Population of Cape Henlopen School District, Delaware (Unified School District)

Map of Population by County Subdivision in Cape Henlopen School District

Population Density Population by County Subdivision#1

Population per square mile of land (excluding water areas):

Population Population by County Subdivision#2

Total population:
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Population by Tract in Cape Henlopen School District

Population Density Population by Tract#3

Population per square mile of land (excluding water areas):

Population Population by Tract#4

Total population:
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Population by Block Group in Cape Henlopen School District

Population Density Population by Block Group#5

Population per square mile of land (excluding water areas):

Population Population by Block Group#6

Total population:
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Population by Place in Cape Henlopen School District

There are 5 places in Cape Henlopen School District. This section compares all 5 of those to each other.

Total Population by Place#7

Scope: population of selected places in Cape Henlopen School District
05001,0001,5002,0002,500#LewesMiltonRehoboth BeachRehoboth BchDewey BeachHenlopen Acres2,955.0000002,955.0000002,95512,756.0000002,756.0000002,75621,119.0000001,119.0000001,1193289.000000289.0000002894159.000000159.0000001595

Population Density by Place#8

People per square mile (excluding waters).
Scope: population of selected places in Cape Henlopen School District
05001,0001,500#MiltonRehoboth BeachRehoboth BchDewey BeachLewesHenlopen Acres1,528.2544221,528.2544221,5281951.974752951.9747529522873.678480873.6784808743776.956599776.9565997774622.751469622.7514696235

Population by County Subdivision in Cape Henlopen School District

There are 5 county subdivisions that are fully or partially contained within Cape Henlopen School District (0 fully and 5 partially). This section compares all 5 of those to each other.

Total Population by County Subdivision#9

Scope: population of selected county subdivisions in Cape Henlopen School District
0k5k10k15k20k25k30k#LewesMillsboroMilford SouthMiltonGeorgetown32,264.00000032,264.00000032.26k128,784.00000028,784.00000028.78k222,590.00000022,590.00000022.59k316,501.00000016,501.00000016.50k415,845.00000015,845.00000015.85k5

Population Density by County Subdivision#10

People per square mile (excluding waters).
Scope: population of selected county subdivisions in Cape Henlopen School District
050100150200250300350400#LewesMillsboroMiltonGeorgetownMilford South426.829504426.8295044271316.153152316.1531523162261.308190261.3081902613223.696733223.6967332244177.116247177.1162471775

Population by Unified School District in Delaware

There are 16 unified school districts in Delaware. This section compares Cape Henlopen School District to all of the unified school districts in Delaware.

Total Population by Unified School District#11

Scope: population of Cape Henlopen School District and selected other unified school districts in Delaware
0k50k100k150k#Christina School DistrictChristinaRed Clay Consolidated School DistrictRed Clay DistBrandywine School DistrictBrandywineColonial School DistrictColonialIndian River School DistrictIndian RiverAppoquinimink School DistrictAppoquiniminkCapital School DistrictCapitalCape Henlopen School DistrictCape HenlopenCaesar Rodney School DistrictCaesar RodneySmyrna School DistrictSmyrnaMilford School DistrictMilfordLake Forest School DistrictLake ForestSeaford School DistrictSeafordWoodbridge School DistrictWoodbridgeLaurel School DistrictLaurelDelmar School DistrictDelmar171,880.000000171,880.000000171.88k1136,459.000000136,459.000000136.46k293,042.00000093,042.00000093.04k387,185.00000087,185.00000087.19k480,750.00000080,750.00000080.75k557,901.00000057,901.00000057.90k655,603.00000055,603.00000055.60k750,200.00000050,200.00000050.20k846,670.00000046,670.00000046.67k935,991.00000035,991.00000035.99k1030,256.00000030,256.00000030.26k1125,844.00000025,844.00000025.84k1224,161.00000024,161.00000024.16k1317,109.00000017,109.00000017.11k1416,065.00000016,065.00000016.07k155,579.0000005,579.0000005.58k16

Population Density by Unified School District#12

People per square mile (excluding waters).
Scope: population of Cape Henlopen School District and selected other unified school districts in Delaware
05001,0001,5002,0002,500#Brandywine School DistrictBrandywineChristina School DistrictChristinaRed Clay Consolidated School DistrictRed Clay DistColonial School DistrictColonialCapital School DistrictCapitalAppoquinimink School DistrictAppoquiniminkCaesar Rodney School DistrictCaesar RodneySeaford School DistrictSeafordCape Henlopen School DistrictCape HenlopenIndian River School DistrictIndian RiverSmyrna School DistrictSmyrnaMilford School DistrictMilfordLake Forest School DistrictLake ForestLaurel School DistrictLaurelDelmar School DistrictDelmarWoodbridge School DistrictWoodbridge2,875.9758792,875.9758792,87612,594.2865542,594.2865542,59422,078.2659902,078.2659902,07831,105.2845051,105.2845051,1054490.670557490.6705574915456.973524456.9735244576429.944879429.9448794307327.720138327.7201383288310.465171310.4651713109244.155780244.15578024410214.148210214.14821021411184.802705184.80270518512160.453704160.45370416013147.374346147.37434614714121.296082121.29608212115119.637673119.63767312016


This page reports on the population distribution in Cape Henlopen School District, both in terms of raw head counts, and in terms of population density per square mile.

  • Population: count of all residents of the given entity at the time of the survey, excluding visitors
  • Population Density: population divided by the total land area of the entity (i.e., excluding water areas contained in the entity)

For additional information about the data presented on this site, including our sources, please see the About Page.

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