Educational Attainment in the United States

Educational Attainment#1

Highest level of education among people aged 25 years and older.
Scope: population of the United States
United States
0%10%20%30%40%CountHigher Degree1H.S. Diploma2No H.S. Diploma238.491851%38.491851%38.5%82,237,51182.2M48.487559%48.487559%48.5%103,593,256104M13.020590%13.020590%13.0%27,818,38027.8M

Detailed Educational Attainment#2

Highest level of education among people aged 25 years and older.
Scope: population of the United States
United States
0%5%10%15%20%25%CountDoctorate1Professional1Master's1Bachelor's1Associate's1Some CollegeHigh School2Some H.S.3Less than H.S.3None1.339910%1.339910%1.3%2,862,7072.86M1.996248%1.996248%2.0%4,264,9664.26M8.167687%8.167687%8.2%17,450,19417.5M18.811177%18.811177%18.8%40,189,92040.2M8.176828%8.176828%8.2%17,469,72417.5M20.956248%20.956248%21.0%44,772,84544.8M27.531311%27.531311%27.5%58,820,41158.8M7.444199%7.444199%7.4%15,904,46715.9M4.152553%4.152553%4.2%8,871,8948.87M1.423839%1.423839%1.4%3,042,0193.04M

Educational Attainment Sex Ratio#3

Percentage more likely men or women are to have various highest levels of education among people aged 25 years and older.
Scope: population of the United States
More Females
More Males
5%0%5%10%FMHigher Degree1H.S. Diploma2No H.S. Diploma2-5.680584%-5.680584%6%39.517%39.5%37.393%37.4%1.610756%1.610756%2%48.114%48.1%48.889%48.9%10.907029%10.907029%11%12.369%12.4%13.719%13.7%

Detailed Educational Attainment Sex Ratio#4

Percentage more likely men or women are to have various highest levels of education among people aged 25 years and older.
Scope: population of the United States
More Females
More Males
20%0%20%40%FMDoctorate1Professional1Master's1Bachelor's1Associate's1Some CollegeHigh School2Some H.S.3Less than H.S.3None59.026528%59.026528%59%1.043%1.04%1.658%1.66%48.492399%48.492399%48%1.618%1.62%2.402%2.40%-17.934489%-17.934489%18%8.815%8.81%7.474%7.47%-2.272661%-2.272661%2%19.015%19.0%18.593%18.6%-24.239049%-24.239049%24%9.027%9.03%7.266%7.27%-2.923199%-2.923199%3%21.247%21.2%20.644%20.6%5.130854%5.130854%5%26.866%26.9%28.244%28.2%14.904521%14.904521%15%6.945%6.94%7.980%7.98%7.698033%7.698033%8%4.004%4.00%4.312%4.31%0.412373%0.412373%0%1.421%1.42%1.427%1.43%

Bachelor's Degrees By Age#5

Percentage of age cohort whose highest degree is a Bachelor's.
Scope: population of the United States
United States

Bachelor's Degrees Sex Ratio By Age#6

Percentage more likely men or women are to have their highest degree be a Bachelor's.
Scope: population of the United States
More Females
More Males

Median Earnings by Educational Attainment#7

Among population 25 years old and over with earnings.
Scope: population of the United States
United States
$0k$20k$40k$60kCount%Graduate Degree1Bachelor's DegreeSome CollegeH.S. Diploma2No H.S. Diploma2Total$67,832.000000$67,832.000000$67.8k24,577,86724.6M11.504%11.5%$51,094.000000$51,094.000000$51.1k40,189,92040.2M18.811%18.8%$34,412.000000$34,412.000000$34.4k62,242,56962.2M29.133%29.1%$28,672.000000$28,672.000000$28.7k58,820,41158.8M27.531%27.5%$20,924.000000$20,924.000000$20.9k27,818,38027.8M13.021%13.0%$36,810.000000$36,810.000000$36.8k213,649,147214M100.000%100%

