Age and Sex in the Lower Creek Township, Caldwell County, North Carolina (Township)

Age Structure#1

Percentage in each age cohort per year of age.1 Gray areas represent percentile bands from the county subdivisions in Caldwell County.
Scope: population of Caldwell County, the Lower Creek Township, and other county subdivisions in Caldwell County
Lower Creek Township
Caldwell County
0th - 100th
10th - 90th
20th - 80th
30th - 70th
40th - 60th

Age and Sex#2

Percentage in each age cohort per year of age.1
Scope: population of Caldwell County and the Lower Creek Township
Female Male
Caldwell County
Lower Creek Township
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.
0.5%0.0%0.5%Count%Senior2Older Adult3Younger Adult4College5Children6-0.272077%-0.073465%-0.217429%-0.055166%-0.345542%0.35%0.272077%0.217429%0.272077%0.27%2,66522.234%22.2%-0.661105%-0.102119%-0.736361%-0.004803%-0.763224%0.76%0.661105%0.736361%0.661105%0.66%4,26835.608%35.6%-0.437084%-0.535388%-0.437084%0.44%0.437084%0.057011%0.535388%0.030356%0.494095%0.49%2,00916.761%16.8%-0.362923%-0.440097%-0.556828%-0.024809%-0.803020%0.80%0.362923%0.556828%0.362923%0.36%5594.664%4.66%-0.552496%-0.582488%-0.552496%0.55%0.552496%0.046814%0.582488%0.004288%0.599310%0.60%2,48520.733%20.7%

Detailed Age and Sex#3

Percentage in each age cohort per year of age.1
Scope: population of Caldwell County and the Lower Creek Township
Female Male
Caldwell County
Lower Creek Township
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.

Detailed Sex Ratio#4

Percentage more males or females in selected age cohorts.
Scope: population of Caldwell County and the Lower Creek Township
More Females More Males
Caldwell County
Lower Creek Township

Map of Age Cohorts by Tract in the Lower Creek Township

Children Age Cohorts by Tract#5

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):

College Age Cohorts by Tract#6

Percentage of population aged 18 to 21 (%):

20s Age Cohorts by Tract#7

Percentage of population aged 22 to 29 (%):

30s Age Cohorts by Tract#8

Percentage of population aged 30 to 39 (%):

40s Age Cohorts by Tract#9

Percentage of population aged 40 to 49 (%):

50s Age Cohorts by Tract#10

Percentage of population aged 50 to 59 (%):

60s Age Cohorts by Tract#11

Percentage of population aged 60 to 69 (%):

70s Age Cohorts by Tract#12

Percentage of population aged 70 to 79 (%):

80+ Age Cohorts by Tract#13

Percentage of population aged 80 and older (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Age Cohorts by Block Group in the Lower Creek Township

Children Age Cohorts by Block Group#14

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):

College Age Cohorts by Block Group#15

Percentage of population aged 18 to 21 (%):

20s Age Cohorts by Block Group#16

Percentage of population aged 22 to 29 (%):

30s Age Cohorts by Block Group#17

Percentage of population aged 30 to 39 (%):

40s Age Cohorts by Block Group#18

Percentage of population aged 40 to 49 (%):

50s Age Cohorts by Block Group#19

Percentage of population aged 50 to 59 (%):

60s Age Cohorts by Block Group#20

Percentage of population aged 60 to 69 (%):

70s Age Cohorts by Block Group#21

Percentage of population aged 70 to 79 (%):

80+ Age Cohorts by Block Group#22

Percentage of population aged 80 and older (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Age Cohorts by Block in the Lower Creek Township

Children Age Cohorts by Block#23

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):

College Age Cohorts by Block#24

Percentage of population aged 18 to 21 (%):

20s Age Cohorts by Block#25

Percentage of population aged 22 to 29 (%):

30s Age Cohorts by Block#26

Percentage of population aged 30 to 39 (%):

40s Age Cohorts by Block#27

Percentage of population aged 40 to 49 (%):

50s Age Cohorts by Block#28

Percentage of population aged 50 to 59 (%):

60s Age Cohorts by Block#29

Percentage of population aged 60 to 69 (%):

70s Age Cohorts by Block#30

Percentage of population aged 70 to 79 (%):

80+ Age Cohorts by Block#31

Percentage of population aged 80 and older (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Age Cohorts by County Subdivision in the Hickory Area

There are 42 county subdivisions in the Hickory Area. This section compares the Lower Creek Township to all of the county subdivisions in the Hickory Area and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with the Lower Creek Township.

