Employment Status in ZIP Code 77380, Texas (ZIP Code)

Employment Status#1

Percentage of population aged 25 to 64 years old.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 77380
0%10%20%30%40%50%60%CountArmed ForcesEmployed1UnemployedOther20.000000%0.000000%0.0%0.450279%067.120694%60.057566%67.120694%67.1%14,53714.5k2.802660%4.117296%2.802660%2.8%60730.076646%35.374859%30.076646%30.1%6,514

Employment Status By Sex#2

Percentage of male and female population aged 25 to 64 years old.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 77380
50%0%50%FMArmed ForcesEmployed1UnemployedOther2-0.000000%-0.000000%0.000000%0.0%0.000000%0.000000%0.000000%0.000000%0.000000%0.0%00-59.039285%-59.039285%-59.039285%59.0%59.039285%16.034002%59.039285%16.034002%75.073287%75.1%6,3428,195-2.537560%-0.534494%-2.537560%-0.534494%-3.072054%3.1%2.537560%2.537560%2.537560%2.5%330277-22.389154%-15.499508%-22.389154%-15.499508%-37.888661%37.9%22.389154%22.389154%22.389154%22.4%4,0702,444

Employment Status by Age#3

Employment status composition of the given age cohorts.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77380
Armed Forces
Not in Labor Force

Employment by Sex and Age#4

Percentage of population employed by sex and age cohort.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77380

Employment Sex Ratio by Age#5

Percentage more males or females employed by age cohort.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 77380
More Females More Males

Male Employment by Age#6

Percentage of male population employed by age cohort. Gray areas represent percentile bands from the zip codes in Texas.
Scope: population of Texas, ZIP Code 77380, and selected other zip codes in Texases
0th - 100th
10th - 90th
20th - 80th
30th - 70th
40th - 60th

Female Employment by Age#7

Percentage of female population employed by age cohort. Gray areas represent percentile bands from the zip codes in Texas.
Scope: population of Texas, ZIP Code 77380, and selected other zip codes in Texases
0th - 100th
10th - 90th
20th - 80th
30th - 70th
40th - 60th

Employment among the Married#8

Selected family employment structures as a percentage of all married couple households.
Scope: households in Texas and ZIP Code 77380
0%5%10%15%20%25%CountBoth Parents Work1Stay at Home Moms1Stay at Home Dads1Neither Parent WorksNeither Parent Wo…1Both Work, No Kids2Ladies Who Lunch2Gents Who Lunch2Neither Works, No KidsNeither Works, No …219.037786%27.036486%19.037786%19.0%92217.840182%15.975006%17.840182%17.8%8643.117902%1.511146%3.117902%3.1%1510.454264%0.700180%0.454264%0.5%2228.783812%23.445409%28.783812%28.8%1,39411.893454%12.396261%11.893454%11.9%5766.380343%5.236938%6.380343%6.4%30912.492257%13.698575%12.492257%12.5%605

Employment among the Married With Children#9

Selected employment arrangements as a percentage of married couples with children under 18 present in the house.
Scope: households in Texas and ZIP Code 77380
0%20%40%CountBoth WorkStay at Home MomsStay at Home DadsNeither Work47.064829%59.785054%47.064829%47.1%92244.104135%35.325101%44.104135%44.1%8647.708014%3.341556%7.708014%7.7%1511.123022%1.548289%1.123022%1.1%22

Employment among the Married Without Children#10

Selected employment arrangements as a percentage of married couples without children under 18 present in the house.
Scope: households in Texas and ZIP Code 77380
0%10%20%30%40%CountBoth WorkLadies Who LunchGents Who LunchNeither Work48.335645%42.801415%48.335645%48.3%1,39419.972261%22.630336%19.972261%20.0%57610.714286%9.560437%10.714286%10.7%30920.977809%25.007812%20.977809%21.0%605

Employment by Educational Attainment#11

Percentage of population that is employed by highest level of educational attainment among the population aged 25 to 64 years old.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 77380
0%20%40%60%80%CountBachelor's Degree1Some College2H.S. Diploma3No H.S. Diploma381.655326%82.969303%81.655326%81.7%5,88075.273027%74.842990%75.273027%75.3%3,65376.135390%67.728606%76.135390%76.1%1,77762.020906%59.434545%62.020906%62.0%534

The Non-Working by Race#12

Percentage of each ethno-racial group's population 16 to 64 years of age that is either unemployed or not in the labor force.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 77380
Female Male
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.

Unemployment by Race#13

Percentage unemployed of each ethno-racial group's population 16 to 64 years of age.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 77380
Female Male
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.

