Ancestry in Marsing Joint School District 363, Idaho (Unified School District)

European and African Ancestry#1

Self-reported anscestry as a percentage of the total population; more than one answer per person permitted.
Scope: population of Idaho and Marsing Joint School District 363
Marsing 363
0%10%20%30%CountOther1EnglishGermanAmericanUnclassified2IrishFrenchNorthern EuropeanNorwegianItalianDutchDanishScottishEuropeanBasqueScotch-IrishWelshSwedishPolish36.414829%24.931473%36.414829%36.4%1,55217.151572%16.417780%17.151572%17.2%73113.702487%17.470741%13.702487%13.7%58411.942750%8.087213%11.942750%11.9%5099.784139%18.408018%9.784139%9.8%4175.818864%9.288326%5.818864%5.8%2485.513843%2.487828%5.513843%5.5%2354.059127%0.213576%4.059127%4.1%1733.261380%3.096578%3.261380%3.3%1392.792116%3.114493%2.792116%2.8%1192.275927%2.041171%2.275927%2.3%972.182074%2.003628%2.182074%2.2%932.158611%3.162491%2.158611%2.2%921.243548%2.296936%1.243548%1.2%531.079305%0.516300%1.079305%1.1%460.868137%1.060115%0.868137%0.9%370.797748%1.376168%0.797748%0.8%340.727358%2.957842%0.727358%0.7%310.680432%1.219884%0.680432%0.7%29

Hispanic Ancestry#2

Self-reported Hispanic anscestry as a percentage of the Hispanic population.
Scope: population of Idaho and Marsing Joint School District 363
Marsing 363
0%50%Count%MexicanCentral AmericanGuatemalanSouth AmericanOther South AmericanOther South Ameri…95.543175%86.856623%95.543175%95.5%1,02924.144%24.1%2.878366%2.049195%2.878366%2.9%310.727%0.73%2.785515%0.802192%2.785515%2.8%300.704%0.70%1.114206%2.170879%1.114206%1.1%120.282%0.28%1.114206%0.028120%1.114206%1.1%120.282%0.28%

Asian Ancestry#3

Self-reported Asian anscestry as a percentage of the Asian population.
Scope: population of Idaho and Marsing Joint School District 363
Marsing 363

Map of Ancestry by County Subdivision in Marsing Joint School District 363

English Ancestry by County Subdivision#4

Percentage of the population reporting 'English' ancestry (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Ancestry by Tract in Marsing Joint School District 363

English Ancestry by Tract#29

Percentage of the population reporting 'English' ancestry (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Ancestry by Place in Marsing Joint School District 363

There is 1 place in Marsing Joint School District 363. This section compares all 1 of those to each other, Marsing Joint School District 363, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with Marsing Joint School District 363.

English Ancestry by Place#54

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of Marsing Joint School District 363, selected places in Marsing Joint School District 363, and entities that contain Marsing Joint School District 363
0%5%10%15%Count#Marsing Joint School District 363Marsing 363Boise City Metro AreaBoise CityIdahoMarsingMountainWestUnited States of AmericaUnited States17.151572%17.151572%17.2%73117.023114%17.023114%17.0%112,979113k16.417780%16.417780%16.4%268,510269k12.369792%12.369792%12.4%190111.213876%11.213876%11.2%2,601,6242.60M8.081460%8.081460%8.1%6,065,9596.07M7.667869%7.667869%7.7%24,426,62324.4M

Ancestry by County Subdivision in Marsing Joint School District 363

There are 4 county subdivisions that are fully or partially contained within Marsing Joint School District 363 (0 fully and 4 partially). This section compares all 4 of those to each other, Marsing Joint School District 363, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with Marsing Joint School District 363.

English Ancestry by County Subdivision#79

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of Marsing Joint School District 363, selected county subdivisions in Marsing Joint School District 363, and entities that contain Marsing Joint School District 363
0%5%10%15%Count#HustonMarsing Joint School District 363Marsing 363Boise City Metro AreaBoise CityIdahoMarsingMurphyMountainHomedaleWestUnited States of AmericaUnited States19.643900%19.643900%19.6%673117.151572%17.151572%17.2%73117.023114%17.023114%17.0%112,979113k16.417780%16.417780%16.4%268,510269k15.811088%15.811088%15.8%539211.288265%11.288265%11.3%177311.213876%11.213876%11.2%2,601,6242.60M8.773982%8.773982%8.8%37548.081460%8.081460%8.1%6,065,9596.07M7.667869%7.667869%7.7%24,426,62324.4M

Ancestry by Unified School District in Idaho

There are 115 unified school districts in Idaho. This section compares Marsing Joint School District 363 to the 50 most populous unified school districts in Idaho and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with Marsing Joint School District 363. The least populous of the compared unified school districts has a population of 5,747.

English Ancestry by Unified School District#104

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of Marsing Joint School District 363, selected other unified school districts in Idaho, and entities that contain Marsing Joint School District 363
0%10%20%Count#Madison School District 321Madison 321McCall-Donnelly Joint School District 421McCall-Donnelly 421Bear Lake County School District 33Bear Lk Co 33Preston Joint School District 201Preston 201Marsh Valley Joint School District 21Marsh Vly 21Bonneville Joint School District 93Bonneville 93Jefferson County Joint School District 251Jefferson Co 251Snake River School District 52Snake Riv 52Fremont County Joint School District 215Fremont Co 215Cassia County Joint School District 151Cassia Co 151Meridian Joint School District 2Meridian 2Emmett Independent School District 221Emmett 221Idaho Falls School District 91Idaho Falls 91Pocatello School District 25Pocatello 25Shelley Joint School District 60Shelley 60Teton County School District 401Teton Co 401Lake Pend Oreille School District 84Lk Pend Oreille 84Kimberly School District 414Kimberly 414Salmon School District 291Salmon 291Marsing Joint School District 363Marsing 363Middleton School District 134Middleton 134Boise City Metro AreaBoise CityBoise City Independent School District 1Boise City 1Moscow School District 281Moscow 281IdahoNampa School District 131Nampa 131Mountain View School District 244Mtn Vw 244Vallivue School District 139Vallivue 139Blackfoot School District 55Blackfoot 55Kuna Joint School District 3Kuna 3Buhl Joint School District 412Buhl 412Weiser School District 431Weiser 431Kellogg Joint School District 391Kellogg 391Twin Falls School District 411Twin Falls 411Boundary County School District 101Boundary Co 101Homedale Joint School District 370Homedale 370Fruitland School District 373Fruitland 373American Falls Joint School District 381American Falls 381Coeur d'Alene School District 271Coeur d'Alene 271Filer School District 413Filer 413Minidoka County Joint School District 331Minidoka Co 331Orofino Joint School District 171Orofino 171Lewiston Independent School District 340Lewiston 340St. Maries Joint School District 41St. Maries 41Payette Joint School District 371Payette 371MountainLakeland Joint School District 272Lakeland 272Post Falls School District 273Post Falls 273Caldwell School District 132Caldwell 132Jerome Joint School District 261Jerome 261West Bonner County School District 83W Bonner Co 83Mountain Home School District 193Mtn Home 193WestUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesBlaine County School District 61Blaine Co 61Gooding Joint School District 231Gooding 23127.367651%27.367651%27.4%9,357126.288523%26.288523%26.3%1,979225.822168%25.822168%25.8%1,484325.302971%25.302971%25.3%2,589423.338485%23.338485%23.3%1,510522.315951%22.315951%22.3%11,05811.1k622.136270%22.136270%22.1%5,065722.002750%22.002750%22.0%1,760821.428571%21.428571%21.4%2,457921.226782%21.226782%21.2%4,9141019.829118%19.829118%19.8%40,61440.6k1119.260666%19.260666%19.3%3,2461218.761957%18.761957%18.8%10,69010.7k1318.502812%18.502812%18.5%14,31114.3k1418.192891%18.192891%18.2%1,6431518.070327%18.070327%18.1%1,8861617.828070%17.828070%17.8%5,2781717.700173%17.700173%17.7%1,3331817.621960%17.621960%17.6%1,2391917.151572%17.151572%17.2%73117.127509%17.127509%17.1%3,0292017.023114%17.023114%17.0%112,979113k17.012144%17.012144%17.0%32,77932.8k2116.602707%16.602707%16.6%4,7592216.417780%16.417780%16.4%268,510269k16.308415%16.308415%16.3%14,51414.5k2314.563492%14.563492%14.6%1,4682414.357077%14.357077%14.4%6,0932513.741528%13.741528%13.7%2,9402613.696180%13.696180%13.7%4,2882713.468792%13.468792%13.5%1,1072813.328573%13.328573%13.3%1,1202913.326124%13.326124%13.3%1,1093013.302008%13.302008%13.3%7,1343112.979086%12.979086%13.0%1,4463212.960437%12.960437%13.0%7603312.716559%12.716559%12.7%1,0793412.600733%12.600733%12.6%8603512.469932%12.469932%12.5%9,7983612.337570%12.337570%12.3%8643712.269909%12.269909%12.3%2,5533812.144821%12.144821%12.1%1,0603911.674864%11.674864%11.7%4,0594011.444393%11.444393%11.4%7444111.361981%11.361981%11.4%1,0924211.213876%11.213876%11.2%2,601,6242.60M11.156288%11.156288%11.2%3,1284311.047094%11.047094%11.0%4,0844410.863183%10.863183%10.9%3,8854510.539977%10.539977%10.5%2,0714610.284824%10.284824%10.3%1,188479.833637%9.833637%9.8%2,323488.081460%8.081460%8.1%6,065,9596.07M7.667869%7.667869%7.7%24,426,62324.4M7.579222%7.579222%7.6%1,624497.181276%7.181276%7.2%49450


