Age and Sex in ZIP Code 34420, Florida (ZIP Code)

Age Structure#1

Percentage in each age cohort per year of age.1 Gray areas represent percentile bands from the zip codes in Florida.
Scope: population of Florida, ZIP Code 34420, and other zip codes in Florida
0th - 100th
10th - 90th
20th - 80th
30th - 70th
40th - 60th

Age and Sex#2

Percentage in each age cohort per year of age.1
Scope: population of Florida and ZIP Code 34420
Female Male
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.
0.5%0.0%0.5%Count%Senior2Older Adult3Younger Adult4College5Children6-0.267740%-0.043263%-0.237415%-0.054353%-0.311003%0.31%0.267740%0.237415%0.267740%0.27%3,05020.835%20.8%-0.664526%-0.014755%-0.638723%-0.043023%-0.679281%0.68%0.664526%0.638723%0.664526%0.66%4,91833.595%33.6%-0.569635%-0.045920%-0.618449%-0.615555%0.62%0.569635%0.618449%0.010859%0.569635%0.57%3,12321.333%21.3%-0.447435%-0.618605%-0.447435%0.45%0.447435%0.088804%0.618605%0.032759%0.536239%0.54%5763.935%3.93%-0.486524%-0.154838%-0.554431%-0.641361%0.64%0.486524%0.554431%0.024373%0.486524%0.49%2,97220.302%20.3%

Detailed Age and Sex#3

Percentage in each age cohort per year of age.1
Scope: population of Florida and ZIP Code 34420
Female Male
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.

Detailed Sex Ratio#4

Percentage more males or females in selected age cohorts.
Scope: population of Florida and ZIP Code 34420
More Females More Males

Map of Age Cohorts by Tract in ZIP Code 34420

Children Age Cohorts by Tract#5

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):

College Age Cohorts by Tract#6

Percentage of population aged 18 to 21 (%):

20s Age Cohorts by Tract#7

Percentage of population aged 22 to 29 (%):

30s Age Cohorts by Tract#8

Percentage of population aged 30 to 39 (%):

40s Age Cohorts by Tract#9

Percentage of population aged 40 to 49 (%):

50s Age Cohorts by Tract#10

Percentage of population aged 50 to 59 (%):

60s Age Cohorts by Tract#11

Percentage of population aged 60 to 69 (%):

70s Age Cohorts by Tract#12

Percentage of population aged 70 to 79 (%):

80+ Age Cohorts by Tract#13

Percentage of population aged 80 and older (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Age Cohorts by Block Group in ZIP Code 34420

Children Age Cohorts by Block Group#14

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):

College Age Cohorts by Block Group#15

Percentage of population aged 18 to 21 (%):

20s Age Cohorts by Block Group#16

Percentage of population aged 22 to 29 (%):

30s Age Cohorts by Block Group#17

Percentage of population aged 30 to 39 (%):

40s Age Cohorts by Block Group#18

Percentage of population aged 40 to 49 (%):

50s Age Cohorts by Block Group#19

Percentage of population aged 50 to 59 (%):

60s Age Cohorts by Block Group#20

Percentage of population aged 60 to 69 (%):

70s Age Cohorts by Block Group#21

Percentage of population aged 70 to 79 (%):

80+ Age Cohorts by Block Group#22

Percentage of population aged 80 and older (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Age Cohorts by Block in ZIP Code 34420

Children Age Cohorts by Block#23

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):

College Age Cohorts by Block#24

Percentage of population aged 18 to 21 (%):

20s Age Cohorts by Block#25

Percentage of population aged 22 to 29 (%):

30s Age Cohorts by Block#26

Percentage of population aged 30 to 39 (%):

40s Age Cohorts by Block#27

Percentage of population aged 40 to 49 (%):

50s Age Cohorts by Block#28

Percentage of population aged 50 to 59 (%):

60s Age Cohorts by Block#29

Percentage of population aged 60 to 69 (%):

70s Age Cohorts by Block#30

Percentage of population aged 70 to 79 (%):

80+ Age Cohorts by Block#31

Percentage of population aged 80 and older (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Age Cohorts by Place in ZIP Code 34420

There is 1 place in ZIP Code 34420. This section compares all 1 of those to each other, ZIP Code 34420, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 34420.

Children by Place#32

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):
Scope: population of ZIP Code 34420, selected places in ZIP Code 34420, and entities that contain ZIP Code 34420
0%5%10%15%20%Count#SouthUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesSouth AtlanticBelleviewFloridaZIP Code 34420ZIP 34420Ocala Metro AreaOcala AreaMarion CountyMarionMarion County School DistrictMarion County23.464217%23.464217%23.5%28,099,74328.1M23.108006%23.108006%23.1%73,612,43873.6M22.148630%22.148630%22.1%13,847,14713.8M21.710386%21.710386%21.7%1,018120.398234%20.398234%20.4%4,066,2764.07M20.301933%20.301933%20.3%2,97218.779988%18.779988%18.8%63,91663.9k18.779988%18.779988%18.8%63,91663.9k18.779988%18.779988%18.8%63,91663.9k

Age Cohorts by County Subdivision in ZIP Code 34420

There is 1 county subdivision that are fully or partially contained within ZIP Code 34420 (0 fully and 1 partially). This section compares all 1 of those to each other, ZIP Code 34420, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 34420.

