Age and Sex in ZIP Code 23801, Virginia (ZIP Code)

Age Structure#1

Percentage in each age cohort per year of age.1 Gray areas represent percentile bands from the zip codes in Virginia.
Scope: population of Virginia, ZIP Code 23801, and other zip codes in Virginia
0th - 100th
10th - 90th
20th - 80th
30th - 70th
40th - 60th

Age and Sex#2

Percentage in each age cohort per year of age.1
Scope: population of Virginia and ZIP Code 23801
Female Male
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.
1.0%0.5%0.0%0.5%1.0%Count%Senior2Older Adult3Younger Adult4College5Children6-0.000000%-0.011458%-0.168307%-0.046050%-0.011458%0.01%0.000000%0.168307%0.000000%0.00%210.412%0.41%-0.219996%-0.041642%-0.653136%-0.033582%-0.261638%0.26%0.219996%0.653136%0.219996%0.22%61312.041%12.0%-0.946114%-0.675762%-0.946114%0.95%0.946114%0.295729%0.675762%0.010810%1.241843%1.24%2,00539.383%39.4%-0.530348%-0.699529%-0.530348%0.53%0.530348%0.608918%0.699529%0.040200%1.139265%1.14%3406.678%6.68%-1.053057%-0.610116%-1.053057%1.05%1.053057%0.198608%0.610116%0.026920%1.251664%1.25%2,11241.485%41.5%

Detailed Age and Sex#3

Percentage in each age cohort per year of age.1
Scope: population of Virginia and ZIP Code 23801
Female Male
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.

Detailed Sex Ratio#4

Percentage more males or females in selected age cohorts.
Scope: population of Virginia and ZIP Code 23801
More Females More Males
1k%0k%1k%M:FFM65-6662-6460-6155-5950-5445-4940-4435-3930-3425-2922-24212018-1915-1710-145-90-4-1,000.000000%-9.314996%-1,000.000000%> 1000%0.0000100.000%100%0.000%0%-520.000000%-9.869723%-520.000000%0.5k%0.1610.1686.111%86.1%13.889%13.9%-1,000.000000%-8.853648%-1,000.000000%> 1000%0.0000100.000%100%0.000%0%-571.428571%-7.428531%-571.428571%0.6k%0.1490.1587.037%87.0%12.963%13.0%-150.000000%-4.385568%-150.000000%0.2k%0.4000.4071.429%71.4%28.571%28.6%-3.556033%162.962963%162.962963%0.2k%2.6302.6327.551%27.6%72.449%72.4%-1.744136%21.917808%21.917808%0.0k%1.2191.2245.062%45.1%54.938%54.9%-1.165473%2.092050%2.092050%0.0k%1.0211.0249.482%49.5%50.518%50.5%36.890244%0.516218%36.890244%0.0k%1.3691.3742.214%42.2%57.786%57.8%15.075377%1.962797%15.075377%0.0k%1.1511.1546.495%46.5%53.505%53.5%113.861386%7.305037%113.861386%0.1k%2.1392.1431.861%31.9%68.139%68.1%1,000.000000%9.253978%1,000.000000%> 1000%14.66714.76.383%6.38%93.617%93.6%132.142857%7.111774%132.142857%0.1k%2.3212.3230.108%30.1%69.892%69.9%59.740260%3.244476%59.740260%0.1k%1.5971.6038.500%38.5%61.500%61.5%5.454545%4.266404%5.454545%0.0k%1.0551.0548.673%48.7%51.327%51.3%27.142857%5.056615%27.142857%0.0k%1.2711.2744.025%44.0%55.975%56.0%73.786408%3.496248%73.786408%0.1k%1.7381.7436.525%36.5%63.475%63.5%-16.403785%-16.403785%0.0k%4.793363%0.8590.8653.790%53.8%46.210%46.2%

Map of Age Cohorts by County Subdivision in ZIP Code 23801

Children Age Cohorts by County Subdivision#5

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):

College Age Cohorts by County Subdivision#6

Percentage of population aged 18 to 21 (%):

20s Age Cohorts by County Subdivision#7

Percentage of population aged 22 to 29 (%):

30s Age Cohorts by County Subdivision#8

Percentage of population aged 30 to 39 (%):

40s Age Cohorts by County Subdivision#9

Percentage of population aged 40 to 49 (%):

50s Age Cohorts by County Subdivision#10

Percentage of population aged 50 to 59 (%):

60s Age Cohorts by County Subdivision#11

Percentage of population aged 60 to 69 (%):

70s Age Cohorts by County Subdivision#12

Percentage of population aged 70 to 79 (%):

80+ Age Cohorts by County Subdivision#13

Percentage of population aged 80 and older (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Age Cohorts by Tract in ZIP Code 23801

