Ancestry in ZIP Code 94571, California (ZIP Code)

European and African Ancestry#1

Self-reported anscestry as a percentage of the total population; more than one answer per person permitted.
Scope: population of California and ZIP Code 94571

Hispanic Ancestry#2

Self-reported Hispanic anscestry as a percentage of the Hispanic population.
Scope: population of California and ZIP Code 94571
0%20%40%60%80%Count%MexicanSouth AmericanPeruvianOther HispanicSpaniardPuerto Rican62.882096%83.202174%62.882096%62.9%7208.180%8.18%31.528384%2.307296%31.528384%31.5%3614.101%4.10%31.528384%0.731120%31.528384%31.5%3614.101%4.10%3.668122%3.104895%3.668122%3.7%420.477%0.48%3.668122%1.062589%3.668122%3.7%420.477%0.48%1.921397%1.415326%1.921397%1.9%220.250%0.25%

Asian Ancestry#3

Self-reported Asian anscestry as a percentage of the Asian population.
Scope: population of California and ZIP Code 94571

Map of Ancestry by County Subdivision in ZIP Code 94571

German Ancestry by County Subdivision#4

Percentage of the population reporting 'German' ancestry (%):

Irish Ancestry by County Subdivision#5

Percentage of the population reporting 'Irish' ancestry (%):

English Ancestry by County Subdivision#6

Percentage of the population reporting 'English' ancestry (%):

European Ancestry by County Subdivision#7

Percentage of the population reporting 'European' ancestry (%):

Italian Ancestry by County Subdivision#8

Percentage of the population reporting 'Italian' ancestry (%):

American Ancestry by County Subdivision#9

Percentage of the population reporting 'American' ancestry (%):

Portuguese Ancestry by County Subdivision#10

Percentage of the population reporting 'Portuguese' ancestry (%):

French Ancestry by County Subdivision#11

Percentage of the population reporting 'French' ancestry (%):

Swedish Ancestry by County Subdivision#12

Percentage of the population reporting 'Swedish' ancestry (%):

Scottish Ancestry by County Subdivision#13

Percentage of the population reporting 'Scottish' ancestry (%):

Polish Ancestry by County Subdivision#14

Percentage of the population reporting 'Polish' ancestry (%):

Dutch Ancestry by County Subdivision#15

Percentage of the population reporting 'Dutch' ancestry (%):

Scotch-Irish Ancestry by County Subdivision#16

Percentage of the population reporting 'Scotch-Irish' ancestry (%):

Norwegian Ancestry by County Subdivision#17

Percentage of the population reporting 'Norwegian' ancestry (%):

British Ancestry by County Subdivision#18

Percentage of the population reporting 'British' ancestry (%):

Mexican Ancestry by County Subdivision#19

Percentage of the population reporting ' Mexican' ancestry (%):

South American Ancestry by County Subdivision#20

Percentage of the population reporting ' South American' ancestry (%):

Peruvian Ancestry by County Subdivision#21

Percentage of the population reporting ' Peruvian' ancestry (%):

Spaniard Ancestry by County Subdivision#22

Percentage of the population reporting ' Spaniard' ancestry (%):

Puerto Rican Ancestry by County Subdivision#23

Percentage of the population reporting ' Puerto Rican' ancestry (%):

Filipino Ancestry by County Subdivision#24

Percentage of the population reporting 'Filipino' ancestry (%):

Japanese Ancestry by County Subdivision#25

Percentage of the population reporting 'Japanese' ancestry (%):

Chinese Ancestry by County Subdivision#26

Percentage of the population reporting 'Chinese' ancestry (%):

Indian Ancestry by County Subdivision#27

Percentage of the population reporting 'Indian' ancestry (%):

Cambodian Ancestry by County Subdivision#28

Percentage of the population reporting 'Cambodian' ancestry (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Ancestry by Tract in ZIP Code 94571

German Ancestry by Tract#29

Percentage of the population reporting 'German' ancestry (%):

Irish Ancestry by Tract#30

Percentage of the population reporting 'Irish' ancestry (%):

English Ancestry by Tract#31

Percentage of the population reporting 'English' ancestry (%):

European Ancestry by Tract#32

Percentage of the population reporting 'European' ancestry (%):

Italian Ancestry by Tract#33

Percentage of the population reporting 'Italian' ancestry (%):

American Ancestry by Tract#34

Percentage of the population reporting 'American' ancestry (%):

Portuguese Ancestry by Tract#35

Percentage of the population reporting 'Portuguese' ancestry (%):

