Percentage racial composition by school grade level.
Scope: population of Texas and ZIP Code 77951
School Enrollment by Place in ZIP Code 77951
There is 1 place that are fully or partially contained within ZIP Code 77951 (0 fully and 1 partially). This section compares all 1 of those to each other, ZIP Code 77951, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 77951.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77951, selected places in ZIP Code 77951, and entities that contain ZIP Code 77951
School Enrollment by County Subdivision in ZIP Code 77951
There is 1 county subdivision that are fully or partially contained within ZIP Code 77951 (0 fully and 1 partially). This section compares all 1 of those to each other, ZIP Code 77951, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 77951.
Percentage more females (or males) enrolled in an undergraduate institution.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77951, selected county subdivisions in ZIP Code 77951, and entities that contain ZIP Code 77951
More Females
More Males
Private Preschool Enrollment by County Subdivision#16
Percentage of total preschool enrollment.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77951, selected county subdivisions in ZIP Code 77951, and entities that contain ZIP Code 77951
Private High School Enrollment by County Subdivision#17
Percentage of total high school enrollment.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77951, selected county subdivisions in ZIP Code 77951, and entities that contain ZIP Code 77951
Private Undergraduate Enrollment by County Subdivision#18
Percentage of total undergraduate enrollment.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77951, selected county subdivisions in ZIP Code 77951, and entities that contain ZIP Code 77951
School Enrollment by Zip Code in the Victoria Area
There are 17 zip codes in the Victoria Area. This section compares ZIP Code 77951 to all of the zip codes in the Victoria Area and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 77951.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77951, selected other zip codes in the Victoria Area, and entities that contain ZIP Code 77951
School Enrollment by Zip Code in Texas
There are 1,940 zip codes in Texas. This section compares ZIP Code 77951 to all of the zip codes in Texas and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 77951.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77951, selected other zip codes in Texas, and entities that contain ZIP Code 77951
School Enrollment by Zip Code in the South
There are 11,301 zip codes in the South. This section compares ZIP Code 77951 to all of the zip codes in the South and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 77951.
Scope: population of ZIP Code 77951, selected other zip codes in the South, and entities that contain ZIP Code 77951
School Enrollment by Zip Code in the United States
There are 32,990 zip codes in the United States. This section compares ZIP Code 77951 to all of the zip codes in the United States and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with ZIP Code 77951.