Overview of Congressional District 3, Nebraska (Congressional District)


1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

1, 01, 1, 1, 1, 1, Pawnee No. 1, 2, 02, 2, 2, 2, 2, Pawnee No. 2, 3, 03, 3, 3, 3, 3, Table Rock, 4, 04, 4, 4, 4, 4, Steinauer, 5, 05, 5, 5, 5, 5, Burchard, 6, 6, 6, 06, 6, 6, South Fork, 7, 7, 07, 7, 7, 7, Turkey Creek, 8, 8, 8, 08, 8, 9, 9, 09, 9, 9A, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, Ainsworth, Alexandria, Allen, Allen, Alliance, Antelope, Antelope, Antelope, Arago, Arapahoe, Arborville, Arthur, Ashby, Ashton, Atlanta, Baker, Barada, Barley, Bartlett, Bassett, Beaver, Beaver, Beaver, Beaver, Beaver City, Bedford, Benkelman No. 1, Benkelman No. 2, Benkelman No. 3, Benton, Bethel, Beverly, Big Blue, Big Springs, Blackwood, Blackwood, Blaine, Blaine, Blue Creek, Bondville, Boone, Bowen, Box Elder, Brace, Bradshaw, Brady, Brenna, Brewster, Brinkerhoff, Broadwater, Brown, Brownville, Brule, Bruning, Brush Creek, Bryan, Buckley, Bushnell, Cambridge, Castle Rock, Cedar, Center, Central Loup City, Champion-Lamar, Chapin, Chappell, Chester, Clearwater, Cleveland, Cleveland, Cleveland, Clover Valley, Cody, Coleman, Concord, Cornell, Cotesfield, Cottonwood, Covington, Coyote, Cozad, Crete, Crookston, Cub Creek, Culbertson, Curtis, Custer, Dakota, Danbury, Dannebrog, Dannevirke, Davenport, De Witt, Deer Creek, Deerfield, Deshler, Dewey Tabor, Dix, Dorchester, Douglas, Driftwood, Driftwood, Dry Cedar, Dublin-Bonanza, Dunning, Earl, East Bayard, East Camp Clarke, East Gordon, East Laird, East Muddy, East Muddy, East Valley, East Winters Creek, Eastern, Eden, Edison, Elba, Eleven, Elk, Elk Creek, Elwood 7-22, Elwood 7-23, Emerson, Endicott, Ericson, Erina, Eureka, Fairbury, Fairdale-Logan, Fairfield, Fairview, Fairview, Falls City, Fanning, Farnam, Fifteen, Ford, Foster, Franklin, Freedom, Friend, Fritsch, Funston, Gage Valley, Gandy, Garfield, Garfield, Garfield, Gering, German, Germanville, Gerver, Gibson, Gilchrist, Gillan, Gillaspie, Glen Rock, Goose Creek, Gothenburg, Government, Gracy, Grant, Grant, Grant, Grant, Grant, Greeley, Gurley, Haigler, Hall, Hall, Hamlet, Hancock, Hardy, Harrison, Harrison, Harrison, Harrison, Harrison, Hay Springs, Hayes Center, Haynes, Hays, Hebron North, Hebron South, Helena, Henderson, Hendley, Hershey, High Ridge, Highland, Highland, Highland, Highland, Hinman, Holbrook, Hollinger, Hopewell, Horrell, Hoskins, Hubbard, Humboldt, Hunter, Hyannis, Imperial East, Imperial Rural, Imperial West, Indianola, Jefferson, Jefferson, Johnstown, Kelso, Kennebec, Kennedy, Kent, Kilgore, Kimball No. 1, Kimball No. 2, King, Kinkaid, Kinkaid, Kiowa, Kirkwood, Knowles, Lackey, Lafayette, Laws, Lay, Lebanon, Lemley, Leroy, Leslie, Lexington, Liberty, Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln, Lisco, Lockridge, Lodgepole, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Lonergan, Long Pine, Long Springs, Lost Creek, Loup, Loup Fork, Madison Square, Maple Grove, Maxwell, McFadden, Medicine, Meridian, Merriman, Midvale, Mills, Mills, Mirage, Missouri Ridge, Mitchell, Monroe, Moorefield, Morton, Mother