Ancestry in ZIP Code 78954, Texas (ZIP Code)

European and African Ancestry#1

Self-reported anscestry as a percentage of the total population; more than one answer per person permitted.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 78954

Hispanic Ancestry#2

Self-reported Hispanic anscestry as a percentage of the Hispanic population.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 78954
0%20%40%60%80%Count%MexicanOther HispanicSpanish91.358025%87.006103%91.358025%91.4%747.054%7.05%8.641975%3.591680%8.641975%8.6%70.667%0.67%3.703704%0.430264%3.703704%3.7%30.286%0.29%

Map of Ancestry by County Subdivision in ZIP Code 78954

German Ancestry by County Subdivision#3

Percentage of the population reporting 'German' ancestry (%):

English Ancestry by County Subdivision#4

Percentage of the population reporting 'English' ancestry (%):

Irish Ancestry by County Subdivision#5

Percentage of the population reporting 'Irish' ancestry (%):

Czech Ancestry by County Subdivision#6

Percentage of the population reporting 'Czech' ancestry (%):

American Ancestry by County Subdivision#7

Percentage of the population reporting 'American' ancestry (%):

French Ancestry by County Subdivision#8

Percentage of the population reporting 'French' ancestry (%):

Scotch-Irish Ancestry by County Subdivision#9

Percentage of the population reporting 'Scotch-Irish' ancestry (%):

Polish Ancestry by County Subdivision#10

Percentage of the population reporting 'Polish' ancestry (%):

Cajun Ancestry by County Subdivision#11

Percentage of the population reporting 'Cajun' ancestry (%):

Swiss Ancestry by County Subdivision#12

Percentage of the population reporting 'Swiss' ancestry (%):

Scottish Ancestry by County Subdivision#13

Percentage of the population reporting 'Scottish' ancestry (%):

Swedish Ancestry by County Subdivision#14

Percentage of the population reporting 'Swedish' ancestry (%):

Russian Ancestry by County Subdivision#15

Percentage of the population reporting 'Russian' ancestry (%):

Italian Ancestry by County Subdivision#16

Percentage of the population reporting 'Italian' ancestry (%):

Belgian Ancestry by County Subdivision#17

Percentage of the population reporting 'Belgian' ancestry (%):

Mexican Ancestry by County Subdivision#18

Percentage of the population reporting ' Mexican' ancestry (%):

Spanish Ancestry by County Subdivision#19

Percentage of the population reporting ' Spanish' ancestry (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Ancestry by Tract in ZIP Code 78954

German Ancestry by Tract#23

Percentage of the population reporting 'German' ancestry (%):

English Ancestry by Tract#24

Percentage of the population reporting 'English' ancestry (%):

Irish Ancestry by Tract#25

Percentage of the population reporting 'Irish' ancestry (%):

Czech Ancestry by Tract#26

Percentage of the population reporting 'Czech' ancestry (%):

American Ancestry by Tract#27

Percentage of the population reporting 'American' ancestry (%):

French Ancestry by Tract#28

Percentage of the population reporting 'French' ancestry (%):

Scotch-Irish Ancestry by Tract#29

Percentage of the population reporting 'Scotch-Irish' ancestry (%):

Polish Ancestry by Tract#30

Percentage of the population reporting 'Polish' ancestry (%):

Cajun Ancestry by Tract#31

Percentage of the population reporting 'Cajun' ancestry (%):

Swiss Ancestry by Tract#32

Percentage of the population reporting 'Swiss' ancestry (%):

Scottish Ancestry by Tract#33

Percentage of the population reporting 'Scottish' ancestry (%):

Swedish Ancestry by Tract#34

Percentage of the population reporting 'Swedish' ancestry (%):

Russian Ancestry by Tract#35

Percentage of the population reporting 'Russian' ancestry (%):

Italian Ancestry by Tract#36

Percentage of the population reporting 'Italian' ancestry (%):

Belgian Ancestry by Tract#37

Percentage of the population reporting 'Belgian' ancestry (%):

Mexican Ancestry by Tract#38

Percentage of the population reporting ' Mexican' ancestry (%):

Spanish Ancestry by Tract#39

Percentage of the population reporting ' Spanish' ancestry (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Ancestry by Place in ZIP Code 78954

There is 1 place in ZIP Code 78954. This section compares all 1 of those to each other, ZIP Code 78954, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 78954.

German Ancestry by Place#43

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 78954, selected places in ZIP Code 78954, and entities that contain ZIP Code 78954
0%20%40%Count#Round TopZIP Code 78954ZIP 78954United States of AmericaUnited StatesSouthWest South CentralTexas59.756098%59.756098%59.8%49146.329838%46.329838%46.3%48614.402193%14.402193%14.4%45,879,36045.9M10.062070%10.062070%10.1%12,049,90512.0M9.870776%9.870776%9.9%3,794,9353.79M9.636230%9.636230%9.6%2,597,5842.60M

Ancestry by County Subdivision in ZIP Code 78954

There are 3 county subdivisions that are fully or partially contained within ZIP Code 78954 (0 fully and 3 partially). This section compares all 3 of those to each other, ZIP Code 78954, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 78954.

