Ancestry in Midtown, Palo Alto, California (Neighborhood)

European and African Ancestry#1

Self-reported anscestry as a percentage of the total population; more than one answer per person permitted.
Scope: population of Palo Alto and Midtown
Palo Alto

Hispanic Ancestry#2

Self-reported Hispanic anscestry as a percentage of the Hispanic population.
Scope: population of Palo Alto and Midtown
Palo Alto
0%20%40%60%Count%MexicanSouth AmericanPeruvianOther HispanicCentral AmericanSalvadoranPuerto RicanArgentineanSpaniardCubanChileanColombian67.401347%63.422325%67.401347%67.4%3293303.252%3.25%15.657428%19.339920%15.657428%15.7%76770.756%0.76%10.029773%1.534581%10.029773%10.0%490.484%0.48%6.504776%8.534791%6.504776%6.5%31320.314%0.31%4.725992%5.570738%4.725992%4.7%230.228%0.23%4.725992%1.786840%4.725992%4.7%230.228%0.23%3.649546%2.018079%3.649546%3.6%17180.176%0.18%2.879772%5.444608%2.879772%2.9%140.139%0.14%2.665079%6.853059%2.665079%2.7%130.129%0.13%2.060912%1.114148%2.060912%2.1%100.099%0.10%1.648730%3.657768%1.648730%1.6%80.080%0.08%1.099153%1.639689%1.099153%1.1%50.053%0.05%

Asian Ancestry#3

Self-reported Asian anscestry as a percentage of the Asian population.
Scope: population of Palo Alto and Midtown
Palo Alto
0%10%20%30%40%50%Count%ChineseKoreanIndianJapaneseVietnameseMixedFilipinoTaiwaneseNot Specified52.126238%50.467607%52.126238%52.1%2,03920.105%20.1%11.407997%9.628337%11.407997%11.4%4464.400%4.40%11.057603%17.458933%11.057603%11.1%4324334.265%4.26%10.530549%7.476862%10.530549%10.5%4114124.062%4.06%5.480059%3.280516%5.480059%5.5%2142.114%2.11%3.507237%2.689344%3.507237%3.5%1371.353%1.35%2.524126%2.040025%2.524126%2.5%98990.974%0.97%2.108733%2.553666%2.108733%2.1%820.813%0.81%0.567259%0.596017%0.567259%0.6%220.219%0.22%

Map of Ancestry by Tract in Midtown

English Ancestry by Tract#4

Percentage of the population reporting 'English' ancestry (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Ancestry by Neighborhood in Palo Alto

There are 32 neighborhoods in Palo Alto. This section compares Midtown to all of the neighborhoods in Palo Alto and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with Midtown.

English Ancestry by Neighborhood#29

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of Midtown, selected other neighborhoods in Palo Alto, and entities that contain Midtown
0%5%10%15%Count#Old Palo Alto NeighborhoodOld Palo AltoEsther Clark Park NeighborhoodEsther Clark PkGreater Miranda NeighborhoodGreater MirandaLinfield Oaks NeighborhoodLinfield OaksProfessorville NeighborhoodProfessorvilleAllied Arts NeighborhoodAllied ArtsUniversity South NeighborhoodUniv SCommunity Center NeighborhoodComm CtrCrescent Park NeighborhoodCrescent ParkMidtown NeighborhoodMidtownDowntown North NeighborhoodDntn NGreenmeadow NeighborhoodGreenmeadowMonroe Park NeighborhoodMonroe ParkDuveneck - St. Francis NeighborhoodDuveneck - St. Fra…Triple El NeighborhoodTriple ElJordan Jr. Hgh School NeighborhoodJordan Jr. Hgh Sc…Palo AltoSt. Claire Gardens NeighborhoodSt. Claire GdnsEvergreen Park NeighborhoodEvergreen PkSouthgate NeighborhoodSouthgateCollege Terrace NeighborhoodCollege TerPalo Alto Unified School DistrictPalo AltoSouth of Midtown NeighborhoodS of MidtownWestPalo Verde NeighborhoodPalo VerdeAdobe Meadow - Meadow Park NeighborhoodAdobe Mdw - Mdw …Charleston Gardens NeighborhoodCharleston GdnsUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesFairmeadow NeighborhoodFairmeadowBarron Park NeighborhoodBarron ParkGreen Acres NeighborhoodGreen AcresPalo Alto Orchards NeighborhoodPalo Alto OrchardsPacificCaliforniaSan Jose, Sunnyvale, and Santa Clara Metro AreaSan Jose AreaSanta Clara CountySanta ClaraVentura NeighborhoodVenturaCharleston Meadow NeighborhoodCharleston MdwGreater San Antonio NeighborhoodGreater San Antonio16.232858%16.232858%16.2%590591113.773281%13.773281%13.8%39213.773281%13.773281%13.8%2021312.999519%12.999519%13.0%187412.191358%12.191358%12.2%102512.122525%12.122525%12.1%196611.915159%11.915159%11.9%429711.407671%11.407671%11.4%143144811.407671%11.407671%11.4%409911.332838%11.332838%11.3%1,1491010.897282%10.897282%10.9%3583591110.718156%10.718156%10.7%2441210.112360%10.112360%10.1%4546139.782804%9.782804%9.8%336149.782804%9.782804%9.8%6061159.782804%9.782804%9.8%136169.551531%9.551531%9.6%6,3669.401402%9.401402%9.4%23178.889163%8.889163%8.9%195188.889163%8.889163%8.9%50198.889163%8.889163%8.9%164208.750238%8.750238%8.8%7,3678.447894%8.447894%8.4%248218.081460%8.081460%8.1%6,065,9596.07M8.021390%8.021390%8.0%200228.021390%8.021390%8.0%120238.021045%8.021045%8.0%86247.667869%7.667869%7.7%24,426,62324.4M7.618651%7.618651%7.6%75256.842384%6.842384%6.8%247266.779403%6.779403%6.8%118119276.775626%6.775626%6.8%5556286.680149%6.680149%6.7%3,464,3353.46M5.602653%5.602653%5.6%2,165,6612.17M4.932616%4.932616%4.9%95,84695.8k4.904311%4.904311%4.9%92,44992.4k3.682057%3.682057%3.7%9798293.682057%3.682057%3.7%7778303.201241%3.201241%3.2%2431