Children Age Cohorts by Tract#14

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):

College Age Cohorts by Tract#15

Percentage of population aged 18 to 21 (%):

20s Age Cohorts by Tract#16

Percentage of population aged 22 to 29 (%):

30s Age Cohorts by Tract#17

Percentage of population aged 30 to 39 (%):

40s Age Cohorts by Tract#18

Percentage of population aged 40 to 49 (%):

50s Age Cohorts by Tract#19

Percentage of population aged 50 to 59 (%):

60s Age Cohorts by Tract#20

Percentage of population aged 60 to 69 (%):

70s Age Cohorts by Tract#21

Percentage of population aged 70 to 79 (%):

80+ Age Cohorts by Tract#22

Percentage of population aged 80 and older (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Age Cohorts by Block Group in ZIP Code 23801

Children Age Cohorts by Block Group#23

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):

College Age Cohorts by Block Group#24

Percentage of population aged 18 to 21 (%):

20s Age Cohorts by Block Group#25

Percentage of population aged 22 to 29 (%):

30s Age Cohorts by Block Group#26

Percentage of population aged 30 to 39 (%):

40s Age Cohorts by Block Group#27

Percentage of population aged 40 to 49 (%):

50s Age Cohorts by Block Group#28

Percentage of population aged 50 to 59 (%):

60s Age Cohorts by Block Group#29

Percentage of population aged 60 to 69 (%):

70s Age Cohorts by Block Group#30

Percentage of population aged 70 to 79 (%):

80+ Age Cohorts by Block Group#31

Percentage of population aged 80 and older (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Age Cohorts by Block in ZIP Code 23801

Children Age Cohorts by Block#32

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):

College Age Cohorts by Block#33

Percentage of population aged 18 to 21 (%):

20s Age Cohorts by Block#34

Percentage of population aged 22 to 29 (%):

30s Age Cohorts by Block#35

Percentage of population aged 30 to 39 (%):

40s Age Cohorts by Block#36

Percentage of population aged 40 to 49 (%):

50s Age Cohorts by Block#37

Percentage of population aged 50 to 59 (%):

60s Age Cohorts by Block#38

Percentage of population aged 60 to 69 (%):

70s Age Cohorts by Block#39

Percentage of population aged 70 to 79 (%):

80+ Age Cohorts by Block#40

Percentage of population aged 80 and older (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Age Cohorts by Place in ZIP Code 23801

There is 1 place that are fully or partially contained within ZIP Code 23801 (0 fully and 1 partially). This section compares all 1 of those to each other, ZIP Code 23801, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 23801.

Children by Place#41

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):
Scope: population of ZIP Code 23801, selected places in ZIP Code 23801, and entities that contain ZIP Code 23801
0%10%20%30%40%Count#ZIP Code 23801ZIP 23801Fort Lee850200Tract 850200SouthUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesVirginiaRichmond Metro AreaRichmond AreaSouth AtlanticPrince George CountyPrince GeorgePrince George County Public SchoolsPrince George Co41.484973%41.484973%41.5%2,11241.484973%41.484973%41.5%2,112140.920470%40.920470%40.9%2,12523.464217%23.464217%23.5%28,099,74328.1M23.108006%23.108006%23.1%73,612,43873.6M22.448718%22.448718%22.4%1,865,5561.87M22.229482%22.229482%22.2%279,682280k22.148630%22.148630%22.1%13,847,14713.8M21.800658%21.800658%21.8%8,21121.800658%21.800658%21.8%8,211

Age Cohorts by County Subdivision in ZIP Code 23801

There are 2 county subdivisions that are fully or partially contained within ZIP Code 23801 (0 fully and 2 partially). This section compares all 2 of those to each other, ZIP Code 23801, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 23801.

Children by County Subdivision#50

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):
Scope: population of ZIP Code 23801, selected county subdivisions in ZIP Code 23801, and entities that contain ZIP Code 23801
0%10%20%30%40%Count#ZIP Code 23801ZIP 23801850200Tract 850200RivesSouthUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesVirginiaRichmond Metro AreaRichmond AreaSouth AtlanticPrince George CountyPrince GeorgePrince George County Public SchoolsPrince George CoBland41.484973%41.484973%41.5%2,11240.920470%40.920470%40.9%2,12526.702663%26.702663%26.7%2,176123.464217%23.464217%23.5%28,099,74328.1M23.108006%23.108006%23.1%73,612,43873.6M22.448718%22.448718%22.4%1,865,5561.87M22.229482%22.229482%22.2%279,682280k22.148630%22.148630%22.1%13,847,14713.8M21.800658%21.800658%21.8%8,21121.800658%21.800658%21.8%8,21121.389047%21.389047%21.4%4,1362

Age Cohorts by Zip Code in the Richmond Area

There are 105 zip codes in the Richmond Area. This section compares ZIP Code 23801 to all of the zip codes in the Richmond Area and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 23801.