Armed Forces by Race#14

Percentage of each ethno-racial group's population 16 to 64 years of age in the armed forces.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 77380
Female Male
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.

Employment by Race#15

Percentage employed of each ethno-racial group's population 16 to 64 years of age.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 77380
Female Male
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.

Map of Employment Status by Tract in ZIP Code 77380

Both Parents Work Employment Status by Tract#16

Percentage of married families with children under the age of 18 present in which both parents work outside the home (%):

Stay at Home Moms Employment Status by Tract#17

Percentage of married families with children under the age of 18 present in which the husband works outside the home and the wife stays at home (%):

Stay at Home Dads Employment Status by Tract#18

Percentage of married families with children under the age of 18 present in which the wife works outside the home and the husband stays at home (%):

Neither Parent Works Employment Status by Tract#19

Percentage of married families with children under the age of 18 present in which neither parent works outside the home (%):

Employed Working-Age Men Employment Status by Tract#20

Percentage of male population aged 35 to 44 years old that are employed
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Employment Status by Place in ZIP Code 77380

There are 4 places that are fully or partially contained within ZIP Code 77380 (0 fully and 4 partially). This section compares all 4 of those to each other, ZIP Code 77380, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 77380.

Employed Working-Age Men by Place#25

Percentage of male population aged 35 to 44 years old that are employed.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77380, selected places in ZIP Code 77380, and entities that contain ZIP Code 77380
0%50%100%Count#ShenandoahConroe Independent School DistrictConroeMontgomery CountyMontgomeryThe WoodlandsOak Ridge NorthOak Rdg NHouston, The Woodlands, and Sugar Land Metro AreaHouston AreaHoustonTexasWest South CentralUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesSouthZIP Code 77380ZIP 77380100.000000%100.000000%100.0%155190.511877%90.511877%90.5%19,92819.9k90.309858%90.309858%90.3%31,82731.8k90.094999%90.094999%90.1%6,449290.070922%90.070922%90.1%127388.045355%88.045355%88.0%404,483404k86.684779%86.684779%86.7%140,386140k485.400836%85.400836%85.4%1,551,9801.55M83.999868%83.999868%84.0%2,116,4802.12M83.826751%83.826751%83.8%16,918,49516.9M82.890666%82.890666%82.9%6,325,3956.33M82.414830%82.414830%82.4%1,645

Employment Status by County Subdivision in ZIP Code 77380

There is 1 county subdivision that are fully or partially contained within ZIP Code 77380 (0 fully and 1 partially). This section compares all 1 of those to each other, ZIP Code 77380, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 77380.

Employed Working-Age Men by County Subdivision#30

Percentage of male population aged 35 to 44 years old that are employed.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77380, selected county subdivisions in ZIP Code 77380, and entities that contain ZIP Code 77380
0%20%40%60%80%Count#Southeast MontgomerySE MontgomeryConroe Independent School DistrictConroeMontgomery CountyMontgomeryHouston, The Woodlands, and Sugar Land Metro AreaHouston AreaTexasWest South CentralUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesSouthZIP Code 77380ZIP 7738090.789119%90.789119%90.8%23,59723.6k190.511877%90.511877%90.5%19,92819.9k90.309858%90.309858%90.3%31,82731.8k88.045355%88.045355%88.0%404,483404k85.400836%85.400836%85.4%1,551,9801.55M83.999868%83.999868%84.0%2,116,4802.12M83.826751%83.826751%83.8%16,918,49516.9M82.890666%82.890666%82.9%6,325,3956.33M82.414830%82.414830%82.4%1,645

Employment Status by Zip Code in the Houston Area

There are 247 zip codes in the Houston Area. This section compares ZIP Code 77380 to all of the zip codes in the Houston Area and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 77380.