Children by County Subdivision#32

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):
Scope: population of the Lower Creek Township, selected other county subdivisions in the Hickory Area, and entities that contain the Lower Creek Township
0%10%20%30%40%50%Count#Wilson Creek TownshipWilson CrkJacobs Fork TownshipJacobs ForkSugar Loaf TownshipSugar LoafSharpes TownshipSharpesNewton TownshipNewtonClines TownshipClinesQuaker Meadows TownshipQuaker MdwsSouthUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesNorth CarolinaN CarolinaLower Creek TownshipLower CrkSilver Creek TownshipSilver CrkPatterson TownshipPattersonLenoir TownshipLenoirGwaltneys TownshipGwaltneysJohns River TownshipJohns RivSouth AtlanticMountain Creek TownshipMtn CrkHickory TownshipHickoryIcard TownshipIcardHickory, Lenoir, and Morganton Metro AreaHickory AreaMillers TownshipMillersLovelady TownshipLoveladyUpper Fork TownshipUpper ForkLittle River TownshipLittle RivCaldwell CountyCaldwellCaldwell County SchoolsCaldwell CoBandy's TownshipBandy'sGlobe TownshipGlobeCaldwell TownshipCaldwellLower Creek TownshipLower CrkMulberry TownshipMulberryTaylorsville TownshipTaylorsvilleWittenburg TownshipWittenburgNorth Catawba TownshipN CatawbaLovelady TownshipLoveladyHudson TownshipHudsonCatawba TownshipCatawbaKings Creek TownshipKings CrkLittle River TownshipLittle RivMorganton TownshipMorgantonDrexel TownshipDrexelEllendale TownshipEllendaleLower Fork TownshipLower ForkLinville TownshipLinvilleYadkin Valley TownshipYadkin VlyUpper Creek TownshipUpper CrkSmoky Creek TownshipSmoky CrkJonas Ridge TownshipJonas Rdg51.000000%51.000000%51.0%51128.909585%28.909585%28.9%1,490226.666667%26.666667%26.7%392326.554352%26.554352%26.6%1,324424.971221%24.971221%25.0%8,026524.367724%24.367724%24.4%6,070623.539519%23.539519%23.5%1,781723.464217%23.464217%23.5%28,099,74328.1M23.108006%23.108006%23.1%73,612,43873.6M23.014441%23.014441%23.0%2,287,8262.29M22.655260%22.655260%22.7%715822.653377%22.653377%22.7%2,341922.497055%22.497055%22.5%5731022.483390%22.483390%22.5%4,4671122.384847%22.384847%22.4%5201222.186322%22.186322%22.2%4121322.148630%22.148630%22.1%13,847,14713.8M21.943456%21.943456%21.9%2,3441421.848111%21.848111%21.8%13,43213.4k1521.784387%21.784387%21.8%3,8091621.669506%21.669506%21.7%78,74278.7k21.668312%21.668312%21.7%4391721.486605%21.486605%21.5%3,9141821.192053%21.192053%21.2%1921921.089385%21.089385%21.1%3022021.046764%21.046764%21.0%17,17917.2k21.046764%21.046764%21.0%17,17917.2k20.908733%20.908733%20.9%1,0632120.855615%20.855615%20.9%782220.798647%20.798647%20.8%1,5992320.732521%20.732521%20.7%2,4852420.728008%20.728008%20.7%2052520.516236%20.516236%20.5%2,4642620.145095%20.145095%20.1%1,9162720.128578%20.128578%20.1%1,3152820.000000%20.000000%20.0%1,6912919.938988%19.938988%19.9%2,3533019.692419%19.692419%19.7%1,6393118.765903%18.765903%18.8%2953218.589335%18.589335%18.6%8753318.582921%18.582921%18.6%5,1513418.500773%18.500773%18.5%1,1973518.476687%18.476687%18.5%6383617.361543%17.361543%17.4%5583715.053763%15.053763%15.1%2523814.538677%14.538677%14.5%1563913.626374%13.626374%13.6%1244011.314985%11.314985%11.3%74413.710575%3.710575%3.7%2042