Ancestry in ZIP Code 75156, Texas (ZIP Code)

European and African Ancestry#1

Self-reported anscestry as a percentage of the total population; more than one answer per person permitted.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 75156

Hispanic Ancestry#2

Self-reported Hispanic anscestry as a percentage of the Hispanic population.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 75156
0%20%40%60%80%Count%MexicanCentral AmericanSalvadoranOther HispanicSpaniard92.801388%87.006103%92.801388%92.8%1,0707.010%7.01%4.596704%5.266178%4.596704%4.6%530.347%0.35%4.596704%2.756419%4.596704%4.6%530.347%0.35%2.601908%3.591680%2.601908%2.6%300.197%0.20%1.214224%0.833946%1.214224%1.2%140.092%0.09%

Asian Ancestry#3

Self-reported Asian anscestry as a percentage of the Asian population.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 75156
0%20%40%60%80%Count%NepaleseNot Specified87.610619%1.267544%87.610619%87.6%990.649%0.65%12.389381%0.889552%12.389381%12.4%140.092%0.09%

Map of Ancestry by Tract in ZIP Code 75156

Irish Ancestry by Tract#4

Percentage of the population reporting 'Irish' ancestry (%):

German Ancestry by Tract#5

Percentage of the population reporting 'German' ancestry (%):

American Ancestry by Tract#6

Percentage of the population reporting 'American' ancestry (%):

English Ancestry by Tract#7

Percentage of the population reporting 'English' ancestry (%):

Italian Ancestry by Tract#8

Percentage of the population reporting 'Italian' ancestry (%):

French Ancestry by Tract#9

Percentage of the population reporting 'French' ancestry (%):

Dutch Ancestry by Tract#10

Percentage of the population reporting 'Dutch' ancestry (%):

Scottish Ancestry by Tract#11

Percentage of the population reporting 'Scottish' ancestry (%):

Norwegian Ancestry by Tract#12

Percentage of the population reporting 'Norwegian' ancestry (%):

Scotch-Irish Ancestry by Tract#13

Percentage of the population reporting 'Scotch-Irish' ancestry (%):

Swiss Ancestry by Tract#14

Percentage of the population reporting 'Swiss' ancestry (%):

Swedish Ancestry by Tract#15

Percentage of the population reporting 'Swedish' ancestry (%):

Polish Ancestry by Tract#16

Percentage of the population reporting 'Polish' ancestry (%):

Czech Ancestry by Tract#17

Percentage of the population reporting 'Czech' ancestry (%):

Iranian Ancestry by Tract#18

Percentage of the population reporting 'Iranian' ancestry (%):

Mexican Ancestry by Tract#19

Percentage of the population reporting ' Mexican' ancestry (%):

Central American Ancestry by Tract#20

Percentage of the population reporting ' Central American' ancestry (%):

Salvadoran Ancestry by Tract#21

Percentage of the population reporting ' Salvadoran' ancestry (%):

Spaniard Ancestry by Tract#22

Percentage of the population reporting ' Spaniard' ancestry (%):

Spanish Ancestry by Tract#23

Percentage of the population reporting ' Spanish' ancestry (%):

Nepalese Ancestry by Tract#24

Percentage of the population reporting 'Nepalese' ancestry (%):

Indian Ancestry by Tract#25

Percentage of the population reporting 'Indian' ancestry (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Ancestry by Place in ZIP Code 75156

There are 5 places that are fully or partially contained within ZIP Code 75156 (1 fully and 4 partially). This section compares all 5 of those to each other, ZIP Code 75156, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 75156.

Irish Ancestry by Place#29

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 75156, selected places in ZIP Code 75156, and entities that contain ZIP Code 75156
0%5%10%15%20%Count#Payne SpringsGun Barrel CityZIP Code 75156ZIP 75156MabankAthens Metro AreaAthens AreaHenderson CountyHendersonEnchanted OaksSeven PointsUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesSouthWest South CentralTexas20.317003%20.317003%20.3%141116.452703%16.452703%16.5%974215.521195%15.521195%15.5%2,36912.825769%12.825769%12.8%438312.809766%12.809766%12.8%10,14710.1k12.809766%12.809766%12.8%10,14710.1k11.607143%11.607143%11.6%39411.502516%11.502516%11.5%160510.388542%10.388542%10.4%33,093,55033.1M8.826447%8.826447%8.8%10,570,17510.6M7.578077%7.578077%7.6%2,913,4802.91M6.773574%6.773574%6.8%1,825,9141.83M

Ancestry by County Subdivision in ZIP Code 75156

There is 1 county subdivision that are fully or partially contained within ZIP Code 75156 (0 fully and 1 partially). This section compares all 1 of those to each other, ZIP Code 75156, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 75156.

Irish Ancestry by County Subdivision#54

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 75156, selected county subdivisions in ZIP Code 75156, and entities that contain ZIP Code 75156
0%5%10%15%Count#ZIP Code 75156ZIP 75156Cedar Creek LakeCedar Crk LkAthens Metro AreaAthens AreaHenderson CountyHendersonUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesSouthWest South CentralTexas15.521195%15.521195%15.5%2,36914.142115%14.142115%14.1%5,093112.809766%12.809766%12.8%10,14710.1k12.809766%12.809766%12.8%10,14710.1k10.388542%10.388542%10.4%33,093,55033.1M8.826447%8.826447%8.8%10,570,17510.6M7.578077%7.578077%7.6%2,913,4802.91M6.773574%6.773574%6.8%1,825,9141.83M

Ancestry by Zip Code in the Athens Area

There are 13 zip codes in the Athens Area. This section compares ZIP Code 75156 to all of the zip codes in the Athens Area and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 75156.

Irish Ancestry by Zip Code#79

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 75156, selected other zip codes in the Athens Area, and entities that contain ZIP Code 75156
0%5%10%15%Count#ZIP Code 75758ZIP 75758ZIP Code 75156ZIP 75156ZIP Code 75124ZIP 75124ZIP Code 75756ZIP 75756ZIP Code 75148ZIP 75148Athens Metro AreaAthens AreaHenderson CountyHendersonZIP Code 75778ZIP 75778ZIP Code 75143ZIP 75143ZIP Code 75763ZIP 75763ZIP Code 75752ZIP 75752ZIP Code 75147ZIP 75147United States of AmericaUnited StatesZIP Code 75163ZIP 75163ZIP Code 75770ZIP 75770ZIP Code 75751ZIP 75751SouthWest South CentralTexas18.242344%18.242344%18.2%1,507115.521195%15.521195%15.5%2,369215.208677%15.208677%15.2%645314.911524%14.911524%14.9%691413.028050%13.028050%13.0%771512.809766%12.809766%12.8%10,14710.1k12.809766%12.809766%12.8%10,14710.1k12.520648%12.520648%12.5%379612.175704%12.175704%12.2%1,774712.102128%12.102128%12.1%711811.267019%11.267019%11.3%811910.983158%10.983158%11.0%7631010.388542%10.388542%10.4%33,093,55033.1M9.143882%9.143882%9.1%204119.066843%9.066843%9.1%274129.015386%9.015386%9.0%1,541138.826447%8.826447%8.8%10,570,17510.6M7.578077%7.578077%7.6%2,913,4802.91M6.773574%6.773574%6.8%1,825,9141.83M