472, 58474, 58475, 58476, 58477, 58478, 58479, 58480, 58481, 58482, 58483, 58484, 58486, 58487, 58488, 58490, 58492, 58494, 58495, 58496, 58497, 58501, 58503, 58504, 58505, 58520, 58521, 58523, 58524, 58528, 58529, 58530, 58531, 58532, 58533, 58535, 58538, 58540, 58541, 58542, 58544, 58545, 58549, 58552, 58554, 58558, 58559, 58560, 58561, 58562, 58563, 58564, 58565, 58566, 58568, 58569, 58570, 58571, 58572, 58573, 58575, 58576, 58577, 58579, 58580, 58581, 58601, 58620, 58621, 58622, 58623, 58625, 58626, 58627, 58630, 58631, 58632, 58634, 58636, 58638, 58639, 58640, 58641, 58642, 58643, 58645, 58646, 58647, 58649, 58650, 58651, 58652, 58653, 58654, 58655, 58656, 58701, 58702, 58703, 58704, 58705, 58707, 58710, 58711, 58712, 58713, 58716, 58718, 58721, 58722, 58723, 58725, 58727, 58730, 58731, 58733, 58734, 58735, 58736, 58737, 58740, 58741, 58744, 58746, 58748, 58750, 58752, 58755, 58756, 58757, 58758, 58759, 58760, 58761, 58762, 58763, 58765, 58768, 58769, 58770, 58771, 58772, 58773, 58775, 58776, 58778, 58779, 58781, 58782, 58783, 58784, 58785, 58787, 58788, 58789, 58790, 58792, 58793, 58794, 58795, 58801, 58830, 58831, 58833, 58835, 58838, 58843, 58844, 58845, 58847, 58849, 58852, 58853, 58854, 58856, 59212, 59221, 59270, 59275, 59353

Neighboring Congressional Districts:

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