Lake, Muddy, Mullen, Nelson, Nemaha, Nemaha, Nemaha, Nenzel, New Era, New York, Newport, Newton, Norden, North Branch-Shell Creek, North Camp Clarke, North Dry Creek, North Fork, North Loup City, North Manchester, North Pine, North Platte, North Rushville, North Star, North Valley, Oakland, Ohio, Olive, Omadi, Orafino, Osborn, Osgood, Oshkosh No. 1, Ough, Overton, Oxford, Palisade, Paxton, Perry, Peru, Pewaukee, Pierce, Platte, Pleasant, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant View, Plum Creek, Plum Creek, Plum Grove, Plymouth, Porter, Posen, Potter, Purdum, Red Willow, Redington, Richland, Ridnour, Ringgold, Riverside, Robb, Rock Creek, Rockford, Rockville, Roosevelt, Rosedale, Roubadeau, Rulo, Rural Ogallala, Russell, Russell, Salem, Scotia, Selden, Sellers, Sheep Creek, Sheridan, Sherman, Sherman, Sidney 2, Sidney 3, Sidney 4, Sidney 5, Slough, South Branch, South Dry Creek, South Fork, South Loup City, South Pine, South Rushville, South Sheridan, Southeast Manchester, Southwest Manchester, Spalding, Speiser, Spring Creek, Spring Creek, Spring Creek, St. Johns, St. Libory, St. Paul, Stapleton No. 1, Stapleton No. 2, Starkey, Sterling, Stewart, Stockville, Strahan, Stratton, Sutherland, Swan, Swan Creek, Swan Lake, Taylor, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thornburg, Thurman, Todd Creek, Trenton, Tryon, Turkey Creek, Turkey Creek, Tyrone, Union, Union, Union Valley, Upper Driftwood, Valentine, Valley, Valley Grange, Vesta, Victor, Waco, Wallace, Warsaw, Washington, Washington, Wauneta, Weaver, Webster, Wells, West Bayard, West Blue, West Camp Clarke, West Gordon, West Laird, West Muddy, West Muddy, West Winters Creek, Western, Whistle Creek, Whitetail, Whitewater, Whitman, Wilber, Wilbur, Willow Creek, Willow Grove, Willow Springs, Wilsonville, Wolbach, Wood Lake, Wood River, Worden, Wounded Knee, Zimmer

Adams, Addison, Albany, Alda, Algernon, Alma, Ansley, Antelope, Antelope, Antelope, Arcadia, Arnold, Ash Grove, Atkinson, Ayr, Barneston, Basin, Bazile, Beaver, Belle, Belle Prairie, Bennett, Berwyn, Blaine, Blaine, Blaine, Blakely, Blue Springs-Wymore, Bohemia, Bristow, Broken Bow, Bryant, Burnett, Bush, Butte, Cameron, Cedar, Cedar, Center, Central, Central, Chambers, Chapman, Chelsea, Clark, Clarksville, Clatonia, Clearwater, Cleveland, Cleveland, Cliff, Coleman, Columbia, Comstock, Concord, Conley, Corner, Cosmo, Cottonwood, Cottonwood, Council Creek, Crawford, Creighton, Custer, Custer, Daily, Davis Creek, Delight, Deloit, Denver, Dolphin, Doniphan, Douglas Grove, Dowling, Dustin, East Bloomington, East Custer, East Newman, Eastern, Eaton, Eden, Edgar, Eldorado, Eldorado, Elgin, Elim, Elk Creek, Ellsworth, Elm, Elm, Elyria, Emerson, Emerson, Emmet, Enterprise, Eureka, Ewing, Exeter-Fairmont Consolidated, Fairfield, Fairfield, Fairview, Filley, Francis, Frankfort, Franklin, Frenchtown, Fullerton, Galena, Garfield, Garfield, Geneva, Genoa, Geranium, Glengary, Glenvil, Glenwood, Golden, Grafton, Grant, Grant, Grant, Grant, Grant, Grattan, Green Valley, Hamilton, Hanover, Hanover, Harrison, Harrison, Harvard, Hayes, Hayes, Herrick, Highland, Highland, Hill, Holt, Holt