Languages in Columbus, Ohio (City)

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Much of the data on this site are primarily drawn from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2012-2016 American Community Survey. For personal privacy reasons, the Census Bureau does not report certain data that it deems private for entities with so small a population that the data being reported could be plausibly associated with an individual by a third party. In some cases, this data suppression is done systematically (based on the data field and the entity type), and in some cases it is based on a population threshold. Whatever the case is for this particular page, we don't have sufficient data on this topic for Columbus to generate the charts and maps that you would normally see. Please select a different topic from the More Topics to Explore section, or a different geographical entity from the More Maps to Explore section.

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Metro Area:

Abby Trails, Albany Commons, Alum Crest Acres, Amercrest, Antrim, Appian, Argyle Park, Arlington Park, Beechwood, Berwick, Blendon Woods, Blendon Woods Metro Park, Bluff View, Brandywine, Brentnell, Brentwood Park, Brewery District (including Whittier Peninsula), Brice, Bridgeview, Brittany Hills, Broadleigh, Brookhollow, Brookshire, Brookside Colony, Brookside Village, Brookside Woods, Busch, Central Clintonville, Central College, Central Hilltop, Cherry Creek, Clintonville, Cobleton, Coppertree, Cranbrook, Cross Creek, Crosswoods, Crown Ridge, Cumberland Ridge, Deer Creek, Dennison Place, Deshler Park, Devon Triangle, Devonshire, Dexter Falls, Don Scott, Downtown, Driving Park, East, East Beechwold, East Broad, East Columbus, East Linden, Eastgate, Eastland, Eastmoor, Easton, Edgewood, Fairgrounds, Flint Road, Fodor, Forest Park East, Forest Park West, Foxboro, Framingham, Franklin Park, Franklinton, Galloway Ridge, Gateway, Georgian Heights, German Village Commission, Glen Echo, Glenbrook, Glenmeadows, Golfview Woods, Gould Park, Governours Square, Grandview South, Greenbriar Farm, Greenhill Acres, Harrison West, Hayden Falls, Henderson Heights, Hickory Bluff Farms, Highpoint-Glen, Hilliard Green, Hilltop, Hilltop 2, Hilltop 3, Hilltop 4, Holly Hill, Hungarian Village, Hyde Park, Independence Village, Indian Hills, Indian Springs, Indiana Forest, Indianola Terrace, Industrial Site, Innis Garden Village, Italian Village, Iuka Ravine, Kendale, King-Lincoln-Bronzeville, Knolls West, Knolls-Thomas, Laurel Greene, Leawood, Linwood, Linworth Village, Little Turtle, Livingston - McNaughten, Livingston Park North, Madison Mills, Maize-Morse, Marble Cliff Crossing, Marion Franklin, Merion Village, Milbrook, Mill Run, Milo-Grogan, Misty Meadows, Mount Vernon, Necko, North Campus, North Franklinton, North Hilltop, North Linden, North Rickenbacker, Northbridge, Northcrest, Northern Woods, Northgate, Northmoor, Northwoods, Old Beechwold, Old North Columbus, Olde Orchard, Olde Sawmill, Olde Town East, Olentangy, Olentangy Commons, Olentangy High Bluffs, Olentangy Highlands, Oriole Park, Park Club, Parkview, Pine Hills, Polaris, Polaris North, Polaris South, Port Columbus International Airport, Preserve North, Preserve South, Preston Commons, Reeb-Hosack, Riverbend, Riverplace, Riverside, Riverview, Salem Village, Sawmill Forest, Sawmill Ravines, Schirm Farm, Schumacher Place, Scioto Trace, Scioto Woods, Seven Oaks, Shady Lane, Shannon Green, Shannon Heights, Sharon Heights, Shepard, Slate Hill, Smokey Ridge Estates, Somerset, South Central Hilltop, South Franklinton, South Hilltop, South Linden, South London, South Side CAN, South of Main, Southeast, Southern Orchards, Southside, Southwest, Southwest Airport, Southwest Hilltop, Springbourne, St. Mary's, Stambaugh-Elwood, Stilson, Stilson East, Strawberry Farms, Summerwood, Summit View Forest, Summit View Woods, Sweetwater, Sycamore Hills, Teakwood, The Gables, The Ohio State University, Three Corners, Three Rivers, Trabue Woods, Tri-Village, Trouville, Tuttle, Tuttle West, Valleyview Heights, Vasser Village (Lincoln Park), Victorian Village, Village at Worthington, Walnut Creek, Walnut Heights, Walnut Hills, Weinland Park, West Albany, West Campus, West London, Westbelt, Westbend, Westbrook, Westbrooke-Heritage, Westchester-Green Countrie, Western Hills, Westgate, Westside 1, Westside 2, Westside 3, Westworth Village, Wexford-Thornapple, Wexmoor, Whetstone, White Ash, Williams Creek, Winchester, Wolfe Park, Wood Bridge Green, Woodland Holt, Woodland Park, Woods of Josephinium, Woodstream, Woodward Park, Worthington Crossing, Worthington Green, Worthington Highlands, Worthington Hills, Worthington Park, Worthington Village North, Worthington Woods, Worthingview, Wynstone

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