Languages in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia (Census County Division)

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Much of the data on this site are primarily drawn from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2012-2016 American Community Survey. For personal privacy reasons, the Census Bureau does not report certain data that it deems private for entities with so small a population that the data being reported could be plausibly associated with an individual by a third party. In some cases, this data suppression is done systematically (based on the data field and the entity type), and in some cases it is based on a population threshold. Whatever the case is for this particular page, we don't have sufficient data on this topic for Savannah to generate the charts and maps that you would normally see. Please select a different topic from the More Topics to Explore section, or a different geographical entity from the More Maps to Explore section.

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Metro Area:

ZIP Codes:

Unified School District:

Abercorn Heights/Lamara Heights/Ridgewood, Ardmore/Gould Estates/Olin Heights, Ardsley Park, Avondale, Bacon Park Area/Sandfly, Baldwin Park, Bay Street Viaduct Area, Beach High School Area/Feiler Terrace, Beach Institute, Benjamin Van Clark Park, Bingville, Blackshear, Brookview/Skidway Terrace/Parkview, Cann Park, Carver Heights, Chatham Parkway, Cloverdale, Coffee Bluff, Cuyler/Brownville, Dale Terrace/Olympus/Victory Square, Dixon Park, East Savannah, East Victorian District, Eastside, Edgemere, Fairfield, Fairway Oaks, Feiler Park/Hussars Terrace/Dittmerville, Fernwood/Parkwood, Forest Hills, Georgetown, Gordonston, Groveland, Habersham Woods, Highland Park, Hillcrest Area, Hudson Hill/Bayview, Hunter Army Airfield, Hutchinson Island, Jackson Park, Kayton/Frazier Area, Kensington Park, Largo Woods, Laroche Park, Laurel Grove/Railroad Area, Leeds Gate/Colonial Village/Hunters Chase, Liberty City/Summerside, Live Oak, Lynhurst/Rivers End, Magnolia Park/Blueberry Hill, Mayfair, Medical Arts, Metropolitan, Midtown, North Historic District, Oakdale, Oakhurst, Oakland Park/Northgate/Eastgate/Pinehurst, Ogeecheeton/Dawes Avenue, Paradise Park, Parkside, Pine Gardens, Popular Place/University Place, Robert Hitch Village, Rose DHU, Sackville, Savannah Gardens, Savannah State/Glynnwood/Placentia Place, Skyland Terrace/Greenway Park/Grove Park, South Garden, South Historic District, Sunset Park, Sylvan Terrace, Tatemville, The Village/Rio/Armstrong, Thomas Square, Tremont Park, Twickenham, Victory Heights, Victory Manor/East Hill/Donwood, West Savannah, West Victorian District, White Bluff, Wilshire Estates/Savannah Mall, Windsor Forest, Winter Gardens/Brightwood, Woodville/Bartow, Yamacraw Village

Congressional District:

State Senate Districts:

State House Districts: