Occupations in State House District 51, Oregon (State House District)


Percentage of the civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of Oregon and State House District 51
State House District 51
0%5%10%CountAdministrativeSales and RelatedManagementProductionFood ServicePersonal CareTransportationHealthcare1Business2FacilitiesConstruction3Education4Healthcare SupportMaterial MovingRepair5Computers & MathEntertainment6Health TechniciansEngineering7Social ServiceFire FightingLegalLaw EnforcementScienceFarming812.446796%12.882922%12.446796%12.4%4,09411.169889%10.360631%11.169889%11.2%3,67410.473671%10.413015%10.473671%10.5%3,4457.238842%5.812443%7.238842%7.2%2,3815.706555%6.334265%5.706555%5.7%1,8775.484616%4.557028%5.484616%5.5%1,8044.733674%3.477262%4.733674%4.7%1,5574.292837%3.887331%4.292837%4.3%1,4124.268515%4.500005%4.268515%4.3%1,4044.244193%3.739237%4.244193%4.2%1,3964.058738%4.195632%4.058738%4.1%1,3353.852000%5.557290%3.852000%3.9%1,2673.344278%2.298131%3.344278%3.3%1,1002.979448%2.593718%2.979448%3.0%9802.556853%2.731827%2.556853%2.6%8412.046090%2.919700%2.046090%2.0%6731.942722%2.381017%1.942722%1.9%6391.939681%1.555751%1.939681%1.9%6381.869756%2.262553%1.869756%1.9%6151.337711%2.029826%1.337711%1.3%4401.310349%1.007738%1.310349%1.3%4310.930317%1.007519%0.930317%0.9%3060.674936%0.634447%0.674936%0.7%2220.608051%1.026890%0.608051%0.6%2000.489481%1.833823%0.489481%0.5%161

Relative Occupations#2

Percentage more or less common in State House District 51 than in Oregon, among the civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of Oregon and State House District 51
Less Common
More Common
50%0%%ref.Healthcare SupportTransportationFire FightingHealth TechniciansProductionPersonal CareMaterial MovingFacilitiesHealthcare1Sales and RelatedLaw EnforcementManagementConstruction2AdministrativeBusiness3Repair4LegalFood ServiceEngineering5Entertainment6Computers & MathEducation7Social ServiceScienceFarming845.521683%45.521683%45.5%3.344%3.34%2.298%2.30%36.132214%36.132214%36.1%4.734%4.73%3.477%3.48%30.028797%30.028797%30.0%1.310%1.31%1.008%1.01%24.678156%24.678156%24.7%1.940%1.94%1.556%1.56%24.540435%24.540435%24.5%7.239%7.24%5.812%5.81%20.355125%20.355125%20.4%5.485%5.48%4.557%4.56%14.871685%14.871685%14.9%2.979%2.98%2.594%2.59%13.504264%13.504264%13.5%4.244%4.24%3.739%3.74%10.431489%10.431489%10.4%4.293%4.29%3.887%3.89%7.810896%7.810896%7.8%11.170%11.2%10.361%10.4%6.381826%6.381826%6.4%0.675%0.67%0.634%0.63%0.582503%0.582503%0.6%10.474%10.5%10.413%10.4%-3.262793%-3.262793%3.3%4.059%4.06%4.196%4.20%-3.385305%-3.385305%3.4%12.447%12.4%12.883%12.9%-5.144223%-5.144223%5.1%4.269%4.27%4.500%4.50%-6.405013%-6.405013%6.4%2.557%2.56%2.732%2.73%-7.662572%-7.662572%7.7%0.930%0.93%1.008%1.01%-9.909751%-9.909751%9.9%5.707%5.71%6.334%6.33%-17.360808%-17.360808%17.4%1.870%1.87%2.263%2.26%-18.407917%-18.407917%18.4%1.943%1.94%2.381%2.38%-29.921209%-29.921209%29.9%2.046%2.05%2.920%2.92%-30.685626%-30.685626%30.7%3.852%3.85%5.557%5.56%-34.097248%-34.097248%34.1%1.338%1.34%2.030%2.03%-40.787201%-40.787201%40.8%0.608%0.61%1.027%1.03%-73.308175%-73.308175%73.3%0.489%0.49%1.834%1.83%

Sex Ratio by Occupation#3

Sex ratio by occupation among the civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of Oregon and State House District 51
Female Male
State House District 51
2x1x0x1x2xFMProductionManagementFarming1Sales and RelatedBusiness2FacilitiesAll OccupationsLegalFood ServiceSocial ServiceEntertainment3Healthcare4ScienceAdministrative-1.000000x-1.000000x-1.000000x2.773376x2.994450x2.773376x2.77x6311,750-1.000000x-1.000000x-1.000000x1.540560x1.422666x1.540560x1.54x1,3562,089-1.000000x-1.000000x-1.000000x1.300000x3.428383x1.300000x1.30x7091-1.000000x-1.000000x-1.000000x1.242979x1.087825x1.242979x1.24x1,6382,036-1.000000x-1.297927x-1.000000x1.207547x1.000000x1.207547x1.21x636768-1.000000x-1.000000x-1.000000x1.147692x1.541766x1.147692x1.15x650746-1.000000x-1.000000x-1.000000x1.096634x1.108260x1.096634x1.10x15,68815.7k17,20417.2k-1.615385x-1.196526x-1.615385x1.62x1.000000x1.000000x1.000000x189117-1.677603x-1.284694x-1.677603x1.68x1.000000x1.000000x1.000000x1,176701-1.682927x-1.714859x-1.682927x1.68x1.000000x1.000000x1.000000x276164-1.742489x-1.000000x-1.742489x1.74x1.000000x1.046958x1.000000x406233-2.030043x-2.263399x-2.030043x2.03x1.000000x1.000000x1.000000x946466-2.125000x-1.000000x-2.125000x2.13x1.000000x1.247582x1.000000x13664-2.632653x-2.566120x-2.632653x2.63x1.000000x1.000000x1.000000x2,9671,127

Part Timers by Occupation#4

Part time and seasonal workers as a percentage of total workforce within an occupation.
Scope: population of Oregon and State House District 51
State House District 51
0%20%40%60%PartFullPersonal CareFood ServiceEntertainment1FacilitiesHealthcare SupportEducation2Material MovingSocial ServiceAdministrativeAll OccupationsTransportationConstruction3Sales and RelatedHealth TechniciansHealthcare4Fire FightingProductionFarming5Business6ScienceComputers & MathRepair7ManagementLegalEngineering8Law Enforcement58.869180%56.835463%58.869180%58.9%1,06274257.645178%63.334855%57.645178%57.6%1,08279556.651017%44.975364%56.651017%56.7%36227755.802292%52.207921%55.802292%55.8%77961749.909091%45.179979%49.909091%49.9%54955149.644830%53.736106%49.644830%49.6%62963845.510204%41.303936%45.510204%45.5%44653441.136364%32.385279%41.136364%41.1%18125938.422081%37.556492%38.422081%38.4%1,5732,52134.950748%36.155668%34.950748%35.0%11,49611.5k21,39621.4k34.425177%34.760298%34.425177%34.4%5361,02133.857678%36.401353%33.857678%33.9%45288332.308111%38.828468%32.308111%32.3%1,1872,48731.818182%32.468170%31.818182%31.8%20343530.807365%36.588995%30.807365%30.8%43597729.234339%37.686810%29.234339%29.2%12630527.005460%25.074164%27.005460%27.0%6431,73826.708075%39.075193%26.708075%26.7%4311825.000000%22.977397%25.000000%25.0%3511,05320.000000%28.465912%20.000000%20.0%4016016.493314%19.218046%16.493314%16.5%11156214.149822%18.132790%14.149822%14.1%11972214.020319%16.742563%14.020319%14.0%4832,96213.725490%21.474220%13.725490%13.7%4226410.081301%14.118271%10.081301%10.1%625530.000000%0.000000%0.0%5.857057%0222

Median Income by Occupation#5

For the full-time year-round civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of Oregon and State House District 51
State House District 51
$0k$20k$40k$60k$80k%CountHealthcare1Computers & MathLegalLaw EnforcementEngineering2ManagementScienceEducation3Business4Health TechniciansFire FightingTransportationEntertainment5Repair6Social ServiceAll OccupationsSales and RelatedProductionAdministrativeConstruction7Material MovingHealthcare SupportFacilitiesPersonal CareFood ServiceFarming8$90,553.000000$84,113.000000$90,553.000000$90.6k4.293%4.29%1,412$86,538.000000$76,432.000000$86,538.000000$86.5k2.046%2.05%673$85,278.000000$73,731.000000$85,278.000000$85.3k0.930%0.93%306$81,708.000000$67,284.000000$81,708.000000$81.7k0.675%0.67%222$80,031.000000$78,774.000000$80,031.000000$80.0k1.870%1.87%615$75,526.000000$66,781.000000$75,526.000000$75.5k10.474%10.5%3,445$63,333.000000$61,795.000000$63,333.000000$63.3k0.608%0.61%200$60,479.000000$51,332.000000$60,479.000000$60.5k3.852%3.85%1,267$57,221.000000$58,929.000000$57,221.000000$57.2k4.269%4.27%1,404$53,715.000000$42,875.000000$53,715.000000$53.7k1.940%1.94%638$53,188.000000$43,889.000000$53,188.000000$53.2k1.310%1.31%431$51,385.000000$41,281.000000$51,385.000000$51.4k4.734%4.73%1,557$50,696.000000$48,284.000000$50,696.000000$50.7k1.943%1.94%639$50,658.000000$45,045.000000$50,658.000000$50.7k2.557%2.56%841$48,558.000000$42,447.000000$48,558.000000$48.6k1.338%1.34%440$48,468.000000$44,401.000000$48,468.000000$48.5k100.000%100%32,89232.9k$42,689.000000$41,982.000000$42,689.000000$42.7k11.170%11.2%3,674$41,035.000000$37,429.000000$41,035.000000$41.0k7.239%7.24%2,381$39,361.000000$35,872.000000$39,361.000000$39.4k12.447%12.4%4,094$37,047.000000$44,219.000000$37,047.000000$37.0k4.059%4.06%1,335$31,671.000000$30,571.000000$31,671.000000$31.7k2.979%2.98%980$28,927.000000$30,542.000000$28,927.000000$28.9k3.344%3.34%1,100$25,273.000000$26,708.000000$25,273.000000$25.3k4.244%4.24%1,396$22,500.000000$23,053.000000$22,500.000000$22.5k5.485%5.48%1,804$19,916.000000$22,065.000000$19,916.000000$19.9k5.707%5.71%1,877$12,107.000000$23,280.000000$12,107.000000$12.1k0.489%0.49%161

Map of Occupations by County in State House District 51

Management Occupations by County#6

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: management (%):

Business Occupations by County#7

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: business (business and finance) (%):

Computers & Math Occupations by County#8

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: computers & math (%):

Engineering Occupations by County#9

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: engineering (engineering and architecture) (%):

Science Occupations by County#10

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: science (%):

Social Service Occupations by County#11

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: social service (%):

Legal Occupations by County#12

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: legal (%):

Education Occupations by County#13

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: education (education, training, and library) (%):

Entertainment Occupations by County#14

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: entertainment (arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media) (%):

Healthcare Occupations by County#15

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: healthcare (health diagnosing and treating practitioners) (%):

Health Technicians Occupations by County#16

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: health technicians (%):

Healthcare Support Occupations by County#17

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: healthcare support (%):

Fire Fighting Occupations by County#18

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: fire fighting (%):

Law Enforcement Occupations by County#19

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: law enforcement (%):

Food Service Occupations by County#20

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: food service (%):

Facilities Occupations by County#21

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: facilities (%):

Personal Care Occupations by County#22

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: personal care (%):

Sales and Related Occupations by County#23

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: sales and related (%):

Administrative Occupations by County#24

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: administrative (%):

Farming Occupations by County#25

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: farming (farming, fishing, and forestry) (%):

Construction Occupations by County#26

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: construction (construction and extraction) (%):

Repair Occupations by County#27

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: repair (installation, maintenance, and repair) (%):

Production Occupations by County#28

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: production (%):

Transportation Occupations by County#29

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: transportation (%):

Material Moving Occupations by County#30

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: material moving (%):
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Management Occupation Income by County#31

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: management (%):

Business Occupation Income by County#32

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: business (business and finance) (%):

Computers & Math Occupation Income by County#33

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: computers & math (%):

Engineering Occupation Income by County#34

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: engineering (engineering and architecture) (%):

Science Occupation Income by County#35

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: science (%):

Social Service Occupation Income by County#36

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: social service (%):

Legal Occupation Income by County#37

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: legal (%):

Education Occupation Income by County#38

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: education (education, training, and library) (%):

Entertainment Occupation Income by County#39

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: entertainment (arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media) (%):

Healthcare Occupation Income by County#40

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: healthcare (health diagnosing and treating practitioners) (%):

Health Technicians Occupation Income by County#41

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: health technicians (%):

Healthcare Support Occupation Income by County#42

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: healthcare support (%):

Fire Fighting Occupation Income by County#43

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: fire fighting (%):

Law Enforcement Occupation Income by County#44

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: law enforcement (%):

Food Service Occupation Income by County#45

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: food service (%):

Facilities Occupation Income by County#46

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: facilities (%):

Personal Care Occupation Income by County#47

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: personal care (%):

Sales and Related Occupation Income by County#48

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: sales and related (%):

Administrative Occupation Income by County#49

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: administrative (%):

Farming Occupation Income by County#50

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: farming (farming, fishing, and forestry) (%):

Construction Occupation Income by County#51

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: construction (construction and extraction) (%):

Repair Occupation Income by County#52

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: repair (installation, maintenance, and repair) (%):

Production Occupation Income by County#53

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: production (%):

Transportation Occupation Income by County#54

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: transportation (%):

Material Moving Occupation Income by County#55

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: material moving (%):
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Map of Occupations by County Subdivision in State House District 51

Management Occupations by County Subdivision#56

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: management (%):

Business Occupations by County Subdivision#57

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: business (business and finance) (%):

Computers & Math Occupations by County Subdivision#58

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: computers & math (%):

Engineering Occupations by County Subdivision#59

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: engineering (engineering and architecture) (%):

Science Occupations by County Subdivision#60

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: science (%):

Social Service Occupations by County Subdivision#61

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: social service (%):

Legal Occupations by County Subdivision#62

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: legal (%):

Education Occupations by County Subdivision#63

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: education (education, training, and library) (%):

Entertainment Occupations by County Subdivision#64

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: entertainment (arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media) (%):

Healthcare Occupations by County Subdivision#65

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: healthcare (health diagnosing and treating practitioners) (%):

Health Technicians Occupations by County Subdivision#66

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: health technicians (%):

Healthcare Support Occupations by County Subdivision#67

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: healthcare support (%):

Fire Fighting Occupations by County Subdivision#68

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: fire fighting (%):

Law Enforcement Occupations by County Subdivision#69

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: law enforcement (%):

Food Service Occupations by County Subdivision#70

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: food service (%):

Facilities Occupations by County Subdivision#71

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: facilities (%):

Personal Care Occupations by County Subdivision#72

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: personal care (%):

Sales and Related Occupations by County Subdivision#73

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: sales and related (%):

Administrative Occupations by County Subdivision#74

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: administrative (%):

Farming Occupations by County Subdivision#75

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: farming (farming, fishing, and forestry) (%):

Construction Occupations by County Subdivision#76

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: construction (construction and extraction) (%):

Repair Occupations by County Subdivision#77

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: repair (installation, maintenance, and repair) (%):

Production Occupations by County Subdivision#78

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: production (%):

Transportation Occupations by County Subdivision#79

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: transportation (%):

Material Moving Occupations by County Subdivision#80

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: material moving (%):
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Management Occupation Income by County Subdivision#81

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: management (%):

Business Occupation Income by County Subdivision#82

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: business (business and finance) (%):

Computers & Math Occupation Income by County Subdivision#83

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: computers & math (%):

Engineering Occupation Income by County Subdivision#84

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: engineering (engineering and architecture) (%):

Science Occupation Income by County Subdivision#85

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: science (%):

Social Service Occupation Income by County Subdivision#86

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: social service (%):

Legal Occupation Income by County Subdivision#87

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: legal (%):

Education Occupation Income by County Subdivision#88

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: education (education, training, and library) (%):

Entertainment Occupation Income by County Subdivision#89

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: entertainment (arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media) (%):

Healthcare Occupation Income by County Subdivision#90

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: healthcare (health diagnosing and treating practitioners) (%):

Health Technicians Occupation Income by County Subdivision#91

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: health technicians (%):

Healthcare Support Occupation Income by County Subdivision#92

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: healthcare support (%):

Fire Fighting Occupation Income by County Subdivision#93

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: fire fighting (%):

Law Enforcement Occupation Income by County Subdivision#94

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: law enforcement (%):

Food Service Occupation Income by County Subdivision#95

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: food service (%):

Facilities Occupation Income by County Subdivision#96

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: facilities (%):

Personal Care Occupation Income by County Subdivision#97

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: personal care (%):

Sales and Related Occupation Income by County Subdivision#98

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: sales and related (%):

Administrative Occupation Income by County Subdivision#99

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: administrative (%):

Farming Occupation Income by County Subdivision#100

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: farming (farming, fishing, and forestry) (%):

Construction Occupation Income by County Subdivision#101

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: construction (construction and extraction) (%):

Repair Occupation Income by County Subdivision#102

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: repair (installation, maintenance, and repair) (%):

Production Occupation Income by County Subdivision#103

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: production (%):

Transportation Occupation Income by County Subdivision#104

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: transportation (%):

Material Moving Occupation Income by County Subdivision#105

Median income of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: material moving (%):
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Map of Occupations by Tract in State House District 51

Management Occupations by Tract#106

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: management (%):

Business Occupations by Tract#107

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: business (business and finance) (%):

Computers & Math Occupations by Tract#108

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: computers & math (%):

Engineering Occupations by Tract#109

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: engineering (engineering and architecture) (%):

Science Occupations by Tract#110

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: science (%):

Social Service Occupations by Tract#111

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: social service (%):

Legal Occupations by Tract#112

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: legal (%):

Education Occupations by Tract#113

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: education (education, training, and library) (%):

Entertainment Occupations by Tract#114

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: entertainment (arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media) (%):

Healthcare Occupations by Tract#115

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: healthcare (health diagnosing and treating practitioners) (%):

Health Technicians Occupations by Tract#116

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: health technicians (%):

Healthcare Support Occupations by Tract#117

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: healthcare support (%):

Fire Fighting Occupations by Tract#118

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: fire fighting (%):

Law Enforcement Occupations by Tract#119

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: law enforcement (%):

Food Service Occupations by Tract#120

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: food service (%):

Facilities Occupations by Tract#121

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: facilities (%):

Personal Care Occupations by Tract#122

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: personal care (%):

Sales and Related Occupations by Tract#123

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: sales and related (%):

Administrative Occupations by Tract#124

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: administrative (%):

Farming Occupations by Tract#125

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: farming (farming, fishing, and forestry) (%):

Construction Occupations by Tract#126

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: construction (construction and extraction) (%):

Repair Occupations by Tract#127

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: repair (installation, maintenance, and repair) (%):

Production Occupations by Tract#128

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: production (%):

Transportation Occupations by Tract#129

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: transportation (%):

Material Moving Occupations by Tract#130

Percentage of the population aged 16 and older employed with occupation: material moving (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Occupations by Place in State House District 51

There are 4 places that are fully or partially contained within State House District 51 (0 fully and 4 partially). This section compares all 4 of those to each other, State House District 51, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with State House District 51.

Management Occupations by Place#131

Percentage of the civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of State House District 51, selected places in State House District 51, and entities that contain State House District 51
0%5%10%15%Count#Happy ValleyDamascusPortlandPortland, Vancouver, and Hillsboro Metro AreaPortland AreaState House District 51OR-51OregonPacificWestUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesGresham15.251898%15.251898%15.3%1,326115.250587%15.250587%15.3%779211.451507%11.451507%11.5%38,06038.1k311.344162%11.344162%11.3%131,400131k10.473671%10.473671%10.5%3,44510.413015%10.413015%10.4%190,831191k10.351683%10.351683%10.4%2,459,5242.46M10.273445%10.273445%10.3%3,534,0223.53M10.035605%10.035605%10.0%14,852,82814.9M7.274518%7.274518%7.3%3,6944

Management Income by Place#156

Median income for the full-time year-round civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of State House District 51, selected places in State House District 51, and entities that contain State House District 51
$0k$20k$40k$60k$80k%Count#Happy ValleyPacificDamascusPortland, Vancouver, and Hillsboro Metro AreaPortland AreaState House District 51OR-51WestUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesPortlandOregonGresham$96,000.000000$96,000.000000$96.0k15.252%15.3%1,3261$80,455.000000$80,455.000000$80.5k10.352%10.4%2,459,5242.46M$76,000.000000$76,000.000000$76.0k15.251%15.3%7792$75,741.000000$75,741.000000$75.7k11.344%11.3%131,400131k$75,526.000000$75,526.000000$75.5k10.474%10.5%3,445$75,299.000000$75,299.000000$75.3k10.273%10.3%3,534,0223.53M$72,586.000000$72,586.000000$72.6k10.036%10.0%14,852,82814.9M$71,006.000000$71,006.000000$71.0k11.452%11.5%38,06038.1k3$66,781.000000$66,781.000000$66.8k10.413%10.4%190,831191k$53,699.000000$53,699.000000$53.7k7.275%7.27%3,6944

Occupations by Metro Area in State House District 51

There is 1 metro area that are fully or partially contained within State House District 51 (0 fully and 1 partially). This section compares all 1 of those to each other, State House District 51, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with State House District 51.

Management Occupations by Metro Area#181

Percentage of the civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of State House District 51, selected metro areas in State House District 51, and entities that contain State House District 51
0%2%4%6%8%10%Count#Portland, Vancouver, and Hillsboro Metro AreaPortland AreaState House District 51OR-51OregonPacificWestUnited States of AmericaUnited States11.344162%11.344162%11.3%131,400131k10.473671%10.473671%10.5%3,44510.413015%10.413015%10.4%190,831191k10.351683%10.351683%10.4%2,459,5242.46M10.273445%10.273445%10.3%3,534,0223.53M10.035605%10.035605%10.0%14,852,82814.9M

Management Income by Metro Area#206

Median income for the full-time year-round civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of State House District 51, selected metro areas in State House District 51, and entities that contain State House District 51
$0k$20k$40k$60k$80k%Count#PacificPortland, Vancouver, and Hillsboro Metro AreaPortland AreaState House District 51OR-51WestUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesOregon$80,455.000000$80,455.000000$80.5k10.352%10.4%2,459,5242.46M$75,741.000000$75,741.000000$75.7k11.344%11.3%131,400131k$75,526.000000$75,526.000000$75.5k10.474%10.5%3,445$75,299.000000$75,299.000000$75.3k10.273%10.3%3,534,0223.53M$72,586.000000$72,586.000000$72.6k10.036%10.0%14,852,82814.9M$66,781.000000$66,781.000000$66.8k10.413%10.4%190,831191k

Occupations by County in State House District 51

There are 2 counties that are fully or partially contained within State House District 51 (0 fully and 2 partially). This section compares all 2 of those to each other, State House District 51, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with State House District 51.

Management Occupations by County#231

Percentage of the civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of State House District 51, selected counties in State House District 51, and entities that contain State House District 51
0%2%4%6%8%10%12%Count#Clackamas CountyClackamasPortland, Vancouver, and Hillsboro Metro AreaPortland AreaMultnomah CountyMultnomahState House District 51OR-51OregonPacificWestUnited States of AmericaUnited States12.141176%12.141176%12.1%23,36823.4k111.344162%11.344162%11.3%131,400131k10.926736%10.926736%10.9%44,27044.3k210.473671%10.473671%10.5%3,44510.413015%10.413015%10.4%190,831191k10.351683%10.351683%10.4%2,459,5242.46M10.273445%10.273445%10.3%3,534,0223.53M10.035605%10.035605%10.0%14,852,82814.9M

Management Income by County#256

Median income for the full-time year-round civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of State House District 51, selected counties in State House District 51, and entities that contain State House District 51
$0k$20k$40k$60k$80k%Count#PacificClackamas CountyClackamasPortland, Vancouver, and Hillsboro Metro AreaPortland AreaState House District 51OR-51WestUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesMultnomah CountyMultnomahOregon$80,455.000000$80,455.000000$80.5k10.352%10.4%2,459,5242.46M$79,070.000000$79,070.000000$79.1k12.141%12.1%23,36823.4k1$75,741.000000$75,741.000000$75.7k11.344%11.3%131,400131k$75,526.000000$75,526.000000$75.5k10.474%10.5%3,445$75,299.000000$75,299.000000$75.3k10.273%10.3%3,534,0223.53M$72,586.000000$72,586.000000$72.6k10.036%10.0%14,852,82814.9M$70,548.000000$70,548.000000$70.5k10.927%10.9%44,27044.3k2$66,781.000000$66,781.000000$66.8k10.413%10.4%190,831191k

Occupations by County Subdivision in State House District 51

There are 4 county subdivisions that are fully or partially contained within State House District 51 (0 fully and 4 partially). This section compares all 4 of those to each other, State House District 51, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with State House District 51.

Management Occupations by County Subdivision#281

Percentage of the civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of State House District 51, selected county subdivisions in State House District 51, and entities that contain State House District 51
0%5%10%Count#Northwest ClackamasNW ClackamasPortland, Vancouver, and Hillsboro Metro AreaPortland AreaPortland EastState House District 51OR-51SandyOregonPacificWestUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesGresham12.285712%12.285712%12.3%15,96016.0k111.344162%11.344162%11.3%131,400131k10.482818%10.482818%10.5%27,37227.4k210.473671%10.473671%10.5%3,44510.465351%10.465351%10.5%1,039310.413015%10.413015%10.4%190,831191k10.351683%10.351683%10.4%2,459,5242.46M10.273445%10.273445%10.3%3,534,0223.53M10.035605%10.035605%10.0%14,852,82814.9M7.404637%7.404637%7.4%5,0494

Management Income by County Subdivision#306

Median income for the full-time year-round civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of State House District 51, selected county subdivisions in State House District 51, and entities that contain State House District 51
$0k$20k$40k$60k$80k%Count#Northwest ClackamasNW ClackamasPacificPortland, Vancouver, and Hillsboro Metro AreaPortland AreaState House District 51OR-51WestUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesSandyOregonPortland EastGresham$81,761.000000$81,761.000000$81.8k12.286%12.3%15,96016.0k1$80,455.000000$80,455.000000$80.5k10.352%10.4%2,459,5242.46M$75,741.000000$75,741.000000$75.7k11.344%11.3%131,400131k$75,526.000000$75,526.000000$75.5k10.474%10.5%3,445$75,299.000000$75,299.000000$75.3k10.273%10.3%3,534,0223.53M$72,586.000000$72,586.000000$72.6k10.036%10.0%14,852,82814.9M$67,778.000000$67,778.000000$67.8k10.465%10.5%1,0392$66,781.000000$66,781.000000$66.8k10.413%10.4%190,831191k$64,662.000000$64,662.000000$64.7k10.483%10.5%27,37227.4k3$58,784.000000$58,784.000000$58.8k7.405%7.40%5,0494

Occupations by Lower State Legislative District in Oregon

There are 60 lower state legislative districts in Oregon. This section compares State House District 51 to all of the lower state legislative districts in Oregon and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with State House District 51.

Management Occupations by Lower State Legislative District#331

Percentage of the civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of State House District 51, selected other lower state legislative districts in Oregon, and entities that contain State House District 51
0%5%10%15%Count#State House District 26OR-26State House District 38OR-38State House District 33OR-33State House District 37OR-37State House District 36OR-36State House District 35OR-35State House District 43OR-43State House District 27OR-27State House District 34OR-34State House District 39OR-39State House District 45OR-45State House District 42OR-42State House District 60OR-60State House District 25OR-25Portland, Vancouver, and Hillsboro Metro AreaPortland AreaState House District 5OR-5State House District 31OR-31State House District 52OR-52State House District 8OR-8State House District 23OR-23State House District 54OR-54State House District 13OR-13State House District 32OR-32State House District 53OR-53State House District 51OR-51OregonState House District 30OR-30State House District 19OR-19PacificState House District 28OR-28WestState House District 1OR-1State House District 11OR-11State House District 55OR-55United States of AmericaUnited StatesState House District 14OR-14State House District 20OR-20State House District 16OR-16State House District 56OR-56State House District 48OR-48State House District 47OR-47State House District 29OR-29State House District 12OR-12State House District 6OR-6State House District 21OR-21State House District 22OR-2216.358316%16.358316%16.4%5,367116.267861%16.267861%16.3%5,738216.263796%16.263796%16.3%5,968316.105841%16.105841%16.1%5,399414.977578%14.977578%15.0%5,511513.915208%13.915208%13.9%4,920613.708018%13.708018%13.7%5,661713.397951%13.397951%13.4%4,603812.862728%12.862728%12.9%4,836912.540224%12.540224%12.5%3,8581012.374145%12.374145%12.4%4,4491112.014326%12.014326%12.0%5,0991211.985456%11.985456%12.0%2,7691311.596449%11.596449%11.6%3,5921411.344162%11.344162%11.3%131,400131k11.226333%11.226333%11.2%3,1071511.032004%11.032004%11.0%3,1611610.941557%10.941557%10.9%3,4131710.873234%10.873234%10.9%3,4791810.851276%10.851276%10.9%3,0441910.840353%10.840353%10.8%3,8482010.550599%10.550599%10.6%3,1102110.523715%10.523715%10.5%2,9822210.517651%10.517651%10.5%3,3222310.473671%10.473671%10.5%3,4452410.413015%10.413015%10.4%190,831191k10.400719%10.400719%10.4%4,0492510.353922%10.353922%10.4%3,1802610.351683%10.351683%10.4%2,459,5242.46M10.293382%10.293382%10.3%3,4982710.273445%10.273445%10.3%3,534,0223.53M10.221643%10.221643%10.2%2,3522810.140964%10.140964%10.1%2,8922910.083758%10.083758%10.1%2,4563010.035605%10.035605%10.0%14,852,82814.9M9.799213%9.799213%9.8%2,938349.372567%9.372567%9.4%2,889389.029243%9.029243%9.0%2,782437.907848%7.907848%7.9%1,984477.390122%7.390122%7.4%2,391517.163964%7.163964%7.2%2,085557.090239%7.090239%7.1%2,156567.073786%7.073786%7.1%2,158576.819321%6.819321%6.8%2,040586.635377%6.635377%6.6%1,852595.193378%5.193378%5.2%1,41860

Management Income by Lower State Legislative District#356

Median income for the full-time year-round civilian employed population aged 16 and older.
Scope: population of State House District 51, selected other lower state legislative districts in Oregon, and entities that contain State House District 51
$0k$50k$100k%Count#State House District 33OR-33State House District 38OR-38State House District 37OR-37State House District 26OR-26State House District 36OR-36State House District 35OR-35PacificState House District 27OR-27State House District 31OR-31State House District 30OR-30State House District 28OR-28Portland, Vancouver, and Hillsboro Metro AreaPortland AreaState House District 51OR-51WestState House District 45OR-45State House District 16OR-16State House District 39OR-39State House District 13OR-13United States of AmericaUnited StatesState House District 24OR-24State House District 40OR-40State House District 34OR-34State House District 43OR-43State House District 54OR-54OregonState House District 23OR-23State House District 7OR-7State House District 46OR-46State House District 41OR-41State House District 15OR-15State House District 42OR-42State House District 25OR-25State House District 29OR-29State House District 20OR-20State House District 48OR-48State House District 50OR-50State House District 53OR-53State House District 58OR-58State House District 57OR-57State House District 21OR-21State House District 10OR-10State House District 47OR-47State House District 55OR-55State House District 22OR-22State House District 12OR-12State House District 60OR-60$110,428.000000$110,428.000000$110.4k16.264%16.3%5,9681$103,561.000000$103,561.000000$103.6k16.268%16.3%5,7382$100,290.000000$100,290.000000$100.3k16.106%16.1%5,3993$91,678.000000$91,678.000000$91.7k16.358%16.4%5,3674$84,941.000000$84,941.000000$84.9k14.978%15.0%5,5115$80,529.000000$80,529.000000$80.5k13.915%13.9%4,9206$80,455.000000$80,455.000000$80.5k10.352%10.4%2,459,5242.46M$80,014.000000$80,014.000000$80.0k13.398%13.4%4,6037$78,281.000000$78,281.000000$78.3k11.032%11.0%3,1618$77,589.000000$77,589.000000$77.6k10.401%10.4%4,0499$75,915.000000$75,915.000000$75.9k10.293%10.3%3,49810$75,741.000000$75,741.000000$75.7k11.344%11.3%131,400131k$75,526.000000$75,526.000000$75.5k10.474%10.5%3,44511$75,299.000000$75,299.000000$75.3k10.273%10.3%3,534,0223.53M$74,421.000000$74,421.000000$74.4k12.374%12.4%4,44912$73,992.000000$73,992.000000$74.0k9.029%9.03%2,78213$73,481.000000$73,481.000000$73.5k12.540%12.5%3,85814$72,763.000000$72,763.000000$72.8k10.551%10.6%3,11015$72,586.000000$72,586.000000$72.6k10.036%10.0%14,852,82814.9M$72,043.000000$72,043.000000$72.0k9.789%9.79%2,97616$70,775.000000$70,775.000000$70.8k9.484%9.48%3,11617$70,750.000000$70,750.000000$70.8k12.863%12.9%4,83618$70,654.000000$70,654.000000$70.7k13.708%13.7%5,66119$68,381.000000$68,381.000000$68.4k10.840%10.8%3,84820$66,781.000000$66,781.000000$66.8k10.413%10.4%190,831191k$66,473.000000$66,473.000000$66.5k10.851%10.9%3,04421$66,359.000000$66,359.000000$66.4k8.100%8.10%2,00922$65,625.000000$65,625.000000$65.6k9.336%9.34%3,28123$65,451.000000$65,451.000000$65.5k10.068%10.1%3,49924$63,720.000000$63,720.000000$63.7k8.789%8.79%2,50625$63,183.000000$63,183.000000$63.2k12.014%12.0%5,09926$63,080.000000$63,080.000000$63.1k11.596%11.6%3,59227$62,806.000000$62,806.000000$62.8k7.090%7.09%2,15628$62,474.000000$62,474.000000$62.5k9.373%9.37%2,88929$62,433.000000$62,433.000000$62.4k7.390%7.39%2,39130$61,037.000000$61,037.000000$61.0k7.496%7.50%2,28334$60,008.000000$60,008.000000$60.0k10.518%10.5%3,32238$56,810.000000$56,810.000000$56.8k9.430%9.43%2,48643$53,160.000000$53,160.000000$53.2k9.265%9.27%2,52447$51,205.000000$51,205.000000$51.2k6.635%6.64%1,85251$49,125.000000$49,125.000000$49.1k8.124%8.12%2,03155$48,972.000000$48,972.000000$49.0k7.164%7.16%2,08556$48,665.000000$48,665.000000$48.7k10.084%10.1%2,45657$43,452.000000$43,452.000000$43.5k5.193%5.19%1,41858$43,185.000000$43,185.000000$43.2k7.074%7.07%2,15859$41,408.000000$41,408.000000$41.4k11.985%12.0%2,76960


An occupation describes the kind of work a person does on the job. On this page, all employed persons are categorized into one of the following occupations (bolded terms are used in the charts and maps on this page):

  • Management, business, science, and arts occupations:
    • Management, business, and financial occupations:
      • Management: Management occupations
      • Business: Business and financial operations occupations
    • Computer, engineering, and science occupations:
      • Computers & Math: Computer and mathematical occupations
      • Engineering: Architecture and engineering occupations
      • Science: Life, physical, and social science occupations
    • Education, legal, community service, arts, and media occupations:
      • Social Service: Community and social service occupations
      • Legal: Legal occupations
      • Education: Education, training, and library occupations
      • Entertainment: Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations
    • Healthcare practitioners and technical occupations:
      • Healthcare: Health diagnosing and treating practitioners and other technical occupations
      • Health Technicians: Health technologists and technicians
  • Service occupations:
    • Healthcare Support: Healthcare support occupations
    • Protective service occupations:
      • Fire Fighting: Fire fighting and prevention, and other protective service workers including supervisors
      • Law Enforcement: Law enforcement workers including supervisors
    • Food Service: Food preparation and serving related occupations
    • Facilities: Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations
    • Personal Care: Personal care and service occupations
  • Sales and office occupations:
    • Sales and Related: Sales and related occupations
    • Administrative: Office and administrative support occupations
  • Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations:
    • Farming: Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations
    • Construction: Construction and extraction occupations
    • Repair: Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations
  • Production, transportation, and material moving occupations:
    • Production: Production occupations
    • Transportation: Transportation occupations
    • Material Moving: Material moving occupations

For additional information about the data presented on this site, including our sources, please see the About Page.

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