Creek, Hooker, Hooker, Independent, Inland, Inman, Iowa, Island Grove, Jackson, Jefferson, Josie, Juniata, Kenesaw, Kilfoil, Lake, Lake, Leicester, Lewis, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Lillian, Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln, Little Blue, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Lone Tree, Lone Tree, Loup, Loup, Loup Ferry, Lowell, Lynch, Lynn, Macon, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Martin, May, Mayfield, McClure, McCulley, Mead, Michigan, Midland, Midland, Milburn, Miller, Mirage, Momence, Morton, Morton, Mullally, Mullen, Myrtle, Neligh, Nemaha, Newark, Newcastle, Niobrara, Noble, North Frankfort, North Franklin, North Loup, Oakdale, Oneida, Ord, Ord, Orleans, Ottercreek, Paddock, Paddock, Peoria, Pleasant View, Ponca, Prairie Creek, Prairie Creek, Prairie Creek, Prairie Dog, Prairie Island, Raymond, Republican City, Reuben, Riverside, Rock Falls, Rockford, Roseland, Royal, Ryno, Salem, Sand Creek, Sappa, Saratoga, Sargent, Scandinavia, School Creek, Scott, Shamrock, Sheridan, Sheridan, Sherman, Sherman, Sherman, Shields, Sicily, Silver Creek, Silver Lake, Silvercreek, South Branch, South Loup, South Platte, Spade, Sparta, Spencer, Spring Creek, Spring Grove, Spring Ranch, Springbank, Springdale, Stanton, Stanton, Steel Creek, Stuart, Sutton, Swan, Timber Creek, Triumph, Turkey Creek, Turkey Creek, Union, Valley, Verdigre, Verdigris, Verdigris, Verona, Victoria, Vieregg, Vinton, Wakefield, Walnut Grove, Wanda, Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, Wayne, West Blue, West Blue, West Newman, West Union, Western, Westerville, Willow, Willowdale, Wood River, Wood River, Wyoming, Yale, Zero

Adams, Alda, Alexandria, Allen, Amherst, Anoka, Anselmo, Ansley, Arcadia, Arnold, Arthur, Ashton, Atlanta, Axtell, Ayr, Barada, Barneston, Bartlett, Bartley, Bazile Mills, Belden, Belgrade, Belvidere, Benedict, Bertrand, Berwyn, Big Springs, Bladen, Bloomington, Bradshaw, Brady, Brewster, Bristow, Broadwater, Brock, Brownville, Brule, Bruning, Brunswick, Burchard, Burton, Bushnell, Butte, Byron, Cairo, Callaway, Campbell, Carleton, Carroll, Cedar Rapids, Center, Chambers, Chapman, Chester, Clarks, Clatonia, Clearwater, Clinton, Cody, Coleridge, Comstock, Concord, Cook, Cortland, Cotesfield, Cowles, Crab Orchard, Crookston, Culbertson, Cushing, Dalton, Danbury, Dannebrog, Davenport, Dawson, Daykin, De Witt, Deweese, Diller, Dix, Dixon, Doniphan, Dorchester, Du Bois, Dunning, Eddyville, Edison, Elba, Elk Creek, Elm Creek, Elsie, Elwood, Elyria, Emerson, Emmet, Endicott, Ericson, Eustis, Ewing, Exeter, Fairmont, Farnam, Farwell, Filley, Fordyce, Foster, Funk, Gandy, Gilead, Giltner, Glenvil, Grafton, Greeley Center, Gresham, Gross, Guide Rock, Gurley, Hadar, Haigler, Halsey, Hamlet, Hampton, Harbine, Hardy, Harrison, Hay Springs, Hayes Center, Hazard, Heartwell, Hemingford, Hendley, Henry, Hershey, Hildreth, Holbrook, Holstein, Homer, Hordville, Hoskins, Howard City, Hubbard, Hubbell, Huntley, Hyannis, Inman, Jackson, Jansen, Johnson, Johnstown, Julian, Juniata, Kenesaw, Kilgore, Lamar, Lawrence, Lebanon, Lewellen, Lewiston, Liberty, Litchfield, Lodgepole, Loomis, Lushton, Lyman, Lynch, Madrid, Magnet, Marquette, Martinsburg, Maskell, Mason