Age and Sex in East Mt Vernon Na, Wichita, Kansas (Neighborhood)

Age Structure#1

Percentage in each age cohort per year of age.1 Gray areas represent percentile bands from the neighborhoods in Wichita.
Scope: population of Wichita, East Mt Vernon Na, and other neighborhoods in Wichita
East Mt Vernon Na
0th - 100th
10th - 90th
20th - 80th
30th - 70th
40th - 60th

Age and Sex#2

Percentage in each age cohort per year of age.1
Scope: population of Wichita and East Mt Vernon Na
Female Male
East Mt Vernon Na
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.
1.0%0.5%0.0%0.5%1.0%Count%Senior2Older Adult3Younger Adult4College5Children6-0.083259%-0.052610%-0.154333%-0.044713%-0.135869%0.14%0.083259%0.154333%0.083259%0.08%1271287.889%7.89%-0.504940%-0.026659%-0.599464%-0.010071%-0.531598%0.53%0.504940%0.599464%0.504940%0.50%41942025.913%25.9%-0.623531%-0.296113%-0.706369%-0.919644%0.92%0.623531%0.706369%0.007731%0.623531%0.62%44945027.777%27.8%-0.870636%-0.681901%-0.870636%0.87%0.870636%0.071756%0.681901%0.015463%0.942392%0.94%1177.252%7.25%-0.612894%-0.713957%-0.612894%0.61%0.612894%0.505806%0.713957%0.014747%1.118700%1.12%50450531.169%31.2%

Detailed Age and Sex#3

Percentage in each age cohort per year of age.1
Scope: population of Wichita and East Mt Vernon Na
Female Male
East Mt Vernon Na
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.

Detailed Sex Ratio#4

Percentage more males or females in selected age cohorts.
Scope: population of Wichita and East Mt Vernon Na
More Females More Males
East Mt Vernon Na
1k%0k%1k%M:FFM85+80-8475-7970-7467-6965-6662-6460-6155-5950-5445-4940-4435-3930-3425-2922-24212018-1915-1710-145-90-4-85.382736%7.106418%7.106418%0.0k%1.0711.0748.284%48.3%51.716%51.7%-1,000.000000%-51.030348%-1,000.000000%> 1000%0.0000100.000%100%0.000%0%-29.313753%1,000.000000%1,000.000000%> 1000%15.50815.56.058%6.06%93.942%93.9%-1,000.000000%-20.857898%-1,000.000000%> 1000%0.0000100.000%100%0.000%0%-284.892257%-24.714737%-284.892257%0.3k%0.2600.2679.377%79.4%20.623%20.6%71.026183%8.286517%71.026183%0.1k%1.7101.7136.897%36.9%63.103%63.1%-2.367767%-7.506173%-2.367767%0.0k%0.9770.9850.585%50.6%49.415%49.4%-85.561524%-29.076152%-85.561524%0.1k%0.5390.5464.981%65.0%35.019%35.0%-25.477460%-25.477460%0.0k%6.503449%0.7970.8055.650%55.6%44.350%44.4%-12.901359%-1.453052%-12.901359%0.0k%0.8860.8953.030%53.0%46.970%47.0%19.389250%1.853967%19.389250%0.0k%1.1941.1945.581%45.6%54.419%54.4%-0.938497%33.685758%33.685758%0.0k%1.3371.3442.793%42.8%57.207%57.2%-42.524219%-42.524219%0.0k%2.929394%0.7020.7058.767%58.8%41.233%41.2%-65.651752%-0.688007%-65.651752%0.1k%0.6040.6062.357%62.4%37.643%37.6%-65.836531%-0.646073%-65.836531%0.1k%0.6030.6062.383%62.4%37.617%37.6%23.883558%4.472167%23.883558%0.0k%1.2391.2444.666%44.7%55.334%55.3%-878.017559%-3.068105%-878.017559%0.9k%0.1020.1090.724%90.7%9.276%9.28%68.007338%1.410437%68.007338%0.1k%1.6801.6837.312%37.3%62.688%62.7%623.150303%6.203368%623.150303%0.6k%7.2327.2312.148%12.1%87.852%87.9%-41.170175%-0.231273%-41.170175%0.0k%0.7080.7158.536%58.5%41.464%41.5%-0.938861%216.800251%216.800251%0.2k%3.1683.1723.992%24.0%76.008%76.0%61.327465%2.212389%61.327465%0.1k%1.6131.6138.266%38.3%61.734%61.7%72.661807%5.904892%72.661807%0.1k%1.7271.7336.675%36.7%63.325%63.3%