This page discusses the self-reported ancestry of the residents of Midtown. Respondents were not limited to one ancestry, so if a person reported both English and German, then they would be counted in both categories. Consequently, the sum of the counts over all the ancestries most often exceeds the total population of the entity. Asian and Hispanic ancestry is reported separately from European, Middle Eastern, and Subsaharan African ancestry. A full list of all possible categories is as follows:

  • European, Middle Eastern, and Subsaharan African Ancestries: Afghan, Albanian, Alsatian, American, Arab, Egyptian, Iraqi, Jordanian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Palestinian, Syrian, Arab, Other Arab, Armenian, Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac, Australian, Austrian, Basque, Belgian, Brazilian, British, Bulgarian, Cajun, Canadian, Carpatho Rusyn, Celtic, Croatian, Cypriot, Czech, Czechoslovakian, Danish, Dutch, Eastern European, English, Estonian, European, Finnish, French, French Canadian, German, German Russian, Greek, Guyanese, Hungarian, Icelander, Iranian, Irish, Israeli, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxemburger, Macedonian, Maltese, New Zealander, Northern European, Norwegian, Pennsylvania German, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Scandinavian, Scotch-Irish, Scottish, Serbian, Slavic, Slovak, Slovene, Soviet Union, Subsaharan African, Cape Verdean, Ethiopian, Ghanaian, Kenyan, Liberian, Nigerian, Senegalese, Sierra Leonean, Somali, South African, Sudanese, Ugandan, Zimbabwean, African, Other, Swedish, Swiss, Turkish, Ukrainian, Welsh, West Indian, Bahamian, Barbadian, Belizean, Bermudan, British West Indian, Dutch West Indian, Haitian, Jamaican, Trinidadian and Tobagonian, U.S. Virgin Islander, West Indian, Other West Indian, Yugoslavian, Other, and Unclassified
  • Asian Ancestries: Indian, Bangladeshi, Bhutanese, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Malaysian, Mongolian, Nepalese, Okinawan, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Other, Not Specified, and Mixed
  • Hispanic Ancestries: Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Central American, Costa Rican, Guatemalan, Honduran, Nicaraguan, Panamanian, Salvadoran, Other Central American, South American, Argentinean, Bolivian, Chilean, Colombian, Ecuadorian, Paraguayan, Peruvian, Uruguayan, Venezuelan, Other South American, Other Hispanic, Spaniard, Spanish, and Spanish American

Unlike the other geographical entities detailed on this site, neighborhoods are not recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau. To overcome this we have computed reasonable estimates of the same statistics that are presented for other the entity types. Each statistic is computed as the weighted sum or average of the census tracts or block groups that overlap the neighborhood. A weighted sum is used for counts of people or households, and a weighted average is used for statistics that are themselves some form of average, such as median household income. Census block groups are preferred when the statistic in question is available on the block group level. The weight for a given tract (or block group) is computed as the population of the census tabulation blocks that occupy the intersection between the tract and the neighborhood as a fraction of the total population of the neighborhood.

For additional information about the data presented on this site, including our sources, please see the About Page.

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