Overview of Congressional District 5, Ohio (Congressional District)


Adams, Allen, Allen, Amanda, Amboy, Antrim, Auglaize, Bartlow, Benton, Benton, Biglick, Black Creek, Blanchard, Blanchard, Blanchard, Bloom, Blue Creek, Brady, Bridgewater, Brown, Buck, Butler, Carryall, Cass, Center, Center, Center, Cessna, Chesterfield, Clay, Clinton, Crane, Crane, Crawford, Damascus, Defiance, Delaware, Delaware, Dover, Dublin, Dudley, Eagle, Eden, Emerald, Farmer, Flatrock, Florence, Franklin, Freedom, Freedom, Fulton, German, Gorham, Goshen, Grand Rapids, Greensburg, Hale, Harding, Harris, Harrison, Harrison, Harrison, Henry, Hicksville, Highland, Hoaglin, Hopewell, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jefferson, Jefferson, Jennings, Jennings, Lake, Latty, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Lynn, Madison, Madison, Marion, Marion, Marion, Mark, Marseilles, McDonald, Middleton, Mifflin, Milford, Mill Creek, Milton, Monclova, Monroe, Monroe, Monterey, Montgomery, Napoleon, Noble, Northwest, Orange, Ottawa, Palmer, Paulding, Perry, Perry, Perrysburg, Pike, Pitt, Plain, Pleasant, Pleasant, Pleasant, Pleasant, Pleasant, Portage, Portage, Providence, Pulaski, Richfield, Richfield, Richland, Richland, Ridge, Ridge, Ridgeville, Riley, Roche de Boeuf, Roundhead, Royalton, Salem, Salem, Spencer, Springfield, Springfield, St. Joseph, Sugar Creek, Superior, Swan Creek, Swanton, Sycamore, Sylvania, Taylor Creek, Tiffin, Troy, Tully, Tymochtee, Union, Union, Union, Union, Van Buren, Van Buren, Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, Waterville, Wayne, Webster, Weston, Willshire, York, York

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