Map of Age Cohorts by Tract in East Mt Vernon Na

Children Age Cohorts by Tract#5

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):

College Age Cohorts by Tract#6

Percentage of population aged 18 to 21 (%):

20s Age Cohorts by Tract#7

Percentage of population aged 22 to 29 (%):

30s Age Cohorts by Tract#8

Percentage of population aged 30 to 39 (%):

40s Age Cohorts by Tract#9

Percentage of population aged 40 to 49 (%):

50s Age Cohorts by Tract#10

Percentage of population aged 50 to 59 (%):

60s Age Cohorts by Tract#11

Percentage of population aged 60 to 69 (%):

70s Age Cohorts by Tract#12

Percentage of population aged 70 to 79 (%):

80+ Age Cohorts by Tract#13

Percentage of population aged 80 and older (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Age Cohorts by Block Group in East Mt Vernon Na

Children Age Cohorts by Block Group#14

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):

College Age Cohorts by Block Group#15

Percentage of population aged 18 to 21 (%):

20s Age Cohorts by Block Group#16

Percentage of population aged 22 to 29 (%):

30s Age Cohorts by Block Group#17

Percentage of population aged 30 to 39 (%):

40s Age Cohorts by Block Group#18

Percentage of population aged 40 to 49 (%):

50s Age Cohorts by Block Group#19

Percentage of population aged 50 to 59 (%):

60s Age Cohorts by Block Group#20

Percentage of population aged 60 to 69 (%):

70s Age Cohorts by Block Group#21

Percentage of population aged 70 to 79 (%):

80+ Age Cohorts by Block Group#22

Percentage of population aged 80 and older (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Age Cohorts by Block in East Mt Vernon Na

Children Age Cohorts by Block#23

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):

College Age Cohorts by Block#24

Percentage of population aged 18 to 21 (%):

20s Age Cohorts by Block#25

Percentage of population aged 22 to 29 (%):

30s Age Cohorts by Block#26

Percentage of population aged 30 to 39 (%):

40s Age Cohorts by Block#27

Percentage of population aged 40 to 49 (%):

50s Age Cohorts by Block#28

Percentage of population aged 50 to 59 (%):

60s Age Cohorts by Block#29

Percentage of population aged 60 to 69 (%):

70s Age Cohorts by Block#30

Percentage of population aged 70 to 79 (%):

80+ Age Cohorts by Block#31

Percentage of population aged 80 and older (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Age Cohorts by Neighborhood in Wichita

There are 72 neighborhoods in Wichita. This section compares East Mt Vernon Na to all of the neighborhoods in Wichita and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with East Mt Vernon Na.