This page discusses the self-reported ancestry of the residents of Marsing Joint School District 363. Respondents were not limited to one ancestry, so if a person reported both English and German, then they would be counted in both categories. Consequently, the sum of the counts over all the ancestries most often exceeds the total population of the entity. Asian and Hispanic ancestry is reported separately from European, Middle Eastern, and Subsaharan African ancestry. A full list of all possible categories is as follows:

  • European, Middle Eastern, and Subsaharan African Ancestries: Afghan, Albanian, Alsatian, American, Arab, Egyptian, Iraqi, Jordanian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Palestinian, Syrian, Arab, Other Arab, Armenian, Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac, Australian, Austrian, Basque, Belgian, Brazilian, British, Bulgarian, Cajun, Canadian, Carpatho Rusyn, Celtic, Croatian, Cypriot, Czech, Czechoslovakian, Danish, Dutch, Eastern European, English, Estonian, European, Finnish, French, French Canadian, German, German Russian, Greek, Guyanese, Hungarian, Icelander, Iranian, Irish, Israeli, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxemburger, Macedonian, Maltese, New Zealander, Northern European, Norwegian, Pennsylvania German, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Scandinavian, Scotch-Irish, Scottish, Serbian, Slavic, Slovak, Slovene, Soviet Union, Subsaharan African, Cape Verdean, Ethiopian, Ghanaian, Kenyan, Liberian, Nigerian, Senegalese, Sierra Leonean, Somali, South African, Sudanese, Ugandan, Zimbabwean, African, Other, Swedish, Swiss, Turkish, Ukrainian, Welsh, West Indian, Bahamian, Barbadian, Belizean, Bermudan, British West Indian, Dutch West Indian, Haitian, Jamaican, Trinidadian and Tobagonian, U.S. Virgin Islander, West Indian, Other West Indian, Yugoslavian, Other, and Unclassified
  • Asian Ancestries: Indian, Bangladeshi, Bhutanese, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Malaysian, Mongolian, Nepalese, Okinawan, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Other, Not Specified, and Mixed
  • Hispanic Ancestries: Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Central American, Costa Rican, Guatemalan, Honduran, Nicaraguan, Panamanian, Salvadoran, Other Central American, South American, Argentinean, Bolivian, Chilean, Colombian, Ecuadorian, Paraguayan, Peruvian, Uruguayan, Venezuelan, Other South American, Other Hispanic, Spaniard, Spanish, and Spanish American

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