French Ancestry by Tract#36

Percentage of the population reporting 'French' ancestry (%):

Swedish Ancestry by Tract#37

Percentage of the population reporting 'Swedish' ancestry (%):

Scottish Ancestry by Tract#38

Percentage of the population reporting 'Scottish' ancestry (%):

Polish Ancestry by Tract#39

Percentage of the population reporting 'Polish' ancestry (%):

Dutch Ancestry by Tract#40

Percentage of the population reporting 'Dutch' ancestry (%):

Scotch-Irish Ancestry by Tract#41

Percentage of the population reporting 'Scotch-Irish' ancestry (%):

Norwegian Ancestry by Tract#42

Percentage of the population reporting 'Norwegian' ancestry (%):

British Ancestry by Tract#43

Percentage of the population reporting 'British' ancestry (%):

Mexican Ancestry by Tract#44

Percentage of the population reporting ' Mexican' ancestry (%):

South American Ancestry by Tract#45

Percentage of the population reporting ' South American' ancestry (%):

Peruvian Ancestry by Tract#46

Percentage of the population reporting ' Peruvian' ancestry (%):

Spaniard Ancestry by Tract#47

Percentage of the population reporting ' Spaniard' ancestry (%):

Puerto Rican Ancestry by Tract#48

Percentage of the population reporting ' Puerto Rican' ancestry (%):

Filipino Ancestry by Tract#49

Percentage of the population reporting 'Filipino' ancestry (%):

Japanese Ancestry by Tract#50

Percentage of the population reporting 'Japanese' ancestry (%):

Chinese Ancestry by Tract#51

Percentage of the population reporting 'Chinese' ancestry (%):

Indian Ancestry by Tract#52

Percentage of the population reporting 'Indian' ancestry (%):

Cambodian Ancestry by Tract#53

Percentage of the population reporting 'Cambodian' ancestry (%):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Ancestry by Place in ZIP Code 94571

There is 1 place in ZIP Code 94571. This section compares all 1 of those to each other, ZIP Code 94571, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 94571.

German Ancestry by Place#54

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 94571, selected places in ZIP Code 94571, and entities that contain ZIP Code 94571
0%5%10%15%Count#Rio VistaZIP Code 94571ZIP 94571United States of AmericaUnited StatesWestPacificCalifornia15.468653%15.468653%15.5%1,246114.655760%14.655760%14.7%1,29014.402193%14.402193%14.4%45,879,36045.9M11.846462%11.846462%11.8%8,891,9778.89M10.334358%10.334358%10.3%5,359,4135.36M8.133987%8.133987%8.1%3,144,1283.14M

Ancestry by County Subdivision in ZIP Code 94571

There are 2 county subdivisions that are fully or partially contained within ZIP Code 94571 (0 fully and 2 partially). This section compares all 2 of those to each other, ZIP Code 94571, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 94571.

German Ancestry by County Subdivision#79

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 94571, selected county subdivisions in ZIP Code 94571, and entities that contain ZIP Code 94571
0%5%10%15%Count#IsletonZIP Code 94571ZIP 94571United States of AmericaUnited StatesRio VistaWestPacificCalifornia15.267024%15.267024%15.3%769114.655760%14.655760%14.7%1,29014.402193%14.402193%14.4%45,879,36045.9M14.123581%14.123581%14.1%1,344211.846462%11.846462%11.8%8,891,9778.89M10.334358%10.334358%10.3%5,359,4135.36M8.133987%8.133987%8.1%3,144,1283.14M

Ancestry by Zip Code in the Vallejo Area

There are 19 zip codes in the Vallejo Area. This section compares ZIP Code 94571 to all of the zip codes in the Vallejo Area and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 94571.