Children by Zip Code#59

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):
Scope: population of ZIP Code 23801, selected other zip codes in the Richmond Area, and entities that contain ZIP Code 23801
0%10%20%30%40%Count#ZIP Code 23801ZIP 23801ZIP Code 22538ZIP 22538850200Tract 850200ZIP Code 23129ZIP 23129ZIP Code 23106ZIP 23106ZIP Code 23120ZIP 23120ZIP Code 23083ZIP 23083ZIP Code 23830ZIP 23830ZIP Code 23059ZIP 23059ZIP Code 22535ZIP 22535ZIP Code 23114ZIP 23114ZIP Code 23009ZIP 23009ZIP Code 23112ZIP 23112ZIP Code 23089ZIP 23089ZIP Code 22408ZIP 22408ZIP Code 23116ZIP 23116ZIP Code 23015ZIP 23015ZIP Code 22546ZIP 22546ZIP Code 23894ZIP 23894ZIP Code 23224ZIP 23224ZIP Code 23832ZIP 23832ZIP Code 23102ZIP 23102ZIP Code 23850ZIP 23850ZIP Code 23060ZIP 23060ZIP Code 23233ZIP 23233ZIP Code 23833ZIP 23833ZIP Code 23234ZIP 23234ZIP Code 23838ZIP 23838ZIP Code 23237ZIP 23237ZIP Code 23084ZIP 23084ZIP Code 23113ZIP 23113ZIP Code 23038ZIP 23038SouthUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesZIP Code 23223ZIP 23223ZIP Code 23111ZIP 23111VirginiaRichmond Metro AreaRichmond AreaSouth AtlanticZIP Code 23024ZIP 23024Prince George CountyPrince GeorgePrince George County Public SchoolsPrince George CoZIP Code 23235ZIP 23235ZIP Code 23141ZIP 23141ZIP Code 23227ZIP 23227ZIP Code 23185ZIP 23185ZIP Code 23063ZIP 23063ZIP Code 23030ZIP 23030ZIP Code 22427ZIP 22427ZIP Code 23173ZIP 23173ZIP Code 23806ZIP 23806ZIP Code 23891ZIP 23891ZIP Code 23160ZIP 23160ZIP Code 23884ZIP 2388441.484973%41.484973%41.5%2,112141.269841%41.269841%41.3%104240.920470%40.920470%40.9%2,12536.774194%36.774194%36.8%171335.466946%35.466946%35.5%338433.946708%33.946708%33.9%2,841531.512415%31.512415%31.5%698629.399865%29.399865%29.4%436729.115404%29.115404%29.1%9,963828.521127%28.521127%28.5%162928.128031%28.128031%28.1%5,2201027.942777%27.942777%27.9%1,7971126.933057%26.933057%26.9%14,01314.0k1226.843767%26.843767%26.8%1,4451326.813636%26.813636%26.8%7,6141426.745291%26.745291%26.7%7,5971526.735035%26.735035%26.7%1,1211625.942407%25.942407%25.9%4,0811725.697211%25.697211%25.7%1291825.266141%25.266141%25.3%9,5411925.063219%25.063219%25.1%8,8212025.047438%25.047438%25.0%7922124.915825%24.915825%24.9%2222224.850382%24.850382%24.9%9,0522324.759499%24.759499%24.8%7,6442424.654007%24.654007%24.7%7662524.436566%24.436566%24.4%10,61510.6k2624.352332%24.352332%24.4%3,8072724.194815%24.194815%24.2%5,2362824.031008%24.031008%24.0%4342923.968447%23.968447%24.0%5,9253023.677419%23.677419%23.7%3673723.464217%23.464217%23.5%28,099,74328.1M23.108006%23.108006%23.1%73,612,43873.6M22.813535%22.813535%22.8%11,30011.3k4322.643849%22.643849%22.6%8,4024522.448718%22.448718%22.4%1,865,5561.87M22.229482%22.229482%22.2%279,682280k22.148630%22.148630%22.1%13,847,14713.8M21.894498%21.894498%21.9%1,9305221.800658%21.800658%21.8%8,21121.800658%21.800658%21.8%8,21120.716846%20.716846%20.7%6,3585920.125392%20.125392%20.1%1,2846719.201418%19.201418%19.2%4,9827417.617876%17.617876%17.6%8,5948017.329666%17.329666%17.3%8198114.737495%14.737495%14.7%7138912.653975%12.653975%12.7%565960.860832%0.860832%0.9%181000.588865%0.588865%0.6%111010.286944%0.286944%0.3%141020.075160%0.075160%0.1%21030.000000%0.000000%0.0%0104