German Ancestry by County Subdivision#63

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 78954, selected county subdivisions in ZIP Code 78954, and entities that contain ZIP Code 78954
0%10%20%30%40%Count#Round TopZIP Code 78954ZIP 78954FayettevilleIndustryUnited States of AmericaUnited StatesSouthWest South CentralTexas46.350365%46.350365%46.4%889146.329838%46.329838%46.3%48641.100645%41.100645%41.1%829229.800919%29.800919%29.8%973314.402193%14.402193%14.4%45,879,36045.9M10.062070%10.062070%10.1%12,049,90512.0M9.870776%9.870776%9.9%3,794,9353.79M9.636230%9.636230%9.6%2,597,5842.60M

Ancestry by Zip Code in the Houston Area

There are 247 zip codes in the Houston Area. This section compares ZIP Code 78954 to all of the zip codes in the Houston Area and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 78954.

German Ancestry by Zip Code#83

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 78954, selected other zip codes in the Houston Area, and entities that contain ZIP Code 78954
0%10%20%30%40%Count#ZIP Code 78954ZIP 78954ZIP Code 78944ZIP 78944ZIP Code 78933ZIP 78933ZIP Code 78940ZIP 78940ZIP Code 77444ZIP 77444ZIP Code 77617ZIP 77617ZIP Code 77835ZIP 77835ZIP Code 77363ZIP 77363ZIP Code 77430ZIP 77430ZIP Code 77833ZIP 77833ZIP Code 77623ZIP 77623ZIP Code 77577ZIP 77577ZIP Code 77418ZIP 77418ZIP Code 77461ZIP 77461ZIP Code 77369ZIP 77369ZIP Code 78931ZIP 78931ZIP Code 77473ZIP 77473ZIP Code 77564ZIP 77564ZIP Code 77010ZIP 77010ZIP Code 77435ZIP 77435ZIP Code 77586ZIP 77586ZIP Code 78950ZIP 78950ZIP Code 77554ZIP 77554ZIP Code 77510ZIP 77510ZIP Code 77441ZIP 77441ZIP Code 77356ZIP 77356ZIP Code 77486ZIP 77486ZIP Code 77336ZIP 77336ZIP Code 77345ZIP 77345ZIP Code 77464ZIP 77464ZIP Code 77565ZIP 77565ZIP Code 77302ZIP 77302ZIP Code 77523ZIP 77523United States of AmericaUnited StatesZIP Code 77327ZIP 77327ZIP Code 77494ZIP 77494ZIP Code 77027ZIP 77027ZIP Code 77466ZIP 77466SouthWest South CentralTexasZIP Code 77479ZIP 77479ZIP Code 77068ZIP 77068ZIP Code 77449ZIP 77449ZIP Code 77009ZIP 77009ZIP Code 77084ZIP 77084ZIP Code 77063ZIP 77063ZIP Code 77446ZIP 77446ZIP Code 77061ZIP 77061ZIP Code 77020ZIP 77020ZIP Code 77026ZIP 77026ZIP Code 77661ZIP 77661ZIP Code 77561ZIP 77561ZIP Code 77451ZIP 77451ZIP Code 77481ZIP 7748146.329838%46.329838%46.3%486146.101695%46.101695%46.1%272243.956044%43.956044%44.0%480343.704044%43.704044%43.7%951440.731400%40.731400%40.7%323535.000000%35.000000%35.0%21632.830005%32.830005%32.8%674729.985549%29.985549%30.0%830827.750678%27.750678%27.8%512926.888994%26.888994%26.9%7,9501026.530612%26.530612%26.5%1561126.073620%26.073620%26.1%3401225.988813%25.988813%26.0%2,6021325.754820%25.754820%25.8%2,8321424.657534%24.657534%24.7%1621523.776224%23.776224%23.8%341623.076923%23.076923%23.1%211721.594393%21.594393%21.6%4931821.419976%21.419976%21.4%1781920.938094%20.938094%20.9%9912020.731598%20.731598%20.7%4,6192120.308880%20.308880%20.3%5262220.150705%20.150705%20.2%1,6582319.690910%19.690910%19.7%2,9052419.690488%19.690488%19.7%1,5652519.408437%19.408437%19.4%4,9412619.406325%19.406325%19.4%1,3012719.244452%19.244452%19.2%2,2722819.106343%19.106343%19.1%5,7172919.008264%19.008264%19.0%463017.594006%17.594006%17.6%1,2683516.001256%16.001256%16.0%3,0585314.572516%14.572516%14.6%2,9477014.402193%14.402193%14.4%45,879,36045.9M12.731375%12.731375%12.7%2,7658812.599087%12.599087%12.6%12,28612.3k9211.653117%11.653117%11.7%1,80610510.143198%10.143198%10.1%8512310.062070%10.062070%10.1%12,049,90512.0M9.870776%9.870776%9.9%3,794,9353.79M9.636230%9.636230%9.6%2,597,5842.60M9.480319%9.480319%9.5%8,1071318.924665%8.924665%8.9%1,0201407.764630%7.764630%7.8%8,7211537.225335%7.225335%7.2%2,7471576.366575%6.366575%6.4%6,5981624.971903%4.971903%5.0%1,8581752.681546%2.681546%2.7%1611921.392454%1.392454%1.4%3582100.667747%0.667747%0.7%1732270.151976%0.151976%0.2%352410.000000%0.000000%0.0%02420.000000%0.000000%0.0%02430.000000%0.000000%0.0%02440.000000%0.000000%0.0%0245