Employed Working-Age Men by Zip Code#35

Percentage of male population aged 35 to 44 years old that are employed.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77380, selected other zip codes in the Houston Area, and entities that contain ZIP Code 77380
0%50%100%Count#ZIP Code 77441ZIP 77441ZIP Code 77362ZIP 77362ZIP Code 77534ZIP 77534ZIP Code 78950ZIP 78950ZIP Code 77426ZIP 77426ZIP Code 77835ZIP 77835ZIP Code 77650ZIP 77650ZIP Code 77577ZIP 77577ZIP Code 78933ZIP 78933ZIP Code 78954ZIP 78954ZIP Code 77661ZIP 77661ZIP Code 77466ZIP 77466ZIP Code 77010ZIP 77010ZIP Code 77533ZIP 77533ZIP Code 78944ZIP 78944ZIP Code 77476ZIP 77476ZIP Code 78931ZIP 78931ZIP Code 77473ZIP 77473ZIP Code 77561ZIP 77561ZIP Code 77565ZIP 77565ZIP Code 77386ZIP 77386ZIP Code 77069ZIP 77069ZIP Code 77019ZIP 77019ZIP Code 77384ZIP 77384ZIP Code 77024ZIP 77024ZIP Code 77430ZIP 77430ZIP Code 77494ZIP 77494ZIP Code 77336ZIP 77336ZIP Code 77573ZIP 77573ZIP Code 77429ZIP 77429ZIP Code 77027ZIP 77027ZIP Code 77014ZIP 77014ZIP Code 77449ZIP 77449ZIP Code 77095ZIP 77095ZIP Code 77479ZIP 77479ZIP Code 77357ZIP 77357ZIP Code 77084ZIP 77084Conroe Independent School DistrictConroeZIP Code 77401ZIP 77401Montgomery CountyMontgomeryZIP Code 77530ZIP 77530Houston, The Woodlands, and Sugar Land Metro AreaHouston AreaZIP Code 77318ZIP 77318ZIP Code 77407ZIP 77407TexasZIP Code 77047ZIP 77047West South CentralUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesSouthZIP Code 77380ZIP 77380ZIP Code 77032ZIP 77032ZIP Code 77358ZIP 77358ZIP Code 77580ZIP 77580ZIP Code 77368ZIP 77368ZIP Code 77617ZIP 77617ZIP Code 77451ZIP 77451ZIP Code 77481ZIP 77481100.000000%100.000000%100.0%5351100.000000%100.000000%100.0%2472100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1793100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1044100.000000%100.000000%100.0%525100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1576100.000000%100.000000%100.0%507100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1018100.000000%100.000000%100.0%609100.000000%100.000000%100.0%2810100.000000%100.000000%100.0%10111100.000000%100.000000%100.0%2012100.000000%100.000000%100.0%5213100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1314100.000000%100.000000%100.0%5415100.000000%100.000000%100.0%316100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1017100.000000%100.000000%100.0%2018100.000000%100.000000%100.0%81999.302326%99.302326%99.3%4272098.148498%98.148498%98.1%5,1952197.964072%97.964072%98.0%8182297.360704%97.360704%97.4%9962397.320574%97.320574%97.3%1,0172497.036689%97.036689%97.0%2,0632597.000000%97.000000%97.0%972696.844478%96.844478%96.8%9,0232796.687371%96.687371%96.7%9342896.576978%96.576978%96.6%6,0662996.165049%96.165049%96.2%5,9433095.601436%95.601436%95.6%1,0653593.598910%93.598910%93.6%2,7495393.504515%93.504515%93.5%8,5945492.462489%92.462489%92.5%5,2387091.547808%91.547808%91.5%5,1998691.466855%91.466855%91.5%1,2978890.949033%90.949033%90.9%6,2109590.511877%90.511877%90.5%19,92819.9k90.384615%90.384615%90.4%1,41010590.309858%90.309858%90.3%31,82731.8k89.181818%89.181818%89.2%1,96212388.045355%88.045355%88.0%404,483404k87.721370%87.721370%87.7%74314086.266874%86.266874%86.3%3,32315785.400836%85.400836%85.4%1,551,9801.55M84.553715%84.553715%84.6%1,58217583.999868%83.999868%84.0%2,116,4802.12M83.826751%83.826751%83.8%16,918,49516.9M82.890666%82.890666%82.9%6,325,3956.33M82.414830%82.414830%82.4%1,64519276.950355%76.950355%77.0%65121066.220736%66.220736%66.2%1982270.000000%0.000000%0.0%02410.000000%0.000000%0.0%02420.000000%0.000000%0.0%02430.000000%0.000000%0.0%02440.000000%0.000000%0.0%0245

Employment Status by Zip Code in Texas

There are 1,940 zip codes in Texas. This section compares ZIP Code 77380 to all of the zip codes in Texas and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 77380.

