Population of Turtle Ridge, Irvine, California (Neighborhood)

Map of Population by Block Group in Turtle Ridge

Population Density Population by Block Group#1

Population per square mile of land (excluding water areas):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Map of Population by Block in Turtle Ridge

Population Density Population by Block#3

Population per square mile of land (excluding water areas):
Road Data ©OpenStreetMap


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Population by Neighborhood in Irvine

There are 27 neighborhoods in Irvine. This section compares Turtle Ridge to all of the neighborhoods in Irvine.

Total Population by Neighborhood#5

Scope: population of Turtle Ridge and selected other neighborhoods in Irvine
0k5k10k15k20k#Woodbridge NeighborhoodWoodbridgeNorthwood NeighborhoodNorthwoodWest Park NeighborhoodWest ParkLower Peters Canyon NeighborhoodLower Peters Can…El Camino Real NeighborhoodEl Camino RealUC Irvine NeighborhoodUC IrvineTurtle Rock NeighborhoodTurtle RockWoodbury NeighborhoodWoodburyOak Creek NeighborhoodOak CreekBusiness District NeighborhoodBusiness DistWalnut Village NeighborhoodWalnut VlgUniversity Park NeighborhoodUniv PkQuail Hill NeighborhoodQuail HillNorthwood Point NeighborhoodNorthwood PtUniversity Town Center NeighborhoodUniv Town CtrRancho San Joaquin NeighborhoodRancho San JoaquinTurtle Ridge NeighborhoodTurtle RidgeIrvine Health and Science Complex NeighborhoodIrvine Health and S…Portola Springs NeighborhoodPortola SpgsOrchard Hills NeighborhoodOrchard HillsEast Industrial Complex NeighborhoodE Ind ComplexShady Canyon NeighborhoodShady CanyonEl Toro Marine Air Station NeighborhoodEl Toro Marine Air …San Joaquin Marsh NeighborhoodSan Joaquin Marsh24,346.00000024,346.00000024.35k122,762.00000022,762.00000022.76k222,574.00000022,574.00000022.57k321,884.00000021,884.00000021.88k415,230.00000015,230.00000015.23k514,070.00000014,070.00000014.07k611,266.00000011,266.00000011.27k710,203.00000010,203.00000010.20k810,096.00000010,096.00000010.10k99,472.0000009,472.0000009.47k108,391.0000008,391.0000008.39k118,186.0000008,186.0000008.19k126,394.0000006,394.0000006.39k136,287.0000006,287.0000006.29k146,055.0000006,055.0000006.06k154,105.0000004,105.0000004.11k164,046.0000004,046.0000004.05k172,730.0000002,730.0000002.73k181,569.0000001,569.0000001.57k19990.000000990.0000000.99k20596.000000596.0000000.60k21163.000000163.0000000.16k2223.00000023.0000000.02k233.0000003.0000000.00k24

Population Density by Neighborhood#6

People per square mile (excluding waters).
Scope: population of Turtle Ridge and selected other neighborhoods in Irvine
0k2k4k6k8k10k#University Town Center NeighborhoodUniv Town CtrWest Park NeighborhoodWest ParkLower Peters Canyon NeighborhoodLower Peters Can…Northwood NeighborhoodNorthwoodWoodbridge NeighborhoodWoodbridgeUniversity Park NeighborhoodUniv PkEl Camino Real NeighborhoodEl Camino RealWalnut Village NeighborhoodWalnut VlgUC Irvine NeighborhoodUC IrvineRancho San Joaquin NeighborhoodRancho San JoaquinNorthwood Point NeighborhoodNorthwood PtOak Creek NeighborhoodOak CreekWoodbury NeighborhoodWoodburyQuail Hill NeighborhoodQuail HillTurtle Rock NeighborhoodTurtle RockTurtle Ridge NeighborhoodTurtle RidgeBusiness District NeighborhoodBusiness DistIrvine Health and Science Complex NeighborhoodIrvine Health and S…Portola Springs NeighborhoodPortola SpgsShady Canyon NeighborhoodShady CanyonEast Industrial Complex NeighborhoodE Ind ComplexOrchard Hills NeighborhoodOrchard HillsSan Joaquin Marsh NeighborhoodSan Joaquin MarshEl Toro Marine Air Station NeighborhoodEl Toro Marine Air …11,039.27146811,039.27146811.04k110,954.69113510,954.69113510.95k29,517.6308079,517.6308079.52k39,483.6288089,483.6288089.48k48,952.8648128,952.8648128.95k58,426.0227378,426.0227378.43k68,220.7108178,220.7108178.22k77,136.4553007,136.4553007.14k86,630.7420536,630.7420536.63k96,379.0782016,379.0782016.38k105,570.6367255,570.6367255.57k115,066.5047805,066.5047805.07k124,959.8973644,959.8973644.96k134,498.8964864,498.8964864.50k143,686.7273083,686.7273083.69k151,979.7200711,979.7200711.98k161,902.0793761,902.0793761.90k17742.697207742.6972070.74k18705.004794705.0047940.71k19446.757128446.7571280.45k20360.348948360.3489480.36k21130.592737130.5927370.13k225.6581305.6581300.01k233.2499563.2499560.00k24


This page reports on the population distribution in Turtle Ridge, both in terms of raw head counts, and in terms of population density per square mile.

  • Population: count of all residents of the given entity at the time of the survey, excluding visitors
  • Population Density: population divided by the total land area of the entity (i.e., excluding water areas contained in the entity)

Unlike the other geographical entities detailed on this site, neighborhoods are not recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau. To overcome this we have computed reasonable estimates of the same statistics that are presented for other the entity types. Each statistic is computed as the weighted sum or average of the census tracts or block groups that overlap the neighborhood. A weighted sum is used for counts of people or households, and a weighted average is used for statistics that are themselves some form of average, such as median household income. Census block groups are preferred when the statistic in question is available on the block group level. The weight for a given tract (or block group) is computed as the population of the census tabulation blocks that occupy the intersection between the tract and the neighborhood as a fraction of the total population of the neighborhood.

For additional information about the data presented on this site, including our sources, please see the About Page.

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