Children by Neighborhood#32

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):
Scope: population of East Mt Vernon Na, selected other neighborhoods in Wichita, and entities that contain East Mt Vernon Na
0%10%20%30%40%Count#Central 2000 NeighborhoodCentral 2000Mcadams NeighborhoodMcadamsSouthwest Village NeighborhoodSW VlgMurdock NeighborhoodMurdockK-15 NeighborhoodK-15Hilltop NeighborhoodHilltopKellogg School NeighborhoodKellogg SchoolMaple Hills NeighborhoodMaple HillsCountry Overlook NeighborhoodCountry OverlookMead NeighborhoodMeadFabrique NeighborhoodFabriqueKen-Mar NeighborhoodKen-MarMacdonald NeighborhoodMacdonaldPueblo NeighborhoodPuebloEast Mt Vernon Na NeighborhoodE Mt Vernon NaThe Elm NeighborhoodThe ElmPower NeighborhoodPowerLinwood NeighborhoodLinwoodPlaneview United NeighborhoodPlaneview UnitedMeadowlark NeighborhoodMeadowlarkNortheast Millair NeighborhoodNE MillairSouth Area NeighborhoodSouth AreaSouth City Community NeighborhoodS City CommHilltop - Jefferson NeighborhoodHilltop - JeffersonNew Salem NeighborhoodNew SalemCottonwood Village NeighborhoodCottonwood VlgNorth Central NeighborhoodNorth CentralSunnyside NeighborhoodSunnysideEastridge NeighborhoodEastridgeMatlock Heights NeighborhoodMatlock HtsRiverside NeighborhoodRiversideZIP Code 67218ZIP 67218Southwest NeighborhoodSouthwestSedgwick CountySedgwickWichita Metro AreaWichita AreaSleepy Hollow NeighborhoodSleepy HollowWichitaWichita Unified School District 259Wichita 259South Central Improvemen NeighborhoodS Cntrl ImprovemenKansasChisholm Creek NeighborhoodChisholm CrkStanley-Aley NeighborhoodStanley-AleyWest North CentralMidwestUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesWestlink NeighborhoodWestlinkHistoric Midtown NeighborhoodHist MidtownGrandview Heights NeighborhoodGrandview HtsPleasant Valley NeighborhoodPleasant VlyFairmount NeighborhoodFairmountLambsdale NeighborhoodLambsdaleBrookhollow NeighborhoodBrookhollowComotara Mainsgate Villa NeighborhoodComotara Mainsga…Crown Heights South NeighborhoodCrown Hts SNortheast Heights NeighborhoodNE Hts46.137931%46.137931%46.1%280281146.137931%46.137931%46.1%120237.881400%37.881400%37.9%2,120335.994780%35.994780%36.0%402434.770642%34.770642%34.8%656533.624699%33.624699%33.6%622623633.443574%33.443574%33.4%922923733.285129%33.285129%33.3%8384832.765988%32.765988%32.8%623624932.726498%32.726498%32.7%1,1631032.593946%32.593946%32.6%8941131.691029%31.691029%31.7%5935941231.506612%31.506612%31.5%1731741331.491899%31.491899%31.5%2,1801431.168697%31.168697%31.2%5045051531.148617%31.148617%31.1%2351631.047032%31.047032%31.0%4471730.533112%30.533112%30.5%3323331830.305533%30.305533%30.3%1,3281929.796462%29.796462%29.8%4134142029.722642%29.722642%29.7%4082129.667012%29.667012%29.7%2,1382,1392229.617842%29.617842%29.6%2,0142,0152329.533238%29.533238%29.5%5322429.462051%29.462051%29.5%2792802529.014661%29.014661%29.0%4104112628.927567%28.927567%28.9%6832728.579854%28.579854%28.6%4312827.881250%27.881250%27.9%1,2652927.815050%27.815050%27.8%6513027.326041%27.326041%27.3%2,0422,0433127.193175%27.193175%27.2%6,18426.728625%26.728625%26.7%3,6363,6373426.466832%26.466832%26.5%134,510135k26.244292%26.244292%26.2%168,096168k26.019487%26.019487%26.0%1823625.967894%25.967894%26.0%100,764101k25.605343%25.605343%25.6%84,34484.3k25.344452%25.344452%25.3%2,3484124.888693%24.888693%24.9%721,347721k24.294021%24.294021%24.3%3,6683,6694423.892025%23.892025%23.9%1,0634623.689691%23.689691%23.7%4,971,0164.97M23.217458%23.217458%23.2%15,712,75815.7M23.108006%23.108006%23.1%73,612,43873.6M23.049220%23.049220%23.0%1775122.772268%22.772268%22.8%2,5385321.451337%21.451337%21.5%2812825619.463112%19.463112%19.5%2146116.789330%16.789330%16.8%3086615.844544%15.844544%15.8%376715.243902%15.243902%15.2%916813.375350%13.375350%13.4%816912.962963%12.962963%13.0%1001017011.901780%11.901780%11.9%33471


The US Census reports extensively on the topics of age and sex, often reporting other topics broken down by age and sex cohorts. This page reports on age and sex alone; charts presenting other topics by age and sex can be found on their topic-specific pages.

  • Children: less than 18 years old
  • College: from 18 to 21 years old
  • 20s: from 22 to 29 years old, to not overlap the college category
  • Younger Adult: from 22 to 39 years old
  • Older Adult: from 40 to 64 years old
  • Senior: more than 64 years old

Unlike the other geographical entities detailed on this site, neighborhoods are not recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau. To overcome this we have computed reasonable estimates of the same statistics that are presented for other the entity types. Each statistic is computed as the weighted sum or average of the census tracts or block groups that overlap the neighborhood. A weighted sum is used for counts of people or households, and a weighted average is used for statistics that are themselves some form of average, such as median household income. Census block groups are preferred when the statistic in question is available on the block group level. The weight for a given tract (or block group) is computed as the population of the census tabulation blocks that occupy the intersection between the tract and the neighborhood as a fraction of the total population of the neighborhood.

For additional information about the data presented on this site, including our sources, please see the About Page.

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