Employed Working-Age Men by Zip Code#40

Percentage of male population aged 35 to 44 years old that are employed.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77380, selected other zip codes in Texas, and entities that contain ZIP Code 77380
0%50%100%Count#ZIP Code 79119ZIP 79119ZIP Code 75409ZIP 75409ZIP Code 76054ZIP 76054ZIP Code 76273ZIP 76273ZIP Code 77441ZIP 77441ZIP Code 78236ZIP 78236ZIP Code 78266ZIP 78266ZIP Code 78372ZIP 78372ZIP Code 76259ZIP 76259ZIP Code 75790ZIP 75790ZIP Code 77362ZIP 77362ZIP Code 76457ZIP 76457ZIP Code 79562ZIP 79562ZIP Code 78373ZIP 78373ZIP Code 75497ZIP 75497ZIP Code 75117ZIP 75117ZIP Code 76380ZIP 76380ZIP Code 78619ZIP 78619ZIP Code 76444ZIP 76444ZIP Code 78010ZIP 78010ZIP Code 79607ZIP 79607ZIP Code 78164ZIP 78164ZIP Code 79567ZIP 79567ZIP Code 76066ZIP 76066ZIP Code 78659ZIP 78659ZIP Code 77831ZIP 77831ZIP Code 78597ZIP 78597ZIP Code 76252ZIP 76252ZIP Code 76908ZIP 76908ZIP Code 77534ZIP 77534ZIP Code 79342ZIP 79342ZIP Code 76888ZIP 76888ZIP Code 77494ZIP 77494ZIP Code 78717ZIP 78717ZIP Code 77449ZIP 77449ZIP Code 75082ZIP 75082ZIP Code 75639ZIP 75639ZIP Code 77084ZIP 77084Conroe Independent School DistrictConroeMontgomery CountyMontgomeryZIP Code 75043ZIP 75043ZIP Code 79936ZIP 79936Houston, The Woodlands, and Sugar Land Metro AreaHouston AreaZIP Code 75146ZIP 75146ZIP Code 75051ZIP 75051TexasWest South CentralUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesSouthZIP Code 78644ZIP 78644ZIP Code 77380ZIP 77380ZIP Code 79782ZIP 79782ZIP Code 76471ZIP 76471ZIP Code 75968ZIP 75968ZIP Code 76484ZIP 76484ZIP Code 78150ZIP 78150ZIP Code 79831ZIP 79831ZIP Code 76508ZIP 76508ZIP Code 76836ZIP 76836ZIP Code 78871ZIP 78871100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1,0761100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1,1082100.000000%100.000000%100.0%6453100.000000%100.000000%100.0%4324100.000000%100.000000%100.0%5355100.000000%100.000000%100.0%2306100.000000%100.000000%100.0%3597100.000000%100.000000%100.0%3478100.000000%100.000000%100.0%4839100.000000%100.000000%100.0%21710100.000000%100.000000%100.0%24711100.000000%100.000000%100.0%23312100.000000%100.000000%100.0%22213100.000000%100.000000%100.0%21014100.000000%100.000000%100.0%17715100.000000%100.000000%100.0%24016100.000000%100.000000%100.0%22017100.000000%100.000000%100.0%19418100.000000%100.000000%100.0%10119100.000000%100.000000%100.0%12620100.000000%100.000000%100.0%19221100.000000%100.000000%100.0%8622100.000000%100.000000%100.0%21323100.000000%100.000000%100.0%22724100.000000%100.000000%100.0%25225100.000000%100.000000%100.0%10326100.000000%100.000000%100.0%8827100.000000%100.000000%100.0%11428100.000000%100.000000%100.0%17029100.000000%100.000000%100.0%17930100.000000%100.000000%100.0%26138100.000000%100.000000%100.0%427596.844478%96.844478%96.8%9,02336595.619439%95.619439%95.6%2,79441393.504515%93.504515%93.5%8,59454893.494624%93.494624%93.5%1,73955091.525424%91.525424%91.5%16268790.949033%90.949033%90.9%6,21072990.511877%90.511877%90.5%19,92819.9k90.309858%90.309858%90.3%31,82731.8k89.545703%89.545703%89.5%3,27282589.118497%89.118497%89.1%6,16785988.045355%88.045355%88.0%404,483404k87.612797%87.612797%87.6%1,06896285.568182%85.568182%85.6%2,259109985.400836%85.400836%85.4%1,551,9801.55M83.999868%83.999868%84.0%2,116,4802.12M83.826751%83.826751%83.8%16,918,49516.9M82.890666%82.890666%82.9%6,325,3956.33M82.594682%82.594682%82.6%1,025123782.414830%82.414830%82.4%1,645125079.234973%79.234973%79.2%145137473.076923%73.076923%73.1%57151157.241379%57.241379%57.2%8316490.000000%0.000000%0.0%017860.000000%0.000000%0.0%019200.000000%0.000000%0.0%019210.000000%0.000000%0.0%019220.000000%0.000000%0.0%019230.000000%0.000000%0.0%01924