German Ancestry by Zip Code#104

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 94571, selected other zip codes in the Vallejo Area, and entities that contain ZIP Code 94571
0%20%40%60%Count#ZIP Code 94512ZIP 94512ZIP Code 95625ZIP 95625ZIP Code 95612ZIP 95612ZIP Code 95690ZIP 95690ZIP Code 94571ZIP 94571United States of AmericaUnited StatesZIP Code 94510ZIP 94510ZIP Code 95618ZIP 95618WestZIP Code 94535ZIP 94535ZIP Code 94534ZIP 94534ZIP Code 95688ZIP 95688PacificZIP Code 95687ZIP 95687ZIP Code 95620ZIP 95620ZIP Code 95694ZIP 95694CaliforniaZIP Code 94591ZIP 94591ZIP Code 94590ZIP 94590ZIP Code 94592ZIP 94592ZIP Code 94533ZIP 94533ZIP Code 94585ZIP 94585ZIP Code 94589ZIP 9458967.708333%67.708333%67.7%65135.185185%35.185185%35.2%19226.556017%26.556017%26.6%256314.809961%14.809961%14.8%339414.655760%14.655760%14.7%1,290514.402193%14.402193%14.4%45,879,36045.9M13.657957%13.657957%13.7%3,795612.142806%12.142806%12.1%3,391711.846462%11.846462%11.8%8,891,9778.89M11.407824%11.407824%11.4%487811.152564%11.152564%11.2%4,215910.668335%10.668335%10.7%3,9221010.334358%10.334358%10.3%5,359,4135.36M9.860702%9.860702%9.9%6,555119.776343%9.776343%9.8%2,120128.424908%8.424908%8.4%828138.133987%8.133987%8.1%3,144,1283.14M6.463215%6.463215%6.5%3,522146.368354%6.368354%6.4%2,344156.250000%6.250000%6.3%55165.913005%5.913005%5.9%4,278174.745602%4.745602%4.7%1,400184.272219%4.272219%4.3%1,30719

Ancestry by Zip Code in California

There are 1,772 zip codes in California. This section compares ZIP Code 94571 to all of the zip codes in California and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 94571.

German Ancestry by Zip Code#129

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 94571, selected other zip codes in California, and entities that contain ZIP Code 94571
0%20%40%60%Count#ZIP Code 93645ZIP 93645ZIP Code 93519ZIP 93519ZIP Code 93528ZIP 93528ZIP Code 94512ZIP 94512ZIP Code 95463ZIP 95463ZIP Code 95435ZIP 95435ZIP Code 95944ZIP 95944ZIP Code 96126ZIP 96126ZIP Code 94972ZIP 94972ZIP Code 95983ZIP 95983ZIP Code 96116ZIP 96116ZIP Code 93605ZIP 93605ZIP Code 93603ZIP 93603ZIP Code 93220ZIP 93220ZIP Code 95140ZIP 95140ZIP Code 95675ZIP 95675ZIP Code 96132ZIP 96132ZIP Code 95923ZIP 95923ZIP Code 93623ZIP 93623ZIP Code 95664ZIP 95664ZIP Code 95925ZIP 95925ZIP Code 96092ZIP 96092ZIP Code 93549ZIP 93549ZIP Code 92389ZIP 92389ZIP Code 93544ZIP 93544ZIP Code 95007ZIP 95007ZIP Code 95975ZIP 95975ZIP Code 95595ZIP 95595ZIP Code 96110ZIP 96110ZIP Code 95956ZIP 95956ZIP Code 95681ZIP 95681ZIP Code 95746ZIP 95746ZIP Code 92008ZIP 92008ZIP Code 96075ZIP 96075ZIP Code 94571ZIP 94571United States of AmericaUnited StatesZIP Code 93021ZIP 93021ZIP Code 92584ZIP 92584WestZIP Code 94583ZIP 94583PacificZIP Code 95422ZIP 95422CaliforniaZIP Code 92344ZIP 92344ZIP Code 95020ZIP 95020ZIP Code 94589ZIP 94589ZIP Code 93040ZIP 93040ZIP Code 90650ZIP 90650ZIP Code 93926ZIP 93926ZIP Code 91331ZIP 91331ZIP Code 90201ZIP 90201ZIP Code 90011ZIP 90011ZIP Code 95721ZIP 95721ZIP Code 91948ZIP 91948ZIP Code 95915ZIP 95915ZIP Code 96108ZIP 96108ZIP Code 92332ZIP 9233279.227053%79.227053%79.2%164175.000000%75.000000%75.0%27271.653543%71.653543%71.7%91367.708333%67.708333%67.7%65467.346939%67.346939%67.3%33558.433735%58.433735%58.4%97656.097561%56.097561%56.1%23751.282051%51.282051%51.3%20850.000000%50.000000%50.0%10949.800000%49.800000%49.8%2491049.606299%49.606299%49.6%631149.289100%49.289100%49.3%1041249.275362%49.275362%49.3%681348.818898%48.818898%48.8%1861446.886447%46.886447%46.9%1281546.341463%46.341463%46.3%2661645.378151%45.378151%45.4%541744.444444%44.444444%44.4%41844.029851%44.029851%44.0%591943.773029%43.773029%43.8%5942041.258741%41.258741%41.3%592141.000000%41.000000%41.0%1232239.200000%39.200000%39.2%982338.345865%38.345865%38.3%512438.295788%38.295788%38.3%3912538.213763%38.213763%38.2%2612637.879625%37.879625%37.9%6862737.820513%37.820513%37.8%592836.526946%36.526946%36.5%612936.515513%36.515513%36.5%1533023.045547%23.045547%23.0%33912518.652170%18.652170%18.7%4,40925016.768021%16.768021%16.8%4,52237515.131579%15.131579%15.1%4649914.655760%14.655760%14.7%1,29053614.402193%14.402193%14.4%45,879,36045.9M13.630604%13.630604%13.6%5,05662412.139830%12.139830%12.1%5,98774911.846462%11.846462%11.8%8,891,9778.89M10.587366%10.587366%10.6%3,72487410.334358%10.334358%10.3%5,359,4135.36M8.946477%8.946477%8.9%1,3749988.133987%8.133987%8.1%3,144,1283.14M7.498091%7.498091%7.5%1,66911236.114183%6.114183%6.1%3,75912484.272219%4.272219%4.3%1,30713722.828283%2.828283%2.8%5614971.965965%1.965965%2.0%2,09115661.020408%1.020408%1.0%9716220.695320%0.695320%0.7%70616460.358998%0.358998%0.4%36916690.141273%0.141273%0.1%14816870.000000%0.000000%0.0%017430.000000%0.000000%0.0%017440.000000%0.000000%0.0%017450.000000%0.000000%0.0%017460.000000%0.000000%0.0%01747

Ancestry by Zip Code in the West

There are 5,692 zip codes in the West. This section compares ZIP Code 94571 to all of the zip codes in the West and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 94571.

German Ancestry by Zip Code#154

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 94571, selected other zip codes in the West, and entities that contain ZIP Code 94571
0%50%100%Count#ZIP Code 88416ZIP 88416ZIP Code 98353ZIP 98353ZIP Code 81653ZIP 81653ZIP Code 82224ZIP 82224ZIP Code 89405ZIP 89405ZIP Code 86038ZIP 86038ZIP Code 98238ZIP 98238ZIP Code 82052ZIP 82052ZIP Code 97735ZIP 97735ZIP Code 59830ZIP 59830ZIP Code 89446ZIP 89446ZIP Code 85619ZIP 85619ZIP Code 98364ZIP 98364ZIP Code 93645ZIP 93645ZIP Code 83526ZIP 83526ZIP Code 93519ZIP 93519ZIP Code 59081ZIP 59081ZIP Code 80426ZIP 80426ZIP Code 82242ZIP 82242ZIP Code 84781ZIP 84781ZIP Code 93528ZIP 93528ZIP Code 89826ZIP 89826ZIP Code 59256ZIP 59256ZIP Code 94512ZIP 94512ZIP Code 95463ZIP 95463ZIP Code 97752ZIP 97752ZIP Code 59315ZIP 59315ZIP Code 97406ZIP 97406ZIP Code 83463ZIP 83463ZIP Code 82731ZIP 82731ZIP Code 99157ZIP 99157ZIP Code 82301ZIP 82301ZIP Code 99346ZIP 99346ZIP Code 92040ZIP 92040ZIP Code 91906ZIP 91906ZIP Code 80018ZIP 80018ZIP Code 86413ZIP 86413ZIP Code 94571ZIP 94571United States of AmericaUnited StatesZIP Code 84081ZIP 84081WestZIP Code 84314ZIP 84314PacificZIP Code 90036ZIP 90036CaliforniaZIP Code 95324ZIP 95324ZIP Code 92377ZIP 92377ZIP Code 90650ZIP 90650ZIP Code 87001ZIP 87001ZIP Code 91331ZIP 91331ZIP Code 90201ZIP 90201ZIP Code 90011ZIP 90011ZIP Code 88262ZIP 88262ZIP Code 86003ZIP 86003ZIP Code 92332ZIP 92332ZIP Code 99706ZIP 99706ZIP Code 99034ZIP 99034100.000000%100.000000%100.0%621100.000000%100.000000%100.0%292100.000000%100.000000%100.0%263100.000000%100.000000%100.0%224100.000000%100.000000%100.0%205100.000000%100.000000%100.0%126100.000000%100.000000%100.0%117100.000000%100.000000%100.0%10890.217391%90.217391%90.2%83986.153846%86.153846%86.2%561085.294118%85.294118%85.3%1161180.838323%80.838323%80.8%1351280.291971%80.291971%80.3%1101379.227053%79.227053%79.2%1641476.056338%76.056338%76.1%2701575.000000%75.000000%75.0%271675.000000%75.000000%75.0%61774.025974%74.025974%74.0%571873.809524%73.809524%73.8%311973.728814%73.728814%73.7%872071.653543%71.653543%71.7%912169.736842%69.736842%69.7%532267.796610%67.796610%67.8%402367.708333%67.708333%67.7%652467.346939%67.346939%67.3%332566.666667%66.666667%66.7%242666.019417%66.019417%66.0%682765.384615%65.384615%65.4%172865.306122%65.306122%65.3%642963.888889%63.888889%63.9%233032.190942%32.190942%32.2%26340126.143580%26.143580%26.1%2,42980222.975930%22.975930%23.0%105120320.721910%20.721910%20.7%8,950160318.597475%18.597475%18.6%663200416.562687%16.562687%16.6%1,938240514.661328%14.661328%14.7%2,197280614.655760%14.655760%14.7%1,290280714.402193%14.402193%14.4%45,879,36045.9M12.856469%12.856469%12.9%5,996320611.846462%11.846462%11.8%8,891,9778.89M11.014177%11.014177%11.0%101360710.334358%10.334358%10.3%5,359,4135.36M8.681553%8.681553%8.7%3,29340088.133987%8.133987%8.1%3,144,1283.14M6.452037%6.452037%6.5%49144083.598429%3.598429%3.6%73348091.965965%1.965965%2.0%2,09150700.829471%0.829471%0.8%3452100.695320%0.695320%0.7%70652290.358998%0.358998%0.4%36952840.141273%0.141273%0.1%14853220.000000%0.000000%0.0%056070.000000%0.000000%0.0%056080.000000%0.000000%0.0%056090.000000%0.000000%0.0%056100.000000%0.000000%0.0%05611

Ancestry by Zip Code in the United States

There are 32,990 zip codes in the United States. This section compares ZIP Code 94571 to all of the zip codes in the United States and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 94571.

German Ancestry by Zip Code#179

Percentage of the total population.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 94571, selected other zip codes in the United States, and entities that contain ZIP Code 94571
0%50%100%Count#ZIP Code 77454ZIP 77454ZIP Code 46047ZIP 46047ZIP Code 61433ZIP 61433ZIP Code 65728ZIP 65728ZIP Code 88416ZIP 88416ZIP Code 24131ZIP 24131ZIP Code 65443ZIP 65443ZIP Code 53047ZIP 53047ZIP Code 17270ZIP 17270ZIP Code 04926ZIP 04926ZIP Code 57439ZIP 57439ZIP Code 79770ZIP 79770ZIP Code 19472ZIP 19472ZIP Code 79051ZIP 79051ZIP Code 47104ZIP 47104ZIP Code 98353ZIP 98353ZIP Code 58362ZIP 58362ZIP Code 81653ZIP 81653ZIP Code 61331ZIP 61331ZIP Code 45787ZIP 45787ZIP Code 82224ZIP 82224ZIP Code 89405ZIP 89405ZIP Code 56711ZIP 56711ZIP Code 76841ZIP 76841ZIP Code 21105ZIP 21105ZIP Code 58452ZIP 58452ZIP Code 40110ZIP 40110ZIP Code 86038ZIP 86038ZIP Code 17083ZIP 17083ZIP Code 30751ZIP 30751ZIP Code 21530ZIP 21530ZIP Code 21755ZIP 21755ZIP Code 18955ZIP 18955ZIP Code 43055ZIP 43055ZIP Code 60543ZIP 60543ZIP Code 11950ZIP 11950ZIP Code 93022ZIP 93022ZIP Code 94571ZIP 94571United States of AmericaUnited StatesZIP Code 49916ZIP 49916WestZIP Code 20024ZIP 20024PacificZIP Code 38559ZIP 38559CaliforniaZIP Code 77449ZIP 77449ZIP Code 07605ZIP 07605ZIP Code 33844ZIP 33844ZIP Code 79936ZIP 79936ZIP Code 73458ZIP 73458ZIP Code 60629ZIP 60629ZIP Code 11368ZIP 11368ZIP Code 92332ZIP 92332ZIP Code 99706ZIP 99706ZIP Code 16312ZIP 16312ZIP Code 54641ZIP 54641ZIP Code 99034ZIP 99034100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1101100.000000%100.000000%100.0%952100.000000%100.000000%100.0%773100.000000%100.000000%100.0%624100.000000%100.000000%100.0%625100.000000%100.000000%100.0%546100.000000%100.000000%100.0%537100.000000%100.000000%100.0%508100.000000%100.000000%100.0%499100.000000%100.000000%100.0%4410100.000000%100.000000%100.0%4211100.000000%100.000000%100.0%4112100.000000%100.000000%100.0%4013100.000000%100.000000%100.0%3614100.000000%100.000000%100.0%3415100.000000%100.000000%100.0%2916100.000000%100.000000%100.0%2717100.000000%100.000000%100.0%2618100.000000%100.000000%100.0%2319100.000000%100.000000%100.0%2220100.000000%100.000000%100.0%2221100.000000%100.000000%100.0%2022100.000000%100.000000%100.0%2023100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1924100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1825100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1626100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1227100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1228100.000000%100.000000%100.0%1229100.000000%100.000000%100.0%113045.352670%45.352670%45.4%688233436.583216%36.583216%36.6%2,075466730.328296%30.328296%30.3%582700125.788377%25.788377%25.8%15,97116.0k933422.054227%22.054227%22.1%8,6791166818.904680%18.904680%18.9%3,0861400116.088901%16.088901%16.1%1,1511633514.655760%14.655760%14.7%1,2901761814.402193%14.402193%14.4%45,879,36045.9M13.590982%13.590982%13.6%4221866811.846462%11.846462%11.8%8,891,9778.89M11.351884%11.351884%11.4%1,3832100110.334358%10.334358%10.3%5,359,4135.36M9.090909%9.090909%9.1%111233358.133987%8.133987%8.1%3,144,1283.14M7.764630%7.764630%7.8%8,721248086.938820%6.938820%6.9%634256684.645132%4.645132%4.6%1,612280023.247539%3.247539%3.2%3,678292561.901566%1.901566%1.9%17303351.564672%1.564672%1.6%1,801305750.308014%0.308014%0.3%348313970.000000%0.000000%0.0%0326650.000000%0.000000%0.0%0326660.000000%0.000000%0.0%0326670.000000%0.000000%0.0%0326680.000000%0.000000%0.0%032669