Median Earnings by Educational Attainment#8

By sex among population 25 years old and over with earnings.
Scope: population of the United States
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.
$50k$0k$50kFMGraduate Degree1Bachelor's DegreeSome CollegeH.S. Diploma2No H.S. Diploma2Total$-56,859.000000$-56,859.000000$56.9k$56,859.000000$28,268.000000$85,127.000000$85.1k12,684,35312.7M11,893,51411.9M$-42,154.000000$-42,154.000000$42.2k$42,154.000000$20,088.000000$62,242.000000$62.2k21,018,91021.0M19,171,01019.2M$-28,692.000000$-28,692.000000$28.7k$28,692.000000$13,039.000000$41,731.000000$41.7k33,464,56433.5M28,778,00528.8M$-22,571.000000$-22,571.000000$22.6k$22,571.000000$11,439.000000$34,010.000000$34.0k29,697,17329.7M29,123,23829.1M$-15,831.000000$-15,831.000000$15.8k$15,831.000000$8,813.000000$24,644.000000$24.6k13,672,95813.7M14,145,42214.1M$-31,001.000000$-31,001.000000$31.0k$31,001.000000$11,649.000000$42,650.000000$42.7k110,537,958111M103,111,189103M

Composition of the Armed Forces by Educational Attainment#9

Percentage of the armed forces aged 25 to 64 years old with various highest levels of educational attainment.
Scope: population of the United States
United States
0%10%20%30%40%CountBachelor's Degree1Some College2H.S. Diploma3No H.S. Diploma337.814107%37.814107%37.8%234,196234k48.434369%48.434369%48.4%299,971300k13.428920%13.428920%13.4%83,17083.2k0.322604%0.322604%0.3%1,998

Employment by Educational Attainment#10

Percentage of population that is employed by highest level of educational attainment among the population aged 25 to 64 years old.
Scope: population of the United States
United States
0%20%40%60%80%CountBachelor's Degree1Some College2H.S. Diploma3No H.S. Diploma383.226008%83.226008%83.2%44,288,09044.3M74.180718%74.180718%74.2%37,823,02837.8M66.788302%66.788302%66.8%29,245,62329.2M53.682838%53.682838%53.7%10,456,37010.5M

Lacking High School Diploma By Race#11

Percent of racial or ethnic group lacking a high school diploma (or equivalent).
Scope: population of the United States
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.

College Graduates By Race#12

Percent of racial or ethnic group with a bachelor's degree or higher.
Scope: population of the United States
Shaded bar tips show excess over facing bar.

Map of Educational Attainment by State in the United States

Coarse: Post-Secondary Degree Educational Attainment by State#13

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Coarse: High School Diploma Educational Attainment by State#14

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Coarse: No High School Diploma Educational Attainment by State#15

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Doctorate Degree Educational Attainment by State#16

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Professional Degree Educational Attainment by State#17

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Master's Degree Educational Attainment by State#18

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Bachelor's Degree Educational Attainment by State#19

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Associate's Degree Educational Attainment by State#20

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Some College Educational Attainment by State#21

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: High School Diploma or Equivalent Educational Attainment by State#22

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Some High School Educational Attainment by State#23

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Less than High School Educational Attainment by State#24

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: None Educational Attainment by State#25

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment
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Map of Educational Attainment by County in the United States

Coarse: Post-Secondary Degree Educational Attainment by County#26

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Coarse: High School Diploma Educational Attainment by County#27

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Coarse: No High School Diploma Educational Attainment by County#28

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Doctorate Degree Educational Attainment by County#29

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Professional Degree Educational Attainment by County#30

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Master's Degree Educational Attainment by County#31

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Bachelor's Degree Educational Attainment by County#32

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Associate's Degree Educational Attainment by County#33

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Some College Educational Attainment by County#34

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: High School Diploma or Equivalent Educational Attainment by County#35

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Some High School Educational Attainment by County#36

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: Less than High School Educational Attainment by County#37

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment

Detailed: None Educational Attainment by County#38

Percentage of the population 25 years and older with given highest level of educational attainment