Children by County Subdivision#41

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):
Scope: population of ZIP Code 34420, selected county subdivisions in ZIP Code 34420, and entities that contain ZIP Code 34420
0%5%10%15%20%Count#SouthUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesSouth AtlanticFloridaZIP Code 34420ZIP 34420Ocala Metro AreaOcala AreaMarion CountyMarionMarion County School DistrictMarion CountyBelleview23.464217%23.464217%23.5%28,099,74328.1M23.108006%23.108006%23.1%73,612,43873.6M22.148630%22.148630%22.1%13,847,14713.8M20.398234%20.398234%20.4%4,066,2764.07M20.301933%20.301933%20.3%2,97218.779988%18.779988%18.8%63,91663.9k18.779988%18.779988%18.8%63,91663.9k18.779988%18.779988%18.8%63,91663.9k14.956275%14.956275%15.0%16,52116.5k1

Age Cohorts by Zip Code in the Ocala Area

There are 33 zip codes in the Ocala Area. This section compares ZIP Code 34420 to all of the zip codes in the Ocala Area and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 34420.

Children by Zip Code#50

Percentage of population aged 0 to 17 (%):
Scope: population of ZIP Code 34420, selected other zip codes in the Ocala Area, and entities that contain ZIP Code 34420
0%5%10%15%20%25%Count#ZIP Code 34472ZIP 34472ZIP Code 34471ZIP 34471ZIP Code 34474ZIP 34474ZIP Code 34480ZIP 34480SouthZIP Code 32784ZIP 32784United States of AmericaUnited StatesZIP Code 34479ZIP 34479ZIP Code 32686ZIP 32686ZIP Code 34473ZIP 34473South AtlanticZIP Code 32668ZIP 32668ZIP Code 32195ZIP 32195ZIP Code 34475ZIP 34475FloridaZIP Code 34420ZIP 34420ZIP Code 32617ZIP 32617ZIP Code 32179ZIP 32179ZIP Code 34431ZIP 34431ZIP Code 34470ZIP 34470ZIP Code 34434ZIP 34434ZIP Code 34432ZIP 34432ZIP Code 32667ZIP 32667Ocala Metro AreaOcala AreaMarion CountyMarionMarion County School DistrictMarion CountyZIP Code 32696ZIP 32696ZIP Code 32134ZIP 32134ZIP Code 34488ZIP 34488ZIP Code 32702ZIP 32702ZIP Code 34482ZIP 34482ZIP Code 32113ZIP 32113ZIP Code 34433ZIP 34433ZIP Code 34491ZIP 34491ZIP Code 34476ZIP 34476ZIP Code 34481ZIP 34481ZIP Code 32664ZIP 32664ZIP Code 32162ZIP 32162ZIP Code 32133ZIP 32133ZIP Code 32681ZIP 3268127.131915%27.131915%27.1%7,935123.993863%23.993863%24.0%6,099223.870643%23.870643%23.9%3,794323.698154%23.698154%23.7%4,428423.464217%23.464217%23.5%28,099,74328.1M23.458806%23.458806%23.5%2,873523.108006%23.108006%23.1%73,612,43873.6M22.982569%22.982569%23.0%3,204622.678843%22.678843%22.7%1,341722.314131%22.314131%22.3%4,532822.148630%22.148630%22.1%13,847,14713.8M21.622248%21.622248%21.6%933920.657550%20.657550%20.7%7101020.567938%20.567938%20.6%2,5931120.398234%20.398234%20.4%4,066,2764.07M20.301933%20.301933%20.3%2,9721220.260586%20.260586%20.3%9331320.229420%20.229420%20.2%1,4991419.953864%19.953864%20.0%1,5571519.810041%19.810041%19.8%3,6501619.748099%19.748099%19.7%1,6621719.346621%19.346621%19.3%2,5821818.891468%18.891468%18.9%6511918.779988%18.779988%18.8%63,91663.9k18.779988%18.779988%18.8%63,91663.9k18.779988%18.779988%18.8%63,91663.9k18.534817%18.534817%18.5%2,1482018.217306%18.217306%18.2%1,4002117.484663%17.484663%17.5%1,7672216.134880%16.134880%16.1%4452315.495147%15.495147%15.5%3,6882414.128371%14.128371%14.1%7442511.987323%11.987323%12.0%6432611.635376%11.635376%11.6%3,0432711.435798%11.435798%11.4%2,532288.793699%8.793699%8.8%1,630296.802721%6.802721%6.8%40300.764526%0.764526%0.8%420310.000000%0.000000%0.0%0320.000000%0.000000%0.0%033