City, Maxwell, Maywood, McCool Junction, McGrew, McLean, Melbeta, Merna, Merriman, Miller, Milligan, Monowi, Moorefield, Morrill, Mullen, Naper, Naponee, Nemaha, Nenzel, Newcastle, Newport, Niobrara, Nora, Norman, North Loup, Oak, Oakdale, Obert, Oconto, Odell, Ohiowa, Ong, Orchard, Orleans, Overton, Oxford, Page, Palisade, Palmer, Paxton, Petersburg, Phillips, Pickrell, Pleasanton, Plymouth, Potter, Preston, Primrose, Prosser, Ragan, Republican City, Reynolds, Riverdale, Riverton, Rockville, Roseland, Royal, Rulo, Ruskin, Salem, Santee, Saronville, Scotia, Shelton, Shickley, Sholes, Shubert, Silver Creek, Smithfield, Spalding, Spencer, Springview, St. Helena, Stamford, Stapleton, Steele City, Steinauer, Stella, Sterling, Stockham, Stockville, Strang, Stratton, Stuart, Sumner, Sutherland, Swanton, Table Rock, Taylor, Thayer, Thedford, Tobias, Trenton, Trumbull, Upland, Venango, Verdel, Verdigre, Verdon, Virginia, Waco, Wallace, Waterbury, Wauneta, Wausa, Wellfleet, Western, Whitney, Wilcox, Wilsonville, Winnetoon, Winside, Wolbach, Wood Lake, Wynot

Unified School Districts:
Adams, Ainsworth, Allen, Alliance, Alma, Amherst, Anselmo-Merna, Ansley, Arapahoe, Arcadia, Arnold, Arthur County, Auburn, Aurora, Axtell, Banner County, Battle Creek, Bayard, Beatrice, Bertrand, Bloomfield, Blue Hill, Boone Central, Brady, Bridgeport, Broken Bow, Bruning-Davenport, Burwell, Callaway, Cambridge, Cedar Rapids, Centennial, Central, Centura, Chadron, Chambers, Chase County, Clay Center, Cody-Kilgore, Coleridge, Cozad, Crawford, Creek Valley, Creighton, Crete, Crofton, Cross County, Deshler, Diller-Odell, Doniphan-Trumbull, Dorchester, Dundy County, Elba, Elgin, Elkhorn Valley, Elm Creek, Elwood, Emerson-Hubbard, Eustis-Farnam, Ewing, Exeter-Milligan, Fairbury, Falls, Fillmore, Franklin, Freeman, Friend, Fullerton, Garden County, Gering, Gibbon, Giltner, Gordon-Rushville, Gothenburg, Grand Island, Greeley-Wolbach, Hampton, Hartington, Harvard, Hastings, Hay Springs, Hayes Center, Heartland, Hemingford, Hershey, High Plains, Hitchcock County, Holdrege, Homer, Humboldt Table Rock Steinauer, Hyannis, Johnson County, Johnson-Brock, Kearney, Kenesaw, Keya Paha County, Kimball, Laurel-Concord, Lewiston, Lexington, Leyton, Litchfield, Loomis, Loup, Loup County, Lynch, Maxwell, Maywood, McCook, McCool Junction, McPherson County, Medicine Valley, Meridian, Milford, Minatare, Minden, Mitchell, Morrill, Mullen, Nebraska, Nebraska 1, Neligh-Oakdale, Newcastle, Newman Grove, Niobrara, Norfolk, Norris 160, North Loup Scotia, North Platte, Northwest, O'Neill, Ogallala, Ord, Osmond, Overton, Palmer, Pawnee, Paxton, Pender, Perkins County, Pierce, Plainview, Pleasanton, Ponca, Potter-Dix, Randolph, Ravenna, Red Cloud, Rock County, Sandhills, Santee, Sargent, Scottsbluff, Shelton, Shickley, Sidney, Silver Lake, Sioux County, South Central Nebraska, South Platte, South Sioux City, Southern 1, Southern Valley, Southwest, Spalding, St. Edward, St. Paul, Stapleton, Sterling, Stuart, Sumner-Eddyville-Miller, Superior, Sutherland, Sutton, Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca, Thayer, Thedford, Tri County, Twin Rivers, Valentine, Wakefield, Wallace 65 R, Wauneta-Palisade, Wausa, Wayne, West Boyd, West Holt, Wheeler Central, Wilber-Clatonia, Wilcox-Hildreth, Winside, Wisner-Pilger, Wood River, Wynot, York