This page discusses the self-reported ancestry of the residents of ZIP Code 94571. Respondents were not limited to one ancestry, so if a person reported both English and German, then they would be counted in both categories. Consequently, the sum of the counts over all the ancestries most often exceeds the total population of the entity. Asian and Hispanic ancestry is reported separately from European, Middle Eastern, and Subsaharan African ancestry. A full list of all possible categories is as follows:

  • European, Middle Eastern, and Subsaharan African Ancestries: Afghan, Albanian, Alsatian, American, Arab, Egyptian, Iraqi, Jordanian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Palestinian, Syrian, Arab, Other Arab, Armenian, Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac, Australian, Austrian, Basque, Belgian, Brazilian, British, Bulgarian, Cajun, Canadian, Carpatho Rusyn, Celtic, Croatian, Cypriot, Czech, Czechoslovakian, Danish, Dutch, Eastern European, English, Estonian, European, Finnish, French, French Canadian, German, German Russian, Greek, Guyanese, Hungarian, Icelander, Iranian, Irish, Israeli, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxemburger, Macedonian, Maltese, New Zealander, Northern European, Norwegian, Pennsylvania German, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Scandinavian, Scotch-Irish, Scottish, Serbian, Slavic, Slovak, Slovene, Soviet Union, Subsaharan African, Cape Verdean, Ethiopian, Ghanaian, Kenyan, Liberian, Nigerian, Senegalese, Sierra Leonean, Somali, South African, Sudanese, Ugandan, Zimbabwean, African, Other, Swedish, Swiss, Turkish, Ukrainian, Welsh, West Indian, Bahamian, Barbadian, Belizean, Bermudan, British West Indian, Dutch West Indian, Haitian, Jamaican, Trinidadian and Tobagonian, U.S. Virgin Islander, West Indian, Other West Indian, Yugoslavian, Other, and Unclassified
  • Asian Ancestries: Indian, Bangladeshi, Bhutanese, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Malaysian, Mongolian, Nepalese, Okinawan, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Other, Not Specified, and Mixed
  • Hispanic Ancestries: Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Central American, Costa Rican, Guatemalan, Honduran, Nicaraguan, Panamanian, Salvadoran, Other Central American, South American, Argentinean, Bolivian, Chilean, Colombian, Ecuadorian, Paraguayan, Peruvian, Uruguayan, Venezuelan, Other South American, Other Hispanic, Spaniard, Spanish, and Spanish American

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