ZIP Codes:
57078, 66541, 68030, 68047, 68301, 68303, 68305, 68309, 68310, 68315, 68316, 68318, 68319, 68320, 68321, 68322, 68323, 68325, 68326, 68327, 68328, 68329, 68331, 68332, 68333, 68335, 68337, 68338, 68340, 68341, 68342, 68343, 68345, 68348, 68350, 68351, 68352, 68354, 68355, 68357, 68358, 68359, 68361, 68362, 68365, 68367, 68370, 68371, 68375, 68376, 68377, 68378, 68379, 68380, 68381, 68401, 68406, 68414, 68415, 68416, 68420, 68421, 68422, 68424, 68431, 68433, 68436, 68437, 68440, 68441, 68442, 68443, 68444, 68445, 68447, 68450, 68452, 68453, 68457, 68458, 68460, 68464, 68465, 68466, 68467, 68620, 68622, 68623, 68627, 68628, 68636, 68637, 68638, 68640, 68652, 68654, 68655, 68660, 68663, 68665, 68701, 68710, 68711, 68713, 68714, 68717, 68718, 68719, 68720, 68722, 68723, 68724, 68725, 68726, 68727, 68728, 68729, 68730, 68731, 68732, 68733, 68734, 68735, 68736, 68739, 68740, 68741, 68742, 68743, 68745, 68746, 68747, 68749, 68751, 68752, 68753, 68755, 68756, 68757, 68758, 68759, 68760, 68761, 68763, 68764, 68765, 68766, 68767, 68769, 68770, 68771, 68773, 68774, 68776, 68777, 68778, 68780, 68781, 68783, 68784, 68785, 68786, 68787, 68789, 68790, 68791, 68792, 68801, 68803, 68810, 68812, 68813, 68814, 68815, 68816, 68817, 68818, 68820, 68821, 68822, 68823, 68824, 68825, 68826, 68827, 68828, 68831, 68832, 68833, 68834, 68835, 68836, 68837, 68838, 68840, 68841, 68842, 68843, 68844, 68845, 68846, 68847, 68849, 68850, 68852, 68853, 68854, 68855, 68856, 68858, 68859, 68860, 68861, 68862, 68863, 68864, 68865, 68866, 68869, 68870, 68871, 68872, 68873, 68874, 68875, 68876, 68878, 68879, 68881, 68882, 68883, 68901, 68920, 68922, 68923, 68924, 68925, 68926, 68927, 68928, 68929, 68930, 68932, 68933, 68934, 68935, 68936, 68937, 68938, 68939, 68940, 68941, 68942, 68943, 68944, 68945, 68946, 68947, 68948, 68949, 68950, 68952, 68954, 68955, 68956, 68957, 68958, 68959, 68960, 68961, 68964, 68966, 68967, 68969, 68970, 68971, 68972, 68973, 68974, 68975, 68976, 68977, 68978, 68979, 68980, 68981, 68982, 69001, 69020, 69021, 69022, 69023, 69024, 69025, 69026, 69027, 69028, 69029, 69030, 69032, 69033, 69034, 69036, 69037, 69038, 69039, 69040, 69041, 69042, 69043, 69044, 69045, 69046, 69101, 69120, 69121, 69122, 69123, 69125, 69127, 69128, 69129, 69130, 69131, 69132, 69133, 69134, 69135, 69138, 69140, 69141, 69142, 69143, 69144, 69145, 69146, 69147, 69148, 69149, 69150, 69151, 69152, 69153, 69154, 69155, 69156, 69157, 69161, 69162, 69163, 69165, 69166, 69167, 69168, 69169, 69170, 69171, 69201, 69210, 69211, 69212, 69214, 69216, 69217, 69218, 69219, 69220, 69221, 69301, 69331, 69333, 69334, 69335, 69336, 69337, 69339, 69340, 69341, 69343, 69345, 69346, 69347, 69348, 69350, 69351, 69352, 69353, 69354, 69355, 69356, 69357, 69358, 69360, 69361, 69365, 69366, 